Derek’s Newsletter S C O R P I O Late October/November 2021

“Warrior I AM and from the battle I emerge triumphant”

Hello Friends & Clients around the globe – it is time for my Scorpio Newsletter to reach you!

What “battles” have you been involved with in recent weeks? More and more I think that people who are on a spiritual path are trying to combine an inner search and the effort to find their own freedom, with a simultaneous effort to add what they can to the process of world transformation. 

The requirements are unique because the spiritual student who choses this path is working with the very thing from which she/he is trying to separate themselves – they are working with the sources of maya and illusion, the unregenerate three worlds of the physical, emotional and mental planes.

The spiritual student is therefore challenging not only stupidity, sloth, jealousy, envy and other similar human characteristics, but also those conscious and intelligent forces which seek human destruction & despoilation of life. And all of this comes to a head in the challenges to be met in this zodiacal sign Scorpio.

What a powerful Keynote for this month, so let’s go straight into the energies represented here.

In the cult of the WARRIOR-SAGE, we see a new form of spirituality based on naturalness, truth and an unpretentious lifestyle. The Warrior knows that he/she is not perfect. But such a person is an individual beyond the automatic tick-tock behaviour of the majority who want life to be comfortable, safe and guaranteed. Such an individual is not afraid to express themself or wield power if necessary.  The Warrior-Sage, detached as he/she is from their own death, is not looking to survive – they concentrate upon living. And because of that they are powerful. The Universe challenges us to overcome our deficiencies and so become more living. Indeed, we can say that increased “livingness” on all levels is the true mark of the spiritual student. The realization is that many of the mysteries of life will always remain hidden if we settle comfortably with a “not knowing” attitude. All you can offer the world is your strength, your honour, and the quality of your quest exemplified by your life. If you step inside the Warrior-Sage philosophy you are left with just yourself – but at least you are left with a person you can trust. The Supreme Commander of these warriors of the Inner World is FAITH.

And with these initial thoughts, we are now ready to dive deeper into the mysteries of Scorpio and the planet Mars.

The planet MARS rules Scorpio by Night and Aries by Day. Mars as ruler in Aries is the work we do in the outer world, and Mars as ruler in Scorpio is the work we do in the deepest part of our psyche, the underworld.

Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, rules the birth of a separate self, emerging from the cosmic ocean of the previous water sign of Pisces. In Scorpio, the 8th. sign, we have not birth but death – followed by rebirth.

Mars is the God of War and the purpose of Mars as planetary ruler of Scorpio is War on the ego, the lower parts of our being, the end of our separative & competitive aggressive nature. The purpose of Mars here is to destroy old forms so that the more highly evolved aspects of one’s nature can take their place.

It is in the waters of Scorpio that Mars can express its highest or potentially most negative expression. The fire of Mars combined with the regenerative waters of the Scorpio Mars stimulates this liquid until it is bubbling with desire. 

“The Gateways of Heaven are wide open if you die in War” says Lord Krishna. We all know how this concept has become distorted & misinterpreted by various militant fundamentalists groups. Yet Lord Krishna also adds, “You have to elevate yourself by your own self”, and that is the secret of Scorpio.

Mars is the most positive planet after the Sun and Uranus in the whole solar system. He presides over the battle of life. Mars is a measurement of your courage. We need a strong Mars in our horoscope to have the courage, the physical energy and stamina to meet with life’s difficulties and pressures.

Some astrologers and many everyday persons are inclined to believe that this planet has nothing to bestow on the spiritual path. That is absolutely not correct as the positive dynamism of Mars is the first requirement of the spiritual path. Great courage and the power to take hold of a situation and the self-assertion to subdue the lower side of man are bestowed by this planet. 

It is a process of purifying the lower nature by exhausting the animal instincts, so that Mars gives the strength and courage to master one’s own vitality, to conquer the beast within and like the great champion of old, Hercules, go through all tests & trials successfully.

It has been said that pain & sorrow are known only on 3 planets: Saturn, Mars & our Earth. And our Earth is uniquely the “Planet of releasing Sorrow and of Purifying Pain.”

And so the fire of Mars is combined with the regenerative waters of Scorpio and a great personal alchemy can take place.

This year on Sunday 31st. October transit Mars will enter Scorpio and be in this sign until mid-December when it journeys into Sagittarius. That provides us with 6 weeks of intensive energies, a period to demonstrate that we can indeed conquer a personality trait that requires our attention, or a set of circumstances that challenges us to use our focussed will-power & stamina and turn things around, and become that alchemist in both word & deed.

Are you up to the challenge? 

SCORPIO is indeed a mysterious sign, full of secrets and magic.

In a few days time we shall be celebrating ALL HALLOW’S EVE, the Celtic Festival of Samhain, Festival of Peace which marks the beginning of the Dark Half of the Year. 

In modern terminology this is HALLOWEEN, a 3-Day Festival climaxing on the evening of 31st.October. There are 13 months to the Celtic Year, 12 of which are roughly equivalent to our present ones, but with the inclusion of a short 3-Day month at the end of October which led up to the start of the Celtic New Year. This Druidic Calendar of 13 months was a number sacred to the Goddess – but to the early Christians, it was the “evil” number. 

With the coming of Christianity, this festival was turned into the Christian festivals of All Souls Day & All Saint’s Day, with Halloween as the start of this 3-Day period. Here we can see most clearly the way in which Christianity built on pagan foundations. 

All Saints Day (2nd. November) is quite different to All Souls Day (1st. November). All Saints Day celebrates the existence of those who have reach some degree of spirituality. All Souls Day celebrates those who have not reached this level.  It’s purpose is the acknowledgement of an illustrious group of Beings, who may be seen as the Body of Christ or the House of Israel, the Blessed Ones or the Inner Council of Mankind, according to the terms of your tradition. The worldwide traditions of Ancestor worship is still not appreciated by our Christian societies.

During such ceremonies, contact might be made with your own particular inner Teacher – thus, the Festival is not just remembrance of their existence, but a meeting place in time, between us below and those above who are involved with the One Work. 

For the Celtic civilization just before midnight on Sunday 31st. October this year and the Eve of November 1st. the veil between this world and the Otherworld is thinnest and beings of all kinds can slip easily from one to another. This was the start of their New Year, the most important Festival of their 8 Grove festivals.

Today in our Christian culture, we celebrate the seasonal Festivals of Christmas & Easter as the high points in the yearly calendar, and yet the Celtic nations observed their own religious festivals based upon the cycles of the Earth in relation to the Sun and Moon. We could point out that the birth of the Christ-child Jesus in December has become the one and only true “marker” for the Christian year and that other seasonal festivals, such as the recent September Harvest time, which used to be significant, does not seem to affect our lifestyles either as individual’s or as a community.

In contrast, the Druids celebrated 8 Festivals, which we would call “markers” which means that approximately every 6 weeks, the individual and the community had the opportunity to step out of the everyday life and honour the cyclic processes of life. In today’s fragmented society, it is no wonder that we feel ourselves out of touch with the movement and harmony of life, especially when we recall our attitudes to the high points of the Christian calendar, and what we choose to emphasize at Christmas and Easter time.

The essential nature of the Druidic religion reduces easily to one basic duality. For the Celts, all reality was a direct reflection from either the SUN realm (masculine, active sphere) or the MOON realm (feminine, absorbing sphere). All matters, be it physical or mystic, were seen in the light of masculine or feminine. 

And so they divided the year first by the 4 fixed points in the solar calendar, the Solstices (Midsummer & Midwinter Day) and Equinoxes (Spring & Autumn), which are four distinct moments that mark the most intense points of the Seasons. And then they further divided the year by 4 other Festivals, which mark the moments when one season changes into the next, and these were called the 4 Cross-Quarter days. They were in-between times, more fluid or moveable in their placing in the calendar, whose exact day of celebration was determined by where the Full Moon fell within that month i.e. Samhain (November Eve), Imbolic (February Eve), Beltane (May Eve) and Lugnassad (August Eve). 

These were the 4 MOON Festivals and the Solstices & Equinox points were the 4 SUN Festivals, so that the Druid calendar had a balanced scheme of interlocking masculine & feminine energies.

So when we celebrate HALLOWEEN this year we can have some fun going “trick or treat” in our neighbourhood, yet the deeper significance can also be enjoyed. As part of our family traditions we shall have various activities with a group of children & adults.

Apple games are played on Halloween or rather the Samhain Festival, because the apple was sacred to the Crone Goddess. 

One classic game is filling a large basin with water and lots of apples floating on the surface – and then we go “Bobbing for Apples” – as we try to catch within our mouth the golden APPLES OF IMMORTALITY. The giving powers of the Goddess are inherent in the apple so this fruit was a symbol for Eternal Life in the Celtic Paradise. Celtic Kings received the magical apples of Immortality from the Goddess to signify their sacred marriage to the Goddess of the Land. 

The apple which Eve gave to Adam was the maligned Goddess’s sacred fruit of Eternal Life.

According to some, the Apple Tree is one of the simplest expressions of the Tree of Life – it is the Otherworld or Underworld Tree that reveals eternal potential. They are the mystical fruit of the Greek Hesperides, or of southern England’s Avalon, the mystical Isle of Apples. If humans take up this fruit and eat, they may be poisoned, destroyed or driven mad. Apples are the fruit of raw untransformed power – no mortal may consume the fruit of Divinity safely. We may not aspire to higher consciousness without losing our ignorance. And the ignorant must not eat of its fruit – for within the apple is contained a Pythagorean Pentagram. Cutting the apple across reveals the fivefold pips which form a pentacle, the magical pentacle at its core, the Underworld Goddess hidden with Demeter/Ceres, the Earth Mother.

During All Hallow Eve, in Druidic Britain and Ireland, the common people carved large turnips or pumpkins into hideous faces, into which they then placed a lighted candle. These were then placed on a windowsill or doorstep of the household, to protect the family from the Otherworld beings which roamed from dawn to dusk on Samhain. Why a head?

This is because the “Noble Head” of the Celtic people was an ancient symbol of protection, stemming from the legend of Bran the Blessed. Bran was a great King from the Time of Legends, who ordered that his head be cut off and buried in London’s White Hill – where the White Tower of London still stands – facing across the English Channel, so that the land would be forever safe from foreign invasion. 

But even this legend has its roots in the older Celtic traditions that the seat of the human soul resides in the head. So the carved pumpkins of today, stand to evoke the protection of Bran’s Head – and a circle of 9 pumpkins functioned as the supreme Druidic protective system, this circle being set up in the morning before the “Summoning” of the Elemental powers. This will be one of my magical “jobs” to complete in our large garden, under the Apple Trees, before our Halloween party begins.

So the name HALLOWEEN is actually derived from the word HALLOWS and it was the Quest for the 4 HALLOWS or 4 “Holy Things” which are the essence of this Festival, for they represent the fourfold energies of Creation. 

What are these 4 “Holy Things”? 

Well, Christianity has at best, only emphasized one item – the Grail Cup – yet the Celtic Cosmology honoured all 4 Hallows, and this provides us with a true vision of Wholeness.

Our task is to both recognize and respect the 4 Elements within us, and to give them expression through our creative and imaginative lifestyle. To accomplish this we can work more consciously with the Cycle of the Sun and the unfoldment of the 4 Seasons.These 4 Hallows of the Celtic Traditions are:

  1. THE SWORD OF LIGHT in the East, the dispeller of illusion, cutting through obstacles;

  2. THE SPEAR OF DESTINY in the South, that challenges what is false, the instrument that both wounds & heals. Also known as the Magical Wand;

  3. THE GRAIL CUP in the West, whose function is that of Healing and Abundance. The Grail Winner is often called “He/She who Frees the Waters”;

  4. THE STONE OF WISDOM in the North, the Stone of the Lady of the Land, the Preserver of Knowledge & Guardian of Tradition. Like the frozen darkness of winter earth, it keeps the secrets of new growth locked up until the appropriate time for revelation.

Those of you who have been exposed to the archetypal images of the TAROT cards will have no difficulty in making the connection to the 4 Elemental suits of SWORDS (AIR), SPEAR/WANDS (FIRE), CUPS (WATER) & STONE/DISKS (EARTH).

Everything is interconnected, and this we know intuitively, and since we are in the month of the water sign SCORPIO, what will you make of this statement  from the book “Esoteric Astrology”:

“The 4th. or Human Hierarchy – is assigned no particular Element

 (such as Fire, Water, Air or Earth) as it has to fuse and synthesize them all.

This is part of the great tests of Initiation under Scorpio.”

This is a powerful statement about the enormous significance of the sign Scorpio in our human evolution. Water signs represent “the urge to merge” and here in Scorpio the great lessons of Alchemy are made possible. This is undoubtedly the true significance of strength & power. 

Earlier on we were reading about Bran’s Head, the use of the pumpkin and that the Celts viewed the head as being the seat of the soul.

Let’s look at the symbolism of Scorpio one more time. Yes, people often refer to this sign as that depicting the scorpion or the snake/serpent – but what about it’s higher manifestation – the high flying eagle?

The eagle is the only creature on planet Earth that by its own effort reaches the highest skies. And it is a hunter – yes, a Hunter for Truth! What magnificent symbolism before us!

Think about all 12 zodiac signs and their associated symbols – it is only the polarity of SCORPIO-TAURUS that is connected with birds. These winged beings are Messengers connecting Above with Below. We have the Dove associated with Taurus and the Eagle with Scorpio and for the Celts these two signs divided the Year into the Light & Dark halves.

There is a universal teaching here and if we travel to Eternal Egypt we will soon be exposed to images of the BA, a bird with a human head, emerging from the head of the deceased, and representing their concept of the soul. It is in this form that it could leave and re-enter the tomb as well.

It is the zodiac sign of Scorpio that is traditionally associated with the death & rebirth process. We let go of the physical dimension and find ourselves travelling through the non-physical dimensions of reality. 

And as I was writing this section of the Newsletter, it was no coincidence that I had just been exposed to the second Harry Potter film on TV where the Phoenix bird plays a major role – so here is another powerful archetypal and alchemical image for Scorpio: the self-renewing Phoenix bird.

There are wonderful teachings around our penetration and exploration of these deeper Scorpionic mysteries of life.

In Alice Bailey’s “Esoteric Astrology”, we can read that the Zodiac itself is divided into 3 parts and therefore 3 ruling Constellations in the Heavens. We are also shown the Cosmic connection of 3 Great Sons of God with these 3 signs:

HERCULES – SCORPIO – Strength through Testing

BUDDHA – TAURUS – Illumination through Struggle

CHRIST – PISCES  - Resurrection through Sacrifice

For those of you who know your astrology, reflect on these correspondences and it is so because testing, trial, desire, illumination, matter, form and salvation are the Keynote of our Solar System and of our own Earth planet in particular. These 3 great Sons of God express Strength, Illumination and Love in full expression.

I would love to continue down this pathway and reveal more, and I shall do this by “going planetary”, looking at our Solar System and specifically, the discovery horoscope of the 3 Outer planets, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.

When URANUS was discovered (13 March 1781) the MOON was positioned at 14½-degrees SCORPIO.

When NEPTUNE was discovered (23 September 1846) the MOON was positioned at 8 degrees SCORPIO.

When PLUTO was discovered (18 February 1930) the MOON was positioned at 13-degrees SCORPIO.

Wow! What are the chances of the Moon being in the same sign of Scorpio for the discovery charts of these Transpersonal or Universal planets, which are spread over 3 centuries, 300 years…..And why is this sign being emphasized? What is the universe trying to show us with these Scorpio placements?

And even Chiron’s discovery chart (1st November 1977) has Scorpio represented by the Sun at 9-degrees Scorpio.

If I look at these planetary patterns and apply the teaching that the Moon in Scorpio “falls” in this sign (“exalted” in the opposite sign of Taurus – technical terms to describe the marriage between a planet & a zodiacal sign)  so its influence fades out, then as the Moon represents our “inherited personality”, 

so the final victory in Scorpio suggests that the personality is vanquished or defeated, desire goes through a death process and a rebirth and redirection. The hidden powers of the soul – secret & misused because misunderstood and misapplied and therefore, misdirected, are now available. 

These are some of the great transformations which take place in the life of a spiritually directed individual who submits intelligently to the tests and difficulties in Scorpio – " Warrior I am and from the battle, I emerge triumphant.”

And in all 3 Discovery charts of the 3 Outer planets in our Solar System, we find the Moon in Scorpio. What great planetary events, planetary transformations and that means planetary Initiations have taken place on these heavenly bodies we cannot know – but planets are the physical dwelling places, the homes for great Spiritual Intelligences. And their entrance into the Collective Mind of Humanity with their discovery in the 18th. 19th. & 20th. Centuries points to our access to the characteristic energies & powers they represent.

Last month’s Newsletter revealed the significance of Chiron’s discovery position at 3 degrees Taurus being repeated in the Uranus discovery chart at also 3-degrees Taurus, and the Pluto discovery chart has Chiron at 10 degrees Taurus. These are no coincidences and it is more than probable that a new book will be written about the deeper meaning of these synchronicities.

For the purposes of this Newsletter let us just remind ourselves that the Moon represents our past and positioned in Scorpio suggests a need to die to the past and make space for a rebirth and regenerated self-image. In astrology we would say that these Outer planets are more connected with our future potential. 

So let me upgrade the whole thing and take you on another journey.

In Astrology we have the teaching that when a new planet is discovered and emerges into the consciousness of humanity, then events on our planet mirror some essential characteristics of that newly discovered heavenly body.

In the 18th. century URANUS was discovered and the new energy source of electricity was harnessed, the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Science begun in Western societies as Democracy emerged as a political force. 

Then in the 19th. Century NEPTUNE was discovered and the subtle energy source of gas was harnessed, the reaction to the previous century saw the emergence of the Romantic Movement in the Arts, exploration of mysticism and the East, and the Socialistic-Communistic political ideal emerged onto the world’s scene. 

Then in the 20th. Century PLUTO was discovered and the new energy source was atomic power, the rise of Fascism and the Totalitarian state, plus the emergence of modern psychology onto the world’s stage. 

At the end of the 20th.Century a new heavenly body was discovered between the orbits of Saturn & Uranus and was named CHIRON and what this meant for humanity was the detailed theme of last month’s October Newsletter. But Chiron’s emergence onto the world’s stage has stimulated the ecological movement, the revival of Shamanistic traditions in modern society and a mode of consciousness which is multi-dimensional & bridge-building rather than our normal binary either-or attitudes. 
Then in 2003 a new planet bigger than Pluto was discovered in our solar system and named ERIS. It is very far from the Sun (97 Astronomical Units, whereas Pluto is 40 AU) and has an estimated 557-year orbit. The International Astronomical Union then meet in the summer of 2006 and they famously or infamously, downgraded Pluto – and Eris – to the status of “dwarf planets”, declaring that there were now a total of 8 planets in the Solar System.

And also during 2006 there was recognised a total of 341,328 known asteroids and some of the larger ones like Ceres (discovered in 1801) and Juno (1804) and then Vesta (1807) have dwarf-planetary status. CERES, by far the biggest of them, is less than one-fifth the diameter of the smallest of planets, Mercury.  

By the end of the 19th. & 20th. centuries, the solar system was clearly becoming a more complex place than we had ever imagined. And did those asteroids have meaning? Yes for sure, and anyone who explores them soon realizes that they are significant symbols.

The Hubble Space telescope and the world’s great telescopes are also time machines – the images of distant galaxies they capture are made of light that left its source millions or even billions of years ago. The further a telescope sees, the closer it comes to observing the beginning of Time. And it is because of the amazing discoveries of the Hubble Space telescope traveling deep in space that has provided us Earthings with front row seats for some of the grandest shows the universe has staged.

So dear friends, what shall we make of the astounding jump into the early years of the 21st. Century with the discovery of literally hundreds of new heavenly bodies outside of our Solar System? 

A third of a million known asteroids and 800 known “planets” beyond Pluto – no wonder both astrologers and astronomers are nervous – what shall we do? 

Our ace in the hole is that we can still rely on our unfailing Hermetic principle: “As Above, So Below”. The structure of the solar system and our universe continues to reflect the structure of the human mind. The astrological community has reflected upon the significance of those 300 years when the outer planets Uranus, Neptune & Pluto were discovered and the historical synchronicities connected with the timing of these planetary discoveries.

But now we have entered a multicultural era and not only has the solar system become more complex but so too has the complexity of the human mind also deepened in these past 300 years. 

The planets beyond our solar system are called “exoplanets” and they come in a variety of sizes, from gas giants larger than Jupiter to small, rocky planets as big & round as Earth or Mars. They can be hot enough to boil metal or locked in deep freeze. They can orbit their stars so tightly that a “year” lasts only a few days, they can orbit two suns at once, and some exoplanets are sunless rogues, wandering through the galaxy in permanent darkness. 

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is the thick steam of stars that cuts across the sky on the darkest, clearest night. Its spiraling expanse contains at least 100 billion stars, our Sun among them. And if each of those stars has not just one planet, but like ours, a whole system of them, then the number of planets in the galaxy is truly astronomical. We are already heading into the trillions.

We humans have been speculating about such possibilities for thousands of years, but ours is the first generation to know, with certainty, that exoplanets are really out there. 

Our nearest neighboring star, Promxina Centauri, was found to possess at least one planet – probably a rocky one, It’s about 4 light years away – more than 25 trillion miles (40 trillion kilometers). The bulk of exoplanets found so far are hundreds or thousands of light years away.

As yet we have no way to reach them, and won’t be leaving footprints on them anytime soon.  

The new solar system is real and meaningful and it is not going to go away. The challenge of our age, and certainly for Astrologers, is to figure out not only what this all means, but also how to cope with it intellectually and in the counselling room of the future. 

So let’s look at the solar system with a fresh eye. Let’s look from the observation deck of a starship poised millions of miles above the north pole of the Sun.

Look down – what do you see? There are 4 tiny spheres of rock, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Two of them have significant atmospheres, two do not. But structurally, all four are about the same, little round worlds made of stone.

Next out there is the asteroid belt. The haze of dusty stone remnants thins a bit as we continue to head away from the Sun and then we come to another group of four spherical bodies – but this time they are gigantic. These giant bodies (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are obviously different from the little stone worlds and they move slowly and majestically.  They are made of gas and they are huge giants, and the very smallest of them, Uranus, is 4 times greater in diameter than our Earth. 

These is no comparison between Earth or Mars and these gas giants. Other than the Sun, these 4 are clearly the major players in our solar system.

Then let’s go beyond Neptune, the last of these gas giants and we come to Pluto, another haze of stone, with a rougher texture. 

Neptune is 21 times bigger in diameter than Pluto, which is clearly in another classification.  And then far beyond Pluto is Eris, the Goddess of Discord. Isn’t the symbolism just perfect? Have you ever seen a world in such discord?

The new solar system seems to be presenting us with 3 basic classes of symbols - plus some interesting haze.

  • We have rocky worlds – and these seemingly correlate with primal animal functions. There is also the category of “Super-Earths” which are typically terrestrial planets that may or may not have atmospheres. They are more massive than Earth, but lighter than Neptune. 

  • There are terrestrial planets outside our solar system which are Earth size and smaller, composed of rock, silicate, water or carbon. Further investigation will determine whether some of them possess atmospheres, oceans or other signs of habitability.

  • We have gas giants, the size of Saturn or Jupiter, or much, much larger – these represent higher, more expansive possibilities in terms of ego development or self-realization; 

  • Then there are the Trans-Neptunians, similar in size to Neptune or Uranus. They all have hydrogen and helium dominated outer atmospheres and rocky cores. Their message is that if we are not too hung up on the rocky worlds and we manage to make some progress with the gas giants, a new possibility may arise. It will involve identifying with transcendent functions in ourselves – not just perceiving higher worlds, but actually entering them directly.

These statistics are just quite incredible and shatters many previously held beliefs about the nature of the Universe and our inevitable future interaction with many life forms and space intelligences. 

Modern research is also proving the existence of highly advanced cultures that have existed on our planet Earth prior the days of the Great Flood. 

We are certainly “not alone” – and never have been alone……

If the zodiacal sign of Scorpio is well known for its “detective” research abilities, bringing that which is hidden, and often a taboo, to the surface, then let’s continue our journey and this time celebrate one of the most famous contact stories between Earth people and a different species representing another planetary Intelligence. 

It took place in the Arizona desert on 20th. November 1952, during the month of Scorpio.

The contact had been arranged by telepathy between George Adamski and a Space Man, a Venusian and 3 specific requests were made by the Man from another world: (1) Adamski was to bring 6 witnesses, making 7 counting himself (i.e. 7 Planes & the 7 Senses).

(2) Men and women were to make up the 7 (i.e. male & female, positive & negative).

And lastly (3) he was to bring some “Plaster of Paris” and some water.

The Venusian scraped away the loose top sand to uncover the firmer sand beneath, perhaps referring to the truer foundations. 

He then embedded his footprints with a slow deliberation, so that plaster moulds could be taken.

UFO researchers later took to the same spot in the Arizona desert and an earthling of the same height (5 feet 8 inches) as the Venusian, and of the same apparent weight (180 pounds), put football boots (with studs, bars etc. on the soles of the feet), scraped away the top sand and pressed his feet hard down to make the marks clear enough for a plaster-cast to be taken. 

It couldn’t be done – however hard the man pressed & jumped, unless the sand was watered, and there was no question of watering the sand in the Adamski contact.

The important thing is the study of the footprints themselves, deliberately left by the Venusian, covered with strange hieroglyphics for us to decipher. So – you like a good Scorpio mystery – here it is!

The drawings of the Venusian footprints are reproduced from the books: “Flying Saucers have Landed” by Leslie & Adamski, and “Other Tongues, Other Flesh” by Hunt Williamson.

An interpretation of the Venusian Footprints

In attempting to form a relationship to these strange signs & symbols on these 2 footprints, we need a new form of understanding, of going beyond the physical, beyond the obvious, to reality within. How to explain how to compose a symphony to someone who has never heard music? To play the piano or to read the occult dimensions of hieroglyphics is only possible if you are trained. Let us try to make the effort to respond to this space message left by the Spaces People almost 70 years ago, the Venusians who are trying to help us to help ourselves.

First we might ask, why leave footprints? 

The Venusian could have handed the strange hieroglyphics to George Adamski and his 6 companions on a piece of paper, wood or metal. But the space visitor had asked them to first obey an instruction to take plaster of Paris with them, and secondly, to make the effort of taking plaster-casts. If they had not done this, the symbolic “message” would have been lost for ever. 

So the first point to understand is that cooperation, effort and responsibility were called for.

Let’s make the first observation and see how the contents of each footprint are vastly different, the outlines show the left and the right footprints to be indistinguishable from each other, in contrast to our human right and left feet.


No such straightforward pattern is immediately recognisable in the right foot print, with its varied combination of sign and symbols. But, on closer inspection could we say that a 4-fold note predominates?

The swastika-type figures, one in the asymmetric oval in the main part of the foot, and the other in the heel, suggest so. The swastika has nothing to do with politics of course, but is one of the most ancient esoteric symbols, depicting the circular motion of life, being the equal-armed cross, symbolic of matter, revolving or rotating.

We can see that the “bent-over-ends” are not at right angles, perhaps suggesting a lack of balance? The upper swastika is not even equal-armed and the ends of the horizontal bar bear on the left a receptable for receiving and on the right, a device for shedding/delivering/giving out. 

Could this represent man’s dharma (duty) on the ladder of evolution, being dependent on those more advanced on one hand, and his ideology of wishing to help those behind?

The variety of symbols contained in each of the swastikas offer a plurality of meaning and many different ways to approach that meaning. Should they be taken as a whole, or as individual ways? 

Another “4” which stands out are the “one with dots”, top right, going to the 7.

Having seen how the left foot print vibrates more to the energy of 3 and that of the right foot more to the vibration of 4, let us consider that the right foot print seems lighter, with less limitation of black bars, and the heel print could also be bringing the disjointed lines & circles into a more coherent form. 

What do you think?

The four heel figures, one embraced in each arm of the swastika, have two lines each (2+2+2 = 6) and one has 3 lines – total 9, perhaps the promise of initiation, expansion of consciousness to come during this upward arc of evolution.

Another important point: If the 2 antennae on the left foot are traced on paper, you will see that they are exactly the same shape and length as the crossed ones on the right foot print.

Here is an important link between the two – but what does that mean?

Centred above everything on the right foot print is a circle hanging from an ellipse surrounding an inner solid ellipse. Is this symbolic of perfected man centred within his own aura, and all within the aura of the Universe?

The thread linking these goes above the final symbol and disappears into the empty white space. The four “I’s” are now made 7 and the whirling universe is 7-fold – man in harmony at last with his Universe.

If we combine the right and left foot prints then we have the 3 and the 4, giving 7, the whole 7-fold Universe and Man. In the inner teachings, the higher, permanent Man is said to be Triple, and his lower temporary personality is the Quaternary, the Four.

In this way we might see the left footprint with its orderliness to represent the spiritual man, and the right, with its apparent confusion, material man. 

Do they then, have to be considered as two aspects of one principle, as the two sides of a coin, inseparable from each other, as a whole unit rather than as two parts?

Looking at these two foot prints, it is significant that the symmetry and beauty of the left print changes when it reaches below the 4th. bar, and then disordered and broken symbols appear.

The right footprint above the only bar, has a feeling of rising through open space towards a goal in the centre of the top curve.

As these footprints were made with such care, it was presumably to leave some kind of message. 

When looking at them two very different qualities appear, for the left print is definite, bold, whereas the right one is detailed and less definite. Its many marks, lines and symbols imply perhaps movement and choice, whereas the predominant mood of the left is one of single-mindedness and purposefulness.  


Could we regard both prints as symbolic of involution and evolution, both human & cosmic? 

The beautifully carved open space at the top of the left print might be thought of as the first differentiation from Spirit. It has two paths curbing downwards, towards the three bars, symbolising the 3 different worlds or levels of materialisation. These two curving lines are hidden through the three levels but emerge into a 3-fold emblem within a white space – two ellipses separated, but the centre one linked to the bar above.

Thinking of the 3 solid bars representing ATMA (Spiritual Will), BUDDHI (Spiritual Love) and MANAS (Spiritual Mind), technical terms for the triple Life spark in man, then the centred emblem below might be an emanation through the joining of the two higher Rays.

This white space between the upper 3 lines and lower bar has not the full and beautiful symmetry of the top space, as indeed material life is not harmonious at present, and the heavy threefold emblem (bar & ellipses) is in the narrowest part of the whole foot print, perhaps signifying restrictions and limits.

As the heel carries the weight of the body, the lower section may be symbolic of the condition of material unregenerated man, with the two rays of antennae irregular here, the three ellipses reduced to three dots and the “manasic” ellipse, only an outline or shadow of the one in the above spiritual region. It is also off-centre.

Difficult to understand or follow? Do you want to skip over this? Is it going against the grain of habitual thought? 

Let’s make the effort and look at the left print again.

The left has this strong triple Keynote -  3 black bars, 3 elliptical shapes, 2 carved antennae-like lines and a straight vertical line in the middle (the antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge). In the heel there are 3 dots and 2 + 1 other figures. The presentation is of an ordered, exact, precise format, a Whole Unit.

We see how the 2 outward/upward going antennae on the left side have become downward turned, crossed & out of balance on the right print. In the middle of the right print we see the 4 dots, with the hopeful sign that the 4 lead to the 7, so that it is possible for man to touch his sevenfold nature through the personality. 

Also the pendulum (a symbol of justice?), if extended, goes directly through the mid-point of the enclosed swastika, through the lower dot of the triangle, through the midpoint of the lower swastika. This could remind us that in the Universe, the highest good is Balance, is Justice.

So, even though man’s ideas & ideals are restricted in his distorted unbalanced aura (symbolised by the asymmetric cord), he nevertheless has the potential of reaching within to the whole, ordered powerful state of clarity and directness depicted by the left foot prints.

Are we being told to get on with this task of abandoning confusion for one-pointedness, of going through plurality to Oneness?  

What do you think? What light can you bring to this interpretation of the Venusian foot prints?

We talk so casually about being “intuitive”, yet the training in such intuitional sensitivity is both a “science” and an “art”. 

These Venusian footprints were indeed a challenge to our Earthling minds to interpret the message and see & think in wholeness.

The feet are the only part of us which touches the earth, the physical plane. Our feet carry our entire weight and take us on the journey, support us in the directions of our lives. The feet mark an opposite polarity to the head. Our feet work primarily as receptors for the boy consciousness, differentiation of earth energies and release of unwanted energies. The feet have much to tell us about our world. They can be used for so much more than standing and walking. 

This is called “WALKING THE PATH” in esoteric terminology. Clearly this Venusian knew what he was doing and was acquainted with our esoteric traditions, because in the Far East the footprints of holy persons are to be found carved in the stones of the highest mountain tops. In Sri Lanka is found on the top of Adam’s Peak, the famous footprint, which is venerated by Mohammedans & Christians as the footprint of Adam, by Hindus as the footprint of Vishnu and by Buddhists as a footprint of Buddha. Footprints symbolize the perfrect meeting of the two great extremes – Heaven & Earth. In them Heavens makes its mark on Earth.

The symbolism was clear – our feet take us to the highest, by our own effort we rise above the material into the dizzy heights of the spiritual.

Just like the symbolism of the high-flying eagle of Scorpio, we can by our own effort reach the highest mountain, our feet will take us there.

Yes, take me to the Lotus Feet of the Illuminated Master!

So when you explore this theme of footprints you will inevitably come across various paintings that illustrate this theme in the East, such as the Footprints of Vishnu or the stone carvings of the feet of Lord Buddha placed high upon mountaintops. 

But then there are various historical sources in Kashmir, India, that confirm that the prophet Yuz Asa and Jesus were one of the same, and that he did not die on the cross, but came to live and finally die in Kashmir. The tomb of the prophet is in the middle of what is today Srinagar’s old town.

The building that was later built around the grave stone is called “Rozabal”, meaning “the tomb of a prophet”. Each year thousands of pious believers make pilgrimages to the tomb, not just Moslems, but Hindus, Buddhists & Christians. Ancient documents state that a protective building was consecrated around the grave as long ago as 112 AD, and the grave has been tended by a succession of guardians without interruption since its construction.   

Archaeologists recently made a sensational discovery of “footprints” carved into the stone and beside them a crucifix and rosary. The “footprints” were meant to prove the identity of the deceased rather like fingerprints. As with the swastikas in Buddha’s footprints, characteristics can be seen in Yuz Asaf’s footprints which are a unique and unmistakable proof of identity. The sculptor clearly illustrated the scars of the crucifixion wounds in the relief. The position of the wounds even indicates that the left foot has been nailed over the right, a fact that was confirmed by analysis of the blood marks on the Turin Shroud. Because crucifixion was unknown as a punitive measure in Asia, one could conclude this is the place of burial for Jesus.

What to know more? Read: “Jesus Lived in India” by Holger Kersten, Element Books UK 1986. 

To complete this month’s Scorpio Newsletter a few final personal words. You may wish to conclude that such information isn’t related to your everyday world and therefore it doesn’t have a role to play in your life.

This we can debate. 

I just want to share with you some photos taken in 2020 of some quite amazing channeled artwork that was done by a Miami woman who opened up to a Space Intelligence after experiencing an almost fatal car accident. The medical authorities had given her up yet while in this other-worldly state, she received healing and a clear directive from this advanced Teacher.

So after recovery, using only a simple ruler, normal writing pens and large white paper, she started to draw incredibly complex designs with a breathtaking accuracy that defies all logical interpretation. As you approach closer and investigate the line drawings - which are also a language not yet identified - and see how it is harmoniously related to the whole manifestation – the total impact upon the consciousness, upon the heart & mind is intense in the extreme. You feel that you are entering into a portal and a new world, as indeed you are! 

I include some of those pictures here in this Newsletter. Over the years I have experienced all kinds of “channelled art”, yet without any hesitation I can say that in this experience a superior non-physical intelligence was the Creator. And what I really want to say is that when I have had the privilege of being exposed to such creations, standing there in the same room and letting my eyes scan these drawings, it most definitely changes the brain frequency. It was a wonderful demonstration of the alchemy that successively blends science and art. 

And this is the same experience as those 7 persons who experienced the Venusian footprints in the Arizona desert some 70 years ago – there is an undeniable livingness and authenticity to the experience. 

Yes, let’s bring on those deep transformative Scorpio experiences this month! Enjoy the challenges and emerge triumphant, having been stretched to new limits and found new resources! 

Part 2: Future Events

Start of a new 6-part Online Weekends:


22-23 January 2022

This new Education & Training was started in September and already now, half-way through our 6 Weekend Workshops, the 12 international students from Norway, Denmark, Germany & the USA would all agree that the experience is powerfully transformative! A common statement from the group is that it is so much more than what they had ever expected. 

This group will complete their 6 Weekend Workshops in February next year and already now we are starting to Register students for our new 6-part series.

Do you want to be part of this amazing magical Journey into the worlds of Psychological Astrology?

Do you want to participate from the comfort of your own home, distant education that also includes personal Tutorials for each student?

If so, don’t delay Register Today – space is limited to 12 participants.

Full details are available upon request – 

Evening Workshop in Divination:

Friday 26th. November 2021


Using the Astro-Dice


Astro-Therapist & Tarot Master

Derek R. Seagrief

These beautiful ASTRO DICE consist of 3 dice – one for the PLANETS, one for the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS, and one for the 12 HOUSES.

Simply stated, the Planets are the “WHAT”, the 12 Signs are the “HOW” and the 12 Houses are the “WHERE”.

Throw the 3 dice together while holding a particular question in mind. When the dice have fallen, note the symbols on the ides showing uppermost. 

Look at the PLANETS dice first – this refers to the basic type of energy available to you at this time. Next look at the SIGNS dice – this represents how the planetary energy will manifest. Then check the HOUSES dice – for the area of life being affected. 

The ASTRO-DICE do not give a simple YES or NO answer to your question, so frame your question to invite further information as to the way an idea or situation may develop, So rather than asking “Should I accept this new job?”, ask instead: “What will be the likely future outcome if I accept this job?”

The dice can then give you a more precise insight on which to base your own evaluation. Always remember that the more precise your wording of the question, the more precise your answer.

This is a wonderful & playful way to develop your intuitional sensitivity and get immediate answers to your many personal questions – and what a positive investment in your future! Christmas is coming and what a great gift to yourself – or to friends & family.

Each participant will receive a set of ASTRODICE & study papers.

Space is limited to the first 7 participants who make full payment:

500 Dkr.

MobilePay: Berit Meland Seagrief 20 13 05 03

Venue: Niels Frederiksens Alle 4, 2610 Rødovre

Derek’s Mobile: 23 81 76 18

The Jupiter School of DIVINATION

9 Thursday Evenings – 2 times a month

Online Teaching from 18-21

Starting 6 January 2022


Astrologer, Tarot Master, Kabbalist,

Artist, Alchemist & Author

Derek R. Seagrief
Full details upon Request –

Life is speeding up and we live in revelatory times where learning “to see” with our inner eyes is so important.

Would you like to learn to increase your intuitional powers? Are you excited by the prospect of unfolding your EYE OF LIGHT?

Some might refer to this training as “prediction”, but in reality it is the skill of “whole-seeing”. Divination is about asking questions to the invisible worlds, often about the future, and then to read the patterns that are formed. In the ancient world, prophecy, normally the gift of the Underworld deities, was gradually replaced by the Sun-gods, who then became the embodiment of far-reaching vision.

Are you ready for increased Light on the matter? Come & join us in fun and stimulating ways to read signs, symbols & omens in simple, refreshing ways. Ask for our full details including prices & dates – and Register NOW for 9 EYE OF LIGHT wonderful evenings!

Exploring Eternal Egypt

New Scandinavian & USA Group now forming

Departure Date – 6 months from today’s Newsletter

Thursday 26th. May 2022

11-Days Magical Group Pilgrimage to sacred sites

We have been leading Groups to Egypt for 25 years and now we are 

happy to announce a new Tour date for your calendar in cooperation

with Younes Rejser Aps Denmark.

If you have always dreamed of experiencing Eternal Egypt 

then register as one of the 22 Keys of Light in good time to

secure your place for this inspirational journey.

Full details upon request:

Key of Light

When you register your deposit for our Eternal Egyptian Adventure,

You become one of the group’s 22 Keys of Light – the Ankh.

70 Days before we depart

which is an ancient tradition we follow,

you will start receiving study material that helps you to make attunement to the vibrations of ETERNAL EGYPT.

Every 7 days you will receive a specially crafted Compilation,

And there are 10.

Upon completion of these exercises & meditations the group 

is now ready to function as a KEY OF LIGHT.


Derek’s Newsletter S A G I T T A R I U S. Late November/December 2022.


LIBRA Newsletter Late/Sept./October 2021