LIBRA Newsletter Late/Sept./October 2021


Libra Keynote:

“I choose the Way which leads between the

two great lines of Force”

Autumn Greetings Dear Travellers on the Path of the Sun! 

At this stage on our zodiacal Journey we have reached the sign of Libra. The transit Sun entered this sign on 22nd. September and we celebrated the Autumn Equinox with equal Day & equal Night on planet Earth. You are receiving this month’s Newsletter on the 29th. September, the Day we celebrate Saint Michael, the Christian Archangel and Leader of the Celestial armies, often depicted with sword in one hand & the Scales of Justice (Libra) in the other hand, conquering the forces of chaos and ego fixation, represented by the serpent/snake/dragon/kundalini.

Conquering does not mean “killing” or elimination of these opposing forces, but mastery. When you integrate & combine both, you lose the psychological principle of fear and separation. This is our Libra Keynote that we exercise choice & choose the way that leads between the two great lines of Force. There will be much decision making & choice based upon our value systems this month, both individual & collective.

As we reach the end of this month of October, it culminates with the 3-Day Festival of the “Hallows” or sacred objects of the Celtic world and what we call today “Halloween” but which the Celts themselves called Samhain, Festival of Peace 31st. October and the start of their New Year. Next month’s Newsletter will delve deeply into these magnificent themes.

As you will increasingly recognize, there is great Alchemy in the turning of the Zodiacal Wheel of Life – and we are not divorced from Nature, for Nature is our Great Guru. The harvest period has culminated and life now begins to withdraw from the outer and turn inwards, creating the Season we call Autumn.

Imagery is an essential part of Alchemy and through the use of images & symbols we are able to go beyond the limitations of words and communicate on different levels. Using symbols is an act of union – we unite the symbol with the conscious mind and out of this grows a new understanding. Our understanding of a symbol lies in the “in-between” place, nether in the conscious nor the unconscious. Symbols and imagery open the door to a fluidity & freedom within the mind. And so there are many symbols of Union and Transformation in alchemy and because alchemy is not a fixed doctrine, any symbol from any system can be used. We are also free to create our own symbols with whatever has meaning for us.

Those of you who have been receiving my monthly Newsletter for the past 1 year will be aware of the importance I place upon the visual aspect of my writings – and this month of Libra, governed by the planet Venus, planet of the Arts, is no exception. And those of you who have participated in my teaching programs and workshops during the past 40 years will also have been exposed to the high importance I place upon the visual dimension of the teaching, through symbols and images.

When we are children about 85% of information from our environment comes to us via eyesight. Through our eyes we learn to navigate our way towards greater mastery of our surroundings. So when we become adults does this end?

The Solar Plexus chakra enables us to establish our personal power or self-mastery. It is also the energy centre that greatly affects how we see things. We could use the metaphor of a Post Office, receiving mail and then distributing the letters to the appropriate destination – but what if the Post Office becomes overwhelmed due to polarity and perception of duality and opposition, all very Solar Plexus qualities?

Then distortion occurs and what we “see” is conditioned with anxiety, fear & prejudice. But the opposite holds also true, so when we rise above duality, rise about personal hurts & wounds, we are elevating the Solar Plexus energies to connect with and resonate more with the next chakra above, the Heart centre. And when that takes place, we see the larger picture, see how everything has its place in the scheme of things, even our experience of being wounded and experiencing loss. Instead of polarity being the dominant world view, we see how everything is actually inter-connected, just as our history affects and shapes our present, which in its turn influences our future.

So our Solar Plexus centre is a great “clearing-house”, enabling us to cleanse and purify our perceptions, so we learn to see “what is”, rather than see things through our own rose-coloured glasses and personalized editing process of like & dislike. In this way, seeing and our mind-sets are clearly related. The illusion of life is therefore based on the personalization of your understanding. It is for this reason that we are challenged to go through the various difficulties of life and assimilate then, to face god/bad, pleasure/displeasure with equal equanimity of mind. As we face our limitations and overcome – only then are we fit for working with the energies of SYNTHESIS. Only then can we experience the One Life in every walk of life.

Today, as the Aquarian Age gathers momentum, we are freely givern enough information to take us to perfection, to make Masters of us all, for our library shelves are crammed with books & spiritual teachings and we can also surf the net to find even more teachings available. And yet – we lack the power to SYNTHESIZE the knowledge we gain.

To accomplish this is the glory of our EYE OF LIGHT – we look, but do we really SEE? We see things the way we expect them to be based on our education, values, beliefs and conditioning.

True creative work is designed to expand the consciousness so it becomes more inclusive, seeing the relationship (Libra quality) between colour, form, shape & design. We learn a language by spelling out the individual letters, then words, followed by sentences. The new sense to be developed, which is the Intuitional sense, sees the wholeness and discovers deeper meanings of the connections. This is true seeing. 

The eyes both receive & radiate out light. Sight is the most wonderful example of Divinity on the physical plane. It is for this reason that this Newsletter is packed full of pictures & symbols, exposing your eyes, and therefore your brain-cell frequency, to various frequencies of light for this is what colour truly is. 

Do not underestimate the impact that art has upon the human constitution, nor underestimate the need in our psyche to be nourished by culture. Tell that to our various governments who during the Covid-pandemic haven’t realized the true significance of culture for our overall well-being and have basically undervalued it. 

In the Celtic Mysteries, this period which leads up to the Autumn Equinox was known as the Feast of Consummation as well as the Feast of Saint Michael. This is the week from the 22nd September, the Autumn Equinox, to Saint Michaels Day, 29th. September.

This is the Harvest Festival when the ripe corn is reaped in the fields and left in sheaves to dry in the sun’s rays. It is the Saint Michael who has the title “He Who is like unto God” – “The Countenance of the Lord”.

A soul who has become so beautiful and radiant that the light & love of God literally shines through the face, revealing the Secret Heart of God – this is the Michael principle. 

He is the harvest – the plant that will shivel & die in the fire of the Sun, and the seed that will be rescued and made into the Bread of Life.

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The Magic Garden Festival

During September we organized a wonderful 2-day event to bring together Art, Music & Ritual, and to celebrate the 90-year birthday of pioneer Stanislav Grof. The various themes from that weekend I shall take up in this Newsletter with special emphasis upon the value of Art in our future societies, the Modern Eleusis or Return of the Mystery School Initiation Centres, and the Search for a new Planetary Myth.

These are all challenging and inspiring subjects to explore, so I make no excuse for the fact that this Newsletter keeps on expanding in size to incorporate and do justice to such important themes.

Rituals are primarily intended to evoke not an aesthetic experience – but a sense of the sacred. The purpose of all ritual is the uniting of the Microcosm with the Macrocosm. Let us enjoy increasing Ritual work as we enter deeper into the Aquarian vibration.

The Modern Eleusis

Last month’s September Magic Festival at “The Magic Garden” had a series of wonderful international contributions to this topic for discussion. It was truly inspirational to hear what these pioneers had to share from their rich personal experiences. If you missed this great event, then I would recommend you becoming a Member of “TMG” so you gain access to these superb live recordings.

We all discussed the importance of the ancient Greek sanctuary of Eleusis, which today is situated near Athens and was the focal point of the most famous religious rites of ancient Greece. The focal point of much discussion at The Magic Festival last month was the role of modern initiation places and their role in our current time.

We know from scholarly research that the Eleusian Mysteries and initiation rites, involved visons and the conjuring up of an afterlife – all stimulated via the use of psychedelic drugs. The ritual use of hallucinogenic plant substances is an intrinsic part of shamanic cultures, to alter one’s state of mind. 

The Greek Eleusian Mysteries revolved around the agricultural Mother Goddess Demeter/Ceres and the daughter Persephone, abducted by the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto/Hades. I explored these themes of the underworld journey in last month’s Newsletter.

Eleusis was about Death & Rebirth – replicating death and a controlled drama and ritual was enacted – and people were transformed by it.

And Eleusis was a group experience as well as an individual one. Do not confuse ego death with physical death.

Just reflect on the fact that the power of these ceremonies spanned no less than 2000 years, originating around 1400 BC until a Roman Emperor closed them down in 394 and 2 years later, the Goths invaded and destroyed both Athens and Eleusis.  In order to participate in these Mysteries one had to swear a vow of secrecy. It was the ceremonies and beliefs at Eleusis that were kept secret and preserved for 200 years.

Mysteries & secrets are a powerful source of bonding between people.

The so-called “secrets” were probably not ”secret” – it was a deeply personal transformative experience and difficult to share - each person kept their own secret.

In the end all the various Mystery School Teachings of the ancient world, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Celts, central America or North & South American Indian traditions - they all emphasize one basic teaching. These Mystery Schools challenged a person to master their fears – and the greatest fear of all was the fear of Death. And the greatest Freedom of all was freedom from the fear of death.

Look at this picture and you will see Ceres/Demeter holding in her hands a sheath of wheat, snakes and poppy seeds. It is truely a wonderful image that conveys some of the atmosphere of these Eleusian Mysteries.


It is an established fact that Priests on the island of Crete used opium and they cultivated this plant for their ceremonies. And here we see the evidence that such a potent drink was also used in the rites of Eleusis.

The opium poppy is the source of untold human misery due to heroin addiction and yet it is vital today as pharmaceutical morphine and there is no other substance like it on earth for curing the body of extreme pain. The shamans of these Mystery Schools were experienced in the ritual use of such plant medicines to induce other states of consciousness.

What the audience learned during these lively discussions about the re-opening of these Mystery School Traditions in our modern times, was the enormous importance placed upon the use of such hallucinogenics and the need for training a new generation of teachers & therapists in the appropriate use of such plant medicines for our modern times. Many take these expanded consciousness experiences then want to go back & have more “peak” experiences – but there is still no integration of the hallucinogenic experience. The result: addiction. This is a major issue to successfully address for the future.

“In Beauty we are united,

through Beauty we pray,

with Beauty we conquer.”

Nicholas Roerich – Warrior Artist

“Let us be united – you will ask I what way? 

You will agree with me – in the easiest way, to create a common and sincere language. Perhaps in Beauty & Knowledge.”

The Russian artist & Renaissance man, Nicholas Roerich wrote this in 1920, more than 100 years ago, expressing the essence of his lifelong belief that “The evolution of the New Era rests on the cornerstone of Knowledge & Beauty”.  

And if we were to return to ancient Greece, we would find in the writings of Plato in the book “The Republic”, an identical theme: “The aim of all Education is to teach us to love Beauty.” 

For Roerich, ignorance and ugliness were crimes against humanity. Human progress depends upon the heart and the mind – it depends upon the intelligence & emotions of mankind, upon intelligent action and upon appreciation of beauty, harmony and love.

Roerich was born 9th October 1874 in St. Petersburg, Russia and so very appropriately for this month’s Newsletter he was a Sun sign Libra. From childhood until his death in 1947 Roerich lived on inspiration. Some have called him the first painter of the Himalayas, or a Mythic & Visionary artist. He was artist, explorer, scientist, archaeologist, writer, humanitarian and reformer. He knew his mission in life – to cure the ills of humanity with the medicine of knowledge & beauty. His art speaks a language that is sacred and universal – it is the language of wonderful symbols, which, like the magicians of old, was meant to perform miracles in the everyday life.

“Your paintings profoundly moved me”, said the great poet & teacher, Rabindranath Tagore.

There are 2 Museums in Russia and one in New York dedicated to housing his paintings and during his lifetime he produced more than 7000 paintings and wrote 30 books.


In this picture, “Star of the Hero” (1932), a lone Tibetan is seated in the lower right foreground. He is silhouetted against a group of buildings that are lit up by an unseen bonfire. It is night and the mountain peaks in the distance are darkly etched against a starry sky. The Tibetan watches as a shooting star traces a path across the sky. Such cosmic phenomena are also signs of Shambhala’s heavenly presence. This was a reoccurring theme in Roerich’s life.


“The sign of Beauty will open all sacred gates” Roerich used to say and this theme of the cultured man & woman, as the “all-round individual”, someone who has developed on all the levels of being. a liberated person, a Citizen of the World, one who sees the interrelationship between all things. And culture in its true sense is a service to Light. And colour is different vibrations of light. 

Roerich was a master artist who worked with light – and people viewing his paintings for the first time often comment on the vibrant colour, their other-worldliness and the mystical power of his paintings. The pictures shown here are from the 1930-40s and the use of colour is way ahead of their time.

Another of Roerich’s contributions to humanity was his effort to create a universal treaty for the preservation of historic monuments, cathedrals, museums, and great art treasures during times of war. For this Roerich designed The Banner of Peace, to fly over such monuments & mark them as neural territory. “The Red Cross of Culture” he called it. The public knew it as “The Roerich Pact” and in April 1935 The Roerich Pact was signed in the office of President Roosevelt and ratified by 39 other countries. Roerich was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize that year.

Then the Second World War broke out in 1939 and the global community refused to honour “The Roerich Pact”. And still today, 90 years on, there is still a great need for such a “Red Cross of Culture” to protect humanity’s collective artistic heritage before it is lost in the frenzy of war.


In Madonna Oriflamma (1932), the work Roerich chose to represent the Peace Pact, a golden-haloed Madonna in a purple-velvet robe, seated on a cushion, holds up the Banner of Peace. The 3 circles of the banner’s symbol are repeated on her headpiece. She is a direct descendent of the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of the World.

According to the esoteric teachings, the Fall of Humanity began from the time of the abasement of the Feminine Principle. Nicholas & his wife Helena Roerich wrote & taught much about the New Era of Woman, emphasizing that she contains within herself all forces. Cosmos affirms the greatness of woman’s creative principle. Woman is a personification of Nature and it is Nature that teaches Man, not man Nature. Their’s was a clarion call to all women to realize the grandeur of their origin and to strive towards knowledge & beauty.


Wiliam Blake – Visionary Artist

Another great artist, poet, writer and visionary prophet of the Victorian era of Britain was the celebrated mystic William Blake.

He wrote that the completed human experience is a journey where man passes from INNOCENCE, through EXPERIENCE to a final destination, IMAGINATION. 

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From the Garden of Eden man descends into the depths of matter to reascend and return to the Heavenly Kingdom, not back to the Garden of Innocence but onward to the Holy City, the New Jerusalem. Thus the lower Ego is transmuted as each individual man & woman unites with their Higher Self, returns to the Source from which it became separated, but now as an illuminated Man or Woman, a transformed spiritual individuality. This is the sublime purpose of our many lives on planet Earth. 

And if you know something of Blake’s writings and paintings, then you will come to realize how his creative outpourings reflect this basic life philosophy. The Paradise we lost was the Paradise of the UNITY OF ALL THINGS. Since then, the Bible says we live in SIN – a word translated as “separation”. True, we leave the Inner Circle, we lose the experience of the Center – but this can be regained – and that is the story of our evolution.

Blake believed that the ARTIST, and not the priest, was our closet link with God.

It is striking to see how many ancient poets began their poems with an invocation to the Gods or Muses. This was an acknowledgement of the fact that before an artist begins to create, they would turn to Beings of a Higher Order and ask them to collaborate in their work. This would also give the work they produced the element of Eternity. Contrast that attitude to today’s “wannabees”.

The true teachers of humanity were their own works of art, and such individuals have always set the world afire by the simple fact of their presence on Earth.


The history of mankind was marked first of all by ART – later RELIGION assumed first place and finally SCIENCE predominated. Each in their own way have revealed the mysteries of Life by bringing increased Light into our awareness levels.

But in the future, Art will become dominant again – why? 

Is not the Aquarian Age that we have entered into a scientific sign and science and technology are increasing advancing the human consciousness?

It is primarily because both science and religion have neglected their mission and spiritual goals for material goals – such as authority, prestige, power, global marketing resulting in money for the few. Instead of instilling true faith into the hearts of men, religions have emphasized separatism and have taught fanaticism. 

The recent government take-over by the Taliban in Afghanistan is a sad reminder of this fact. Instead of freeing people, religions have all too often tried to subjugate and exploit people.

Only Art has the power to touch us profoundly and awaken us to the true life.  The function of the artist – the antenna of the human race – is to carry out on the physical plane that which intelligence conceives as truth and the heart feels as good, in order to permit the world above, the spirit world, to descend and become incarnate in matter.

In our future societies the esoteric viewpoint and indeed prediction is that a true artist will be a priest, philosopher and scientist.

Ponder on that.

When I take Scandinavian & USA pilgrim’s to the magnificent temples dotted around the banks of the River Nile in Eternal Egypt, I point out the living SYNTHESIS that this amazing culture reached. To construct a Temple, you had to be a High Priest – but to become a High Priest you were trained in architecture, astrology, the technology of light, geometry & mathematics, physics & science, art & religion, and magic. So when we with our modern eyes call such a person a priest, our definition of what that means falls very flat indeed! These illuminated individuals were shamans and were travellers between the different worlds. These disciplines were living inside of them, so they were a living synthesis of these various separate disciplines.

To express the theme of being a Priest-Artist-Scientist, I will just point your eyes to this Triangle and include the teaching of the 7 Rays.

                                      1st. Ray – Will & Power - HEAD

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 2nd. Ray – Love & Wisdom - HEART      3rd. Ray – Intelligence - THROAT

If we say that each point on this Triangle represents A-B-C, then we can combine them in various ways: (1) A  (2) B  (3) C  (4) BC  (5) AC  (6) AB  (7) ABC.

If you use your intuitional sense, then the realization is that the final 7th. Stage combines them all – and this is the underlying significance of  what is termed the incoming 7th. Ray that is the characteristic vibration for our Aquarian Age. 

Just like a “roadie” who gets the whole show on the road, the 7th. Ray is the Conductor of the Orchestra, linking Heaven & Earth, As Above, So Below.

The diagram below is a visual statement of the combination of 4 energies or 4 circles together. Try to visualize now what 6 or 7 circles together would create..? Then you are moving towards SYNTHESIS!

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The Search for a New Planetary Myth


The title: “The Search for a new Planetary Myth” is not mine, but was coined by Stanislav Grof who had himself been inspired by that masterly scholar of myths, Joseph Campbell. The question that they asked was: “What are the myths that are driving the Western civilization?”

Joseph Campbell talked about how myths have guided humans through the ages – but that our big issue today is that we don’t have a collective myth.

In our busy modern lives, we don’t seem to want our addiction to outer stimuli to ever stop – yet all cultures of the past were governed by an underlying myth or a combination of myths. Such myths are archetypal energies that emanate from a higher dimensional frequency and nourish our inner world. In any myth there are challenges to overcome but one never gets stuck. As we move deeper into the 21st. Century it becomes increasingly empowering to become aware of what will be the myth of the future?

A myth is the way that an individual or a group illustrates and makes a metaphor out of something observed as a natural phenomenon in their universe. 

The myths we remember and use, and which are so potent for us today are still with us because they describe universal facets of human nature regardless of time & place. The myths about Perseus or Oedipus are as alive and familiar to us today as they were for the Greeks. 

Myths are very living things and the same can be said about the horoscope. The chart is a living MYTHOS, a living process. The task of the astrologer-counsellor is to bring the mythical content of the chart out into the open. Every person’s reality is founded & based on their mythical system. A chart is the door opening us into their mythical system. But only by talking and dialoguing with clients, we find out the ways in which they mythologize their chart and their lives. 

If you look up the word “myth” in the dictionary, you will be told that a myth is an untrue story. If you look up the Greek root of the word, which is mythos, you will find that there are two meanings for that root. One of them is simply a story – not an untrue one, just a story. The other meaning is a scheme or plan, and it’s that latter meaning that I really want to build my observations around. 

It is myth as a plan or scheme that we need to consider, in the same way that we consider an Astrological chart. In some way mythic images and mythic tales portray a dynamic plan of development. They are a map of something. They are the bare bones, in image form, of basic components of behaviour and experience. Insofar as they are given at birth, they are also our Fate. As a practising Astrologer for 40 years, I know about working with the birth horoscope and amplifying it with myth. My years of experience have produced a strong conviction that you cannot isolate astrological symbolism from the broader fields of myth and fairy tale. To try to understand an astrological symbol, we can enter into it mythically as well as interpreting it analytically. Bringing up relevant images into such an astrology session will often promote that “Aha!” quality. The feeling of a wider comprehension and aliveness. 

So dear friends, as an Astrologer I want to take you on a Journey. All astrology deals with cycles & time. And cycles and time creates patterns that we can recognize.


We have entered the Aquarian Age. Each zodiac sign is 30 degrees, and there are 12 signs of the Zodiac so we get 360 degrees in total. You know that the Earth spins on its own axis once every 24 hours and gives us the measurement we call 1 Day, and as it moves in space and evolves a relationship with the Sun, we have the changing seasons every year. 

Now imagine our planet against the backcloth of the starry heavens. It takes just under 26,000 years for the Earth to make one circular movement around the 12 Zodiac signs and this is called The Precession of the Equinoxes. If we divided the exact number of years, 25,920 to be precise, by the 12 signs of the Zodiac, we shall arrive at the number 2,160, which is the number of years of a Great Age in this Great Year. So, for 2000 years we experience one of the signs in ascendency, and that means this sign will dominate humanity’s consciousness and our approach to God and myth.

In the previous Age of Pisces we have had 2000 years where God has been primarily experienced through the Great World Religions. The Creator has been experienced as a Compassionate God. Pisces represents the Sea and in Christianity this becomes the Saviour in the form of a Fisherman and the myth of the Fisher King. In our current Age, 2000 years of Aquarius, an Air sign in contrast to Pisces, a Water sign, this is the Age of Revelation and God or rather our approach to divinity, is experienced primarily through Science & technology.

You can follow the broad outlines of humanity’s evolution by considering what we hold as the highest ideals when each zodiac sign is represented for 2000 years. 

Due to the astronomical phenomena, the Precession of the Equinox means the celestial movements goes backwards through the zodiac signs, so before Pisces it was the sign Aries, ruled by the planet Mars, and God was then seen as the masculine Leader & Conquering Warrior, and before that we have the sign of Taurus for 2000 years where our highest ideals were represented through Building and Architecture, and before that in Gemini, humanity is the nomad represented by great migrations of peoples across continents. Before that the mothering sign of Cancer and God or rather the Creator is experienced as the Great Mother Goddess and Matriachial societies. You get the picture ‘eh? 

So what we can immediately learn from this is that each zodiac sign presents us with a new approach to God and divinity. The classic example of this is provided in the Christian Bible where the Israelite nation, led by Moses having left Egypt and wandering in the desert, revert back to the old religion of worship of the Bull Taurus, and many

refuse to embrace the new religion of Aries. You know the rest of the story.

The Earth is a living Being, a vast Intelligence and compassionate entity that has chosen to incarnate as this planet. From our Earth-based perspective, we as individuals & cultures, do not evolve without the Earth. It is more likely that the Earth evolves us.

The reciprocal interaction between geography and genes, the Earth and its peoples, forms the basis for those rituals responsible for maintaining a culture’s traditions i.e. the rarified, isolated heights of Tibetan culture could only gestate in the  Himalayan womb, just as the ancient Egyptian culture was made possible by the River Nile and the desert. So in this sense, cultures are geologically formed entities determined by the topography of their particular planetary location.

But in our Aquarian Age, can we find a global image, a planetary Myth that is inclusive for the whole planet?


In the short time I have today, I will now focus upon the myths that we identify with the sign Aquarius.

  1. The Cup Bearer or Guardian of the Holy Grail

2. Prometheus – The Cultural Hero

3. Chiron – The Wounded Healer

To begin with let’s look at the iconography of Aquarius. We call it the Water Carrier, bearing this big vase. It is said that the Waters of Life are to be freely givern, poured forth for a thirsty humanity. This vase or vessel or chalice cup is a symbol for Grail knowledge to be freely distributed to all genuine Seekers of Truth. Aquarius is therefore seen as the Cup Bearer, just like the image in ancient Greek myth of Ganymede, the beautiful young man, carrying the Cup of the Gods, filled with ambrosia or the nectar of the Gods. 

This image of the all-healing Cup of the Gods became the symbol of the Holy Grail which dominated Celtic and Christian myths for centuries. 

The search for the Holy Grail myth is basically the search for that which is the purest part of us and has inspired individuals and cultures to aspire to the greatest healing story that has dominated our western civilization. The two main symbols are that of the Grail itself and that of the Quest. There is a wasteland and a wounded King, and only the presence of the Holy Grail will bring about a positive transformation. 

So when you look at Aquarius recognize that this is an age of great revelation and great self-discovery but requires that we are Friend to the World and promote the healing energies of circulation. 

We can see this represented through the obvious scientific advances made in just 100 years is astounding when contrasted with the past 2000 years. Today the internet has dissolved many of the old tribal boundaries between nations, and we are rapidly moving into a global civilization with increased accessibility and where each part affects the whole. 

There is no doubt that the healing Myth of the Holy Grail has exerted a fundamental dominance as a planetary myth in our past - yet we have moved into a new planetary vibration, and this movement into a global civilization presents us with a powerful new planetary myth.

What are we searching for? What is the new object of our quest? You will note the significance of the word “quest” and “question”. This is very interesting correspondence. In the myths of the Holy Grail it was the asking of the right question that released the healing energy of the Grail. Whom does the Grail serve? Are we today, asking the right questions? 


Prometheus – The Culture Hero:

In the ancient Greek myth of PROMETHEUS, we shall find another Friend of Humanity who represents an essential feature of Aquarius. 

Astrologers like myself, identify the planet Uranus, the Liberator and the Great Awakener, as the figure of the titan Prometheus. Prometheus was a Titan, a race of giants and he rebelled against the Gods and helped overthrow the tyrannical Kronos (Saturn) tricked Zeus (Jupiter) and stole fire from the Mountain of Olympus to liberate humanity from the God’s power – from bondage to transcend limitation. Prometheus was considered the wisest of his race and taught humanity all the Arts & Sciences. He was a cultural Hero, a Light bringer.

The fire of Prometheus conveys several meanings – the creative Spark, cultural and technological breakthrough, the liberating gift from the Heavens, sudden enlightenment.

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All that is true – but here is another version. The Fire which Prometheus stole was in fact a hallucinogenic substance.

The Ritual use of hallucinogenic plant substances is an intrinsic part of most Shamanic cultures. Knowledge and use of plants to alter one’s state of mind are an ancient accessory to mankind’s cultural & religious development. 

It is here at this point that I wish to combine the myths of Prometheus and Chiron and their significance in the Aquarian mythology. 
Chiron, a celestial body orbiting between Saturn and Uranus, was discovered in 1977 so it is a part of our modern times. In the ancient world, the myth of Chiron is linked to the successful conclusion and release of Uranus from the punishment that Zeus/Jupiter,delivered upon the Titan Prometheus for stealing the “fire of the Gods”.

In the story, as punishment to Prometheus, the King of the Gods, Zeus/Jupiter, chained him to a rock in the Caucasus Mountains, where an eagle tore at his liver day after day, year after year. This torment caused a never-ending pain, as each night the wound would heal in the cold and darkness only to be freshly attacked the next day. 

Finally, after 30 years of suffering (Astrologers will note one Saturn Return) Zeus permitted CHIRON to take Prometheus’s place and Prometheus was set free. Prometheus stole fire and civilised humanity – but it was also a healthy rebellion against authority. 


Chiron was half man, half horse or centaur and his father was Saturn, but his mother was an earth maiden. He became a great healer/teacher.

Robert Graves suggests that the race of Centaurs, half man, half horse, became wild and unruly through eating “sacred mushrooms”.  

And the Greek Goddess Artemis bestowed upon the centaur Chiron an intimate knowledge of the healing properties of plants, which he passed on to his students.

Now since Chiron, the archetype of The Wounded Healer, is obviously linked to plant medicines, and alternative states of consciousness, since he operates between the orbits of Saturn & Uranus, then we should elaborate upon the significance of this. 

The creator of LSD, a “wonder substance” with hallucinogenic qualities, Albert Hofmann, born 11 January 1906, had on his birth horoscope Chiron in Aquarius 8th. House forming the opposition to a Leo Moon, plus Pluto, God of the Underworld conjunct his Gemini Ascendant. The era of sexual liberation (8th. House) and social revolution (Aquarius) followed in the wake of LSD.  

Hofmann first took it in 1943 and by 1960’s LSD hysteria was rife, helped by its apostle Timothy Leary with his famous mantra – Tune in – Turn On - Drop out. 

It was synthesized from an organic substance (2nd. House/8th. House symbolism on Albert Hoffmann’s horoscope). Pluto alludes to the mass transformation of consciousness through the dissolving (12th house) of duality and ordinary perceptions (Gemini).

We can also include the experience of Heroin too, because it is a hard drug and the word itself underlies the mythic context of this:  Hero-in, or the Hero within. One is reminded of Chiron who was accidently wounded by the Hero Hercules, his friend & pupil, with his poisoned arrow that had been dipped in the blood of the slain gorgon Medusa.

Chiron’s own healing followed his journey to the Underworld, a period of suffering & death followed by renewal and return.


In myth, Chiron was the Teacher of Warriorship – He was the teacher of Achilles, Orpheus Jason, Hercules, Perseus and many other ancient heroes & warriors. He taught them how to kill & injure as well as how to heal and make whole.

And the true warrior is dealing honestly with fear and pain. This honesty releases insight and thought to face pain may indeed by painful, it paradoxically releases great space our own creative genius. Conflict, pain, tension, fear, paradox & confusion are all transformations trying to happen. By accepting them, the transformative process begins. By denying them, we cheat ourselves of transformation. Attention allows the healing magic to work. 

Whatever we fear is given power, and the more we fear something or somebody, the more power they absorb from us. The mark of a true Warrior of the Heart is facing these fears and reowning one’s power.

When Chiron was discovered in November 1977 this corresponds with this teacher-student relationship in films such as in Master Miyagi, teaching the Karate kid, or Star Wars films Yodi, the Jedi Master teaching Luke Skywalker

In mythology Chiron was a great Astrologer-Teacher who initiated warriors & magicians. Reflect on that period 1977-79 and notice how many New Age magical, healing and sacred warrior teachings emerged in the culture. It was also the period when indigenous peoples and shamanic traditions were given legal status and recognition for the first time in history – “The Religious Freedom Act” was passed by USA Congress & allowed Medicine men to practice in the mainstream world, thus reviving interest in native shamanisn around the world. World Wilderness Congress in South Africa occurred just 8 days before Chiron’s discovery, bringing awareness of conservation & the healing powers of our wilderness heritage.

Chiron – The Wounded Healer:

There are 3 major themes to consider in Astrological consultation.

  1. Chiron represents the one who delivers the wound;

  2. Chiron’s birth position & aspects on the horoscope show the nature of the wounding and the one receiving the wound;

  3. The third aspect of this archetype is that of the Wounded Healer.

Chiron is a not a planet and not an asteroid, something in-between and when it was discovered it was between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus – the 2 planetary Rulers of Aquarius, the traditional Ruler Saturn and the modern Ruler, Uranus. Saturn is the seventh known planet in classical astrology, what is called “the Ring-pass-not”, and beyond this is the infinite, the world of universal energies, the transpersonal planets. And as Chiron orbits between them, so he has a personal and a collective dimension.

 It is this BRIDGE-BUILDING quality that is an essential factor in this new planetary Myth

And building these bridges is what is known as the building of the Antakarna or Rainbow Bridge which is the dominant preoccupation of all spiritually motivated individuals.


Chiron: the wound of the Soul

Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. Chiron’s first wound was rejection by his mother. His father was Saturn who had an affair with an Earth maiden and was caught in the act by his wife. Abandoned by his parents, Chiron was raised by Apollo and the other gods who taught him many skills but principally those of healing and warfare – both opposites. He became a famous teacher & healer and was given the gift of immortality. His gift however, became his curse when he was accidentally wounded with poison from the Hydra due to Hercules arrow. The wound could not heal and being immortal Chiron could not die. He underwent a long period of agony until he was able to give up his immortality by taking on the burden of Prometheus. Chiron descended into the Underworld but was elevated to a place in the heavens by the gods. 

It would interest any student of astrology to note that during a long period of many years from 1951-89 (38 years) the transit of Chiron made repeated opposition aspects to the transit of Uranus in the Heavens.

This was the generation that first experimented with man-made hallucinogenics. They became the bridge-builders between two worlds. One could also point out that this generation pointed the way towards the healing of the Collective Father wound. 

The pressure towards inner self-discovery is therefore great within this group and so too the urge to improve the world is strong with Chiron-Uranus and this echoes the story of Prometheus.

It is also true that the Holy Grail was a shape-shifter and appeared and then disappeared, yet always presented the Knights seeking the Holy Grail with a glimpse of the Divine World, the invisible dimensions that co-exist with the physical plane. 

In this sense, the “bridge-building” pathway that was first recognised with the Holy Grail has now got “up-graded” with Chiron, for it is Humanity itself that must call forth these invisible worlds. In the previous Age we registered the presence of these higher frequencies as a form of blessing – and the big difference in our current age is that we are beginning to register that it is our collective response that calls forth a corresponding response from the heavenly dimension. 

As Above, So Below. What we do on the physical plane, down here, determines what kind of response the Heavenly Worlds can make. This is co-creation. This is the magic of evocationto call forth.

The more I work with Chiron the more I know it is the Gateway to the least resolved and deepest fears lurking within each one of us. It is the key to facing death with awareness.  When Chiron emerged onto the world scene in November 1977, this was also the period when the first AIDS cases surfaced in Africa & USA.

There is an archetypal pattern to Shamanic Initiations – there is a rupture of our current life situation, followed by a journey to the Underworld, a period of suffering & death, followed by renewal and return.


Transits of Chiron expose us to healing, and this could take the form of a teacher or teaching that crosses our path and we may have strong learning experiences described by the aspect in question. 

Chiron by transit will often identify the maximum pressure times in a life, which are also the illumination times. This is often shown during the Chiron Return at the age of 50-51 when a person really gets into contact with their own Healing Journey.

In karmic work CHIRON not only shows where the incarnating soul has its wound but also indicates where it is attached to suffering and must release from the old pain. 

Planets which aspect Chiron take on karmic pain in varying degrees according to the nature of the planet, the House position & the aspect. 

For example, MERCURY aspecting CHIRON can indicate an old wound in the area of communication or related to how the intellect has been used in the past.  

Currently, the transit of Chiron is in early Aries. It entered this sign February 2019 and will leave in April 2027, so an 8-year period where the healing Journey is primarily focussed upon identity. There is most definitely a “Warrior” energy with this combination, as evidenced by such individuals as Carlos Castenada, Carl Jung, Aleister Crowley and my wife who have this natal placement, Chiron in Aries.

In general we might say that the number of aspects between Chiron and the other planets indicates the degree of healing power and natural alchemical response patterns within the individual. 

The groups of souls born between 1961-68 have Chiron in Pisces opposing Pluto in Virgo. This is a group of potential future healers. However, the high drug usage of this same group is probably an attempt to avoid manifesting who they are.

The rebalancing of one-sidedness may be dramatic or subtle, it may be welcomed but we may also find it threatening if it involves becoming familiar with repressed, unwanted & destructive aspects of our own shadow. 

It has always been sacred teaching that the disciple of a Master would learn a divination skill such as tarot, astrology, runes, hand-reading, or I Ching etc. then they were ready to begin the magical quest. 

And now the energy is present on the planet for people to activate divination skills. Chiron’s pupils came to him to discover their Destiny – to have Chiron show them the pragmatic way to fulfil their highest potential. 

Chiron first identified the gift of each pupil and then integrated the gift into full consciousness.

The concern with finding one’s purpose in life is a typically New Age preoccupation, relevant to the planet Chiron – as it represents the genuine urge to express one’s true individuality in the service of the whole. 


There is an archetypal need or a conjunction of opposites in our lives as human beings.

Through the power of this union, the whole world is created. The union of feminine & masculine energies within the individual is the basis of all creation. Female intuition plus male action equals creativity. The 2 halves are required in the creative act and are incomplete without the other. Their longing for each other brings them together. Their separation produces their longing.

The opposition between the sexes is also experienced as an opposition within the individual. Every man has a feminine side to his being, and every woman has a masculine side. The contrasexual sides are largely repressed as we develop our conscious adaptation in the process of growing up as a man or as a woman. The feminine aspect within the man remains or becomes largely unconscious and likewise the masculine aspect within the woman.

This is a HUGE area for exploration but suffice it to say that the centaur Chiron confronts us with the polarity of sexuality (the horse or animal part of us) and spirituality (the rider or man symbolizing direction and intelligence). This polarity is still largely unintegrated due primarily to the wrong teachings of the Church. But it is changing and we can see more evidence that a larger percentage of the human race is becoming more conscious of their interaction. Spiritually is all about creativity, but then so too is sexuality, for orgasm is the experience of Oneness or God, the merging of opposites, however temporary, It is the energy of Chiron that is challenging us to resolve this apparent conflict. It should also be said that in these ancient cultures, this conflict did not exist.


Let us move towards a completion of our theme -  the search for a new planetary Myth.

As we are beginning to understand, the various mythological figures that characterize the sign of Aquarius, all of them play a role in this search for a new planetary myth for our modern times.

In Esoteric Astrology it is said that we have a Personality Ruler for each Zodiac sign and we have a Soul Rulership.

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When we are born with the sign Libra as our Ascendant or Sun-sign, there is an opportunity being offered in this incarnation to turn “The Wheel of Life” in the opposite direction – instead of the normal clockwise direction around the Zodiac, we move in the opposite direction. This is called the Reversal of the Wheel and represents a most significant evolutionary step in the personality-soul relationship. 

As we are travelling this month through the sign of Libra it is appropriate to draw your attention to these facts. The Scales of Justice represent this sign - so Libra is sometimes called “the place of judgement”, for it is here that the decision is made which separates the “sheep from the goats” – for it really marks the distinction between the ordinary Wheel of Life and the Reversed Wheel. A point of balance is eventually reached between the inner spiritual being and the outer personality – and the stage is then laid for the final fivefold process, the signs Scorpio-Sagittarius-Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces.

If you are acquainted with the Christian Bible, and I have made it a part of my esoteric training, then the ritual in the New Testament, you will find “The Lord feeds his followers with 5 loaves & 2 Fishes”. Remember the parable? 

Now view it from the astrological perspective. 

The 5 loaves are the 5 signs on the Reversed Path, starting with Libra, then Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn & Aquarius – and the 2 Fishes is a clear references to the sign Pisces. These signs then become the spiritual food for the disciple or the soul-infused personality.

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The Master Jesus was a great astrologer, something that today’s Church people are apt to forget. Remember the Ritual of the Last Supper where he tells his disciples to “…follow the man carrying the water pitcher to the Upper room” – What a wonderful portrayal of the sign Aquarius!

The sign Libra is traditionally governed by the planet Venus, the archetype of love & relationship. But when we are moving around the Zodiac Wheel as a soul-centered individual, we marry and relate to our inner opposite, the true Self and this means that the esoteric ruler of Libra the planet Uranus, then becomes active

Libra is the sign where the first real vision of the Path which runs between the pairs of opposites is seen. We must choose and exercise the power of choice. We learn to live above the judgment of “right & wrong”. We learn to forgive others mistakes and be liberal to others’ weaknesses. Why do you dislike things which are not acceptable? Your dislike is your own limitation. That which you dislike is the energy which has been created by the One God. Only when we face our limitations and overcome are we fit for working with the energies of Synthesis – represented by the planet Uranus. 

Understand that in this state of experience, there are no such things as pleasant or unpleasant, events that are favourable or unfavourable. 

Understand too that this Yogic state, which is also the state of discipleship, is one of continuous experience of the presence of I AM. 

Discipleship is an example and ideal model of a fuller life.

Uranus is, as you are well aware, the modern ruler of the future orientated sign Aquarius. We become conscious of our destiny, our destination and the future opens up before us. The process of Reversal on the Wheel begins when the experience of life begins to teach us about the true nature of desire, and we begin to aspire to those life circumstances that take us out of our lower centres.

We can also say that the awakening of the Soul is esoterically synonymous with the awakening of the Heart.

The sign of Sagittarius is represented both by the Arrow symbolism, pointing upwards and by the Centaur. Traditionally it is the planet Jupiter that governs on the outer plane. But as we respond to the inner vibrations and our outer life is more inwardly directed, we come under the Soul Ruler. For Sagittarius, the third Fire sign in the Zodiac, the Soul Ruler is the Earth itself.  

It is the only Zodiacal sign that is identified with our Planet Earth – and just that fact makes it most worthy of our attention.

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The great gift of this third Fire sign is coming under the guidance of one’s Inner Teacher. In Sanscrit, the planet Jupiter is given the title of “Guru”, and the function of the Guru is to expand our horizons, to give us a glimpse of the Universal, the Cosmic reality.

As we have revealed the esoteric or Soul Ruler of the sign Libra as being Uranus then isn’t it fascinating to know that the planet Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius – which refers to the abundant waters of Life. Jupiter is indeed the planet of Expansion and Abundance. And coming under the guidance of one’s own Inner Teacher is our essential target in our journey through the new Aquarian vibration. 

In the system of Esoteric Astrology that I work with, the Tibetan Master DK, shows us that the EARTH is the Soul Ruler of Sagittarius. The Chiron discovery chart for 1st. November 1977 has 26½-degrees of the Archer Sagittarius rising. This is the center of our Galaxy at this present time, what is called “The Galactic Center”. Chiron at this position means that it is here to centre us to the galactic resonance.

 As the Earth is the Soul Ruler of Sagittarius we are also shown the need to make reparation to the Earth and to revise our attitudes before it is too late. Climate change is a reality and demands our action now to ensure the well-being of future generations living on this planet. Jupiter is about education and seeing the larger perspective. Uranus is the planet and archetype of sudden change and the impact of the Unexpected.

Both in the teachings of the East and our own Western presentation of Cosmic Truth as revealed in the last Book of the Christian Bible, appropriately named “Revelations”, and written by John the Beloved of the Master Jesus, we find the future prophecy of the Coming of the Rider on the White Horse, who appears at the end of one World Age.


Saint John the Divine was the youngest and most beloved disciple of Jesus the Christ. He sat at the Master’s side during the Last Supper and it was to him that Jesus entrusted the care of his Mother Mary during the Crucifixion. We know that Jesus was aware that John had been chosen to receive the prophetic vision of the close of the Age. The Book of Revelations involves a series of happenings which take place in the spiritual worlds. There are 7 Seals which are opened on Judgment Day and before the final 7th. Seal is opened, an Angel commands with a loud voice: “Hurt not the Earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, til we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.” (Chapter 7, verse 3). This Seal of the living God is represented by the development of the spiritual or Third Eye located at our forehead. As the Book of Matthew describes it (Chapter 6, verse 22) “If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of Light.”

There is wonderful teaching in all of this, yet it requires the EYE OF LIGHT and the training in SYNTHESIS.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

One of the many Tibetan legends Roerich illustrated was the Legend of Chitamani, which foretold of a sacred fire which would be carried on the back of a white horse down from the mountain heights to illumine the consciousness of humanity during a time of great darkness.

Even the ancient Egyptians made reference to the end of the era of evil and separation when the Sun God Horus scatters his enemies riding on the white horse – so it is a universal image.

You can easily relate the symbolism here to both the Centaur Chiron and the sign Sagittarius.

This is a future event, an ancient prophecy that both the cultures of East & West have nurtured through legends, myths and iconography. It is therefore also what can best be described as a more esoteric version of the new collective planetary myth for our modern times. As we are moving progressively into the awakened state of multi-dimensionality, so it is also to be understood that there are various presentations that are equally important. In these last few pages I have attempted to illustrate the dominant characteristics of the mythic themes of Prometheus, The Cup Bearer & the Wounded Healer Chiron.

I hope that you have been nourished on many levels by the contents of this month’s Newsletter and I welcome your comments.


Part 2: Future Events


The Magic Garden Academy

New 4 year Education

Become an Integral Transpersonal Psychotherapist

Starting 29th. September St. Michael’s Day


The Magic Garden, Fredensborg


– then “Academy”


1 Day Therapeutic Workshop - Saturday 23rd. October

at AstrologiHuset,
Teglværksgade 37.
2100 Kbh. Ø

“Liberating Painting”


With International Teacher/Therapist/Artist/Coach & Counsellor

Derek Seagrief

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- Paint with your hands using strong water-based colours on life-size paper

   - Then dialogue with your creation!

   - Express blocked emotions in a safe environment & develop new insights

      and resources. Experience transformative healing flow! 

   This intensive workshop is designed for everyone – yes – everyone! All that

    is required is a willingness to work deep & remain honest with yourself,  

    staying open to share this within an evolving group process.

  You are NOT learning how to paint – but how to liberate your self-expression

   through action! Are YOU ready?!

   Be prepared for powerful self-revelations as the paintings are used as a 

   “Magic Mirror” of our inner & outer states. You will be surprised and deeply

    moved by what you experience – guaranteed! 

   Yet it is also a great lot of fun our intensive 1-Day therapeutic journey, as

   we enjoy this truly empowering workshop!

   Come and join us in The Magic Garden - max. 7 participants.




Here are a few comments from previous Stockholm Workshop participants:

“Wow – I’m looking out at the gorgeous night sky & reflecting over the day, everyone’s art, experiences – and what I went through – WOW!

I feel like I was a sponge, absorbing all the magnificent information, watching how Derek dealt with everyone’s personal journey and blockages – it was incredible!

I’ll work on my painting for next time! I feel light, I feel free from anger, I feel liberated! Wow – thank you for introducing me to Derek and his healing methods…..”  

- Sari, Finland, September Workshop

“Jeg gick “Liberating Painting” in Stockholm i vintras och jag tycker det var en helt fantastisk workshop. Jeg har aldrig varit med om något liknande. Dels var det underbart att få måla på det viset vi gjorde och sen var Dereks sätt attjobba med oss helt unikt. Med utgångspunkt av våra målningar konfronterade han oss och hjälpte han oss att läre känna oss själva. Det var utmanande och spännande, och Derek mötte oss med otroligt mycket humor, värme och kärlek.” – Magdalena Bryneson, Therapist, Stockholm

“Thank you so very much for fantastic days together – it has been life-changing days for me and is still very much working in me. My biting jaws have come loose after the workshop. And I can say things with a smile. Habits are to be broken! – Bodil Lindström, Stockholm

Extract from Stockholm journalist David Finer’s Workshop Diary: Liberating Painting:

“…Or Ms gloriously decorative canvas of circles our coach Derek saw the ends of papyrus rolls, where I simply saw decorative round forms. Derek then said to M: “You love learning don’t you” – To which she nodded, and this led to an exploration of her somewhat obsessive, restless search for knowledge. How had he known to say that about her? After all, he had never met her before & knew nothing about her. This happened time & time again during the workshop – but the most remarkable therapeutic intervention was yet to come.

All the circles were closed – except come. Derek asked M how old she was and then if she had any children – yes, a son only 18 months old. Then he asked which part of her picture was her favourite. Dropping to her knees, she nodded towards the bottom right hand corner, now only inches from her face. There was an open circle I hadn’t seen before, in contrast to the darker shapes in the rest of the picture, this one was filled with the light blue & pink colours of a summer dawn.

Leaving the circle open, she had apparently provided Derek with a vital clue to her biography. Indeed, the open circle symbolized M’s little boy – he saved my life, she said, quietly, as tears begun streaming down her cheeks. Before then my life was routinized, dead, going round in circles, repetitive, dull – dead.

She had given herself the answer by leaving a door open in the picture through which she could escape out into life, vibrant, unpredictable, vulnerable, precious. We all sat silent, moved by the magic of the moment of unfolding meaning, an inner sanctum shared. There would be many more like this during our weekend……”

Derek R. Seagrief – Bio

Derek has been offering this inspiring Workshop “LIBERATING PAINTING” all over Scandinavia & England the past 18 years. 

Internationally recognized intuitive Astrologer serving an international clientel since 1978, Derek was born in London 1952 and living in Denmark since 1978. 

Trained in Art, Symbols, Psychology & Psychosynthesis, Derek is also Tarot Master and author of 13 books, (one in Swedish) covering a wide range of self-development themes. Since the 1990s has been Tour Guide & Organizer for Scandinavian Group Pilgrimages to discover southern England, “In the Footsteps of Merlyn” and “Exploring Eternal Egypt”. For more than 30 years Derek has been working & living the Western Mystery Traditions. During the period 1980-1996 established a pioneering International Center for personal growth & transformation in Copenhagen and a 2-year School of Astro-Psychology & Counselling. In 1999 Derek birthed “The School of Living Kabbalah” and has introduced many hundreds of students in Scandinavia to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Currently, the main teaching focus is through a wide variety of Online Education & Training. Derek is married to Norwegian Opera singer Berit Meland & live in Copenhagen with their 3 children. Together they offer alternative Marriage, Confirmation & Death Rituals throughout Scandinavia.

P  R   A  C  T  I  C  A  L      I  N  F  O  :

Saturday 23rd. October 2021

We start precisely at 9am. Finish circa 17.30pm.

Please arrange your journey so that you arrive BEFORE 9am.

Price:  1500 Dkr.

Includes paper/paints and light refreshments.

Please bring a simple packed lunch.

Deposit of 500 Dkr. to secure place.

Balance of 1000 Dkr. to be paid Saturday morning before workshop start.

Alternatively, you can pay the full amount when you register.

Space/Place limited to 7 participants for each Workshop.

P a y m e n t   &   f u r t h e r   I n f o :

Derek – Mobile:  +45-23 81 76 18 


Derek’s Newsletter S C O R P I O Late October/November 2021


Derek’s Virgo Newsletter– August/September 2021