Derek´s services


Basic Astrological-Psychological Consultation

Is a deep exploration of your inner world and your current life circumstances, including the next 2 years of future planetary movements. The focus is placed upon assisting you to gain greater clarity over your life patterns from an evolving wholistic psychological-spiritual perspective. Personal meeting – 2 hours duration – recorded as DropBox file & sent to your email as Voice Mail to download onto your computer. Price available on request.


1-Hour Skype Session

For those clients unable to meet face-to-face, this 1-Hour intensive offers the perfect solution for international clients wishing a speedy overview of their current challenges & circumstances. Prior our Skype session your birth horoscope is sent via email to print out before our meeting. Immediately after our talk a Voice mail is also sent to your email address to download (Dropbox). Price available on request.


Email Report: 1-2 specific Questions

A personalized email written report (circa 6-10 pages) is suitable for a quick response to 1-2 specific questions that need urgent attention. For those clients needing feedback about specific areas of their life, yet not desiring a 2-Hour or 1-Hour consultation, this is an ideal alternative. Send me an email with your 1-2 questions and I respond with my Bank details so you can make a transfer. When I have received payment, your Report is completed within 2-3 days. Price available on request.


Relationship Study

Two people exploring their partnership energies – identifying where there is flow & support, and where there is resistance, areas of challenge for mutual growth. This session is ideal for couples and for parents & child relationships. Synastry & Composite techniques employed. 2 Hours recorded. Price available on request.


Family Study

This is a deep exploration of family dynamics & therefore karmic patterns between parents (including your mother & father), grandparents, siblings (brother & sister) and children. The focus is primarily upon identifying the psychic inheritance from both the mother & father, your relationship to the feminine & masculine energies within yourself – and the specific challenges upon your healing journey towards wholeness. Price available on request.



Company Horoscope

Every Company has a “Foundation Chart” to mark its birth & manifestation – and this is used to guide us in not only describing character traits, skills & areas of  challenge, yet periods of success and times of crises. Astrology can offer much valuable assistance with timing, strategy, management resources etc. Price available on request.



For those individuals who have a background in consciously working towards an integration of Personality & Soul, such as esoteric students, educators & psychologists, I am offering a new service, a 7 Ray Chart utilizing your horoscope. This takes place as a Ray interview or assessment that determines the quality of expression of each of the 7 Rays in your life. This work provides clear guidelines regarding behaviour & attitudes to illustrate the 5 most probable rays conditioning your energy system – and insights for integrating the personal and transpersonal dimension of human experience. The result is a pattern for living that contains a set of spiritual instructions. The Ray analysis is not therefore an end in itself but provides a blueprint for psychospiritual evolution.

To Register: Please provide your FULL birth details with day/month/year, place of birth and local time of birth – Thank You.

Price: Our 2-Hour session is recorded and costs 1700 Dkr. throughout Scandinavia or $260 for USA clients. MobilePay in Denmark, International Bank transfer or Paypal for international clients.


Where in the world? World Maps & Locations

Using the Astro-Carto-Graphy & Local Space techniques, we can place your horoscope over the world map & locate places for relocation, professional activities & pleasure! Make your list of specific places that have your interest & arrange either a personal/or Skype 1-Hour session or email Report. Price available on request.


Tree of Life Reading

Is a unique synthesis of Numerology, Tarot & Astrology that establishes your Personal Life Mandala as Pathways placed upon the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, linking two Sephiroth or dimensions of consciousness. This becomes a working road map that identifies areas within your psyche that you travel and work upon during this lifetime. This is deep psychological work relating the instructions from the Spirit levels of the Tree diagram to the Soul & Personality levels of the Tree. Such an exploration of your energy structure is best recommended to those already committed to living a conscious creative life style. Personal meeting only – 2 Hours recorded. Price available on request.


4 Worlds Mandala

Is an intuitive exploration of your 5 Compass Directions. It is a Hermetic Artwork that uses the Letters in your name translated into Hebrew to create a unique personal Mandala that will function as a powerful magical talisman for years to come. The 4 Worlds Mandala offers the mature Seeker a visual revelation into these great Gates, an inspirational road-map and a stimulus for meditation as you contact the underlying source of Divinity from each of these 5 Directions. Order in good time so that your beautiful coloured A3 Laminated 4 Worlds Mandala is ready before our session. Price available on request.


Tarot Consultation

The archetypal images upon the 78 Tarot cards provide wonderful insights & perspective into any life situation. They are quick & direct, so many different questions can be asked & the appropriate answers received during a 90-minute recorded session. Derek has been working with Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck since 1969 & has been teaching tarot throughout Scandinavia the past 30 years. Price available on request.


Kabbalistic Healing

Kabbalah has developed various methods for Healing over the centuries and during recent years I personally have evolved a combination of sound & energy transmission that utilizes the God & Angelic Names of the Spheres on the Tree of Life, which is actually a Tree of Light. 

We use the first half of our session to identify the originating cause of the health crises, followed by healing vibrations inspired from the Kabbalistic Tree of Life during the second half. Especially suitable for those experiencing soul sickness or fragmentation. Time duration: 90 minutes. Price available on request.

Therapy Session

A therapeutic session is designed for clients wishing to work upon a specific life theme, to gain greater insight, acceptance and empowerment. PsychoSynthesis techniques and Guided Visualization exercises included. Duration: 90 minutes. Price available on request.

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Individual Mentoring

I have been teaching large & small groups in Astrology, Tarot & Kabbalah for more than 30 years. In recent years I have been offering a new service for those dedicated students desiring a more intensive personal Journey.

If you wish to upgrade your involvement in any one of these symbol systems, or a combination of all three, then I offer individual mentoring tailored to suit your individual requirements. As Companion & inspirational Guide for a period of 3 months (10 individual sessions), we work out a suitable Plan of Action.  Skype sessions. You can book 1 session or 3 sessions at a time. Price available on request.

Contact Derek for an appointment

(45) 23 81 76 18

Niels Frederiksens Alle 4

2610 Rødovre