Derek’s Quarterly Newsletter SPRING SEASON 2023

Hello Friends & Clients around the World! Copenhagen calling!

With great pleasure I send you my very first Quarterly Newsletter starting appropriately with the SPRING SEASON. Instead of 12 Newsletters a year, there will be 4 Newsletters, one for each of the 4 Seasons. That fact divides the circle into 4 parts or quadrants – and that is the source of my inspiration for the Spring Season which contains our first three Zodiac signs, Aries, Taurus & Gemini. Hope you will enjoy the read. You can also access the text with me reading on:

Audio file:
Part 1
Part 2


You are receiving this Quarterly Newsletter as we enter the first sign of the Zodiac – Aries. This is ARIES, leading the way forth into unknown territory, eager to experience life and enthusiastic to explore and pioneer.

We enter a time of new beginnings – let it be so!
The symbol of the sign ARIES is the head of a ram. The ram indicates power, force and a straight dash. The sign Aries is identified with the head of man, with the eyebrows & nose representing the glyph of Aries. Man is a vertical being on this planet with our head as the highest point. Our Crown chakra is known as the Thousand Petalled Lotus, giving us access to a thousand realities. What do we choose to focus our consciousness upon? We have access to many different realities - and this is our goal, to live in multi-dimensionality.

In India the God of the Cycles of Time has his head cut off in sacrifice at this time of the year. It then gets replaced by the head of a ram. The Spring Equinox therefore, marks both the ending and the beginning. This year the start of the Spring and the impulse behind our new spiritual Year begins with the transit of the Sun entering Aries – this occurs Monday 20th March 2023 at 22.25 CET or 21.25 GMT.

As the first Fire sign of the Zodiac, ARIES demonstrates enthusiasm, it wants expansion, activity and the path of Initiation. It stirs up all of nature, destroying the old forms and opens the way for new & better states. 

We have begun our Quarterly Newsletter – now let’s dig deeper!


Significant Dates during SPRING SEASON

  1. SPRING EQUINOX – Horoscope for the coming 3 months

  2. The Aries Point 0-Degrees & Two NEW MOONS in Aries

  3. FULL MOON ARIES – EASTER & Festival of the Risen Christ

  4. Questions to ask in the 1st. Quadrant

  5. Sensitive Degrees on the 360-degree circle – exploring the significance of 0-15-30 degrees. The AVATAR GATES at 15-degrees Fixed signs

  6. The Demons of the Chakras

  7. Transit URANUS through TAURUS at 15-degrees 2022-23

  8. Coronation of King Charles 111

   10. Predictions for Prince William & Solar Eclipse – the Saros Cycle 

   11. The Union Jack Flag of Great Britain


   13. The Grail Winners – Knights who achieve the Holy Grail & the Zodiac

   14. The MAY QUEEN Festival 1st. May

   15. The SAINT MICHAEL Ley Line or Dragon Line

   16. Tides and Seasons – A study in Cycles

   17. The Quest for All Seasons – the 4 Elements & 4 Seasons

   18. The Inner Guardians of the 4 Seasons – The Arthurian Tarot images

   19. The LADY OF THE LAKE – Spring Equinox Ritual dedication

   20. Transit PLUTO moving into AQUARIUS 2023: Power of the Group

   21. Transit NEPTUNE moving into ARIES 2025: Baptism by Fire


      Significant DATES during the SPRING SEASON

1. Tuesday 7 th March – transit SATURN enters PISCES

2. Tuesday 23 rd . March – transit PLUTO enters AQUARIUS

3. Thursday 25 th March – transit MARS enters CANCER

4. SPRING EQUINOX – Monday 20 th March 2023 at 21.25 GMT

Transit SUN enters ARIES

5. NEW MOON in ARIES –1: Tues. 21 st . March at 17.23 GMT Sun

& Moon conjunct at 1-degree

6. The Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mary

Saturday March 25 th . Archangel Gabriel to Mary

7. FULL MOON in ARIES – Thurs. 6 th April at 05.34 GMT

The Easter Festival of the Risen Christ

8. NEW MOON in ARIES – 2: Thurs. 20 th April at 05.12 GMT

Sun &; Moon conjunct at 30 degrees -

Annual Total Solar Eclipse

And transit SUN enters TAURUS

9. MAY QUEEN Festival – Monday 1 st . May

10. FULL MOON in TAURUS – The Wesak Festival of Lord Buddha

Friday 5 th May at 16.34 GMT:

activates The Avatar Gates at 15-degrees Taurus-Scorpio

11. NEW MOON in TAURUS Friday 19 th May at 14.53 GMT

at 28½-degrees of the Bull

12. Transit SUN enters GEMINI, Sunday 21 st . May

13. FULL MOON in GEMINI, Sunday 4 th June at 02.42 GMT

At 13-degrees Gemini-Sagittarius

14. Transit PLUTO retrograde, re-enters Capricorn 12 th June

15. NEW MOON in GEMINI, Sunday 18 th June at 03.37 GMT

At 26½-degrees Gemini


Wednesday 21 st June at 15 GMT – Start of Summer Season




When the transit Sun enters the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries the Ram,

there is the shock of Creation, the entrance into the new Spiritual year and

the celebration of the renewing power of Life with the start of the Spring

Season. In previous times such horoscopes would be set up to mark a Quarter of

the year, a 3-month chart revealing the unfolding landscape &; events

awaiting us In my part of the world, Scandinavia, the luminaries, the Sun entering Aries

and Moon travelling through Pisces, are positioned in the 4 th . House, a

symbol of the promise of new beginnings anchored at the very root or

foundations of the home and society. The Sun is moving towards the planet

Mercury and leaving a conjunction to Neptune. New ideas & visions are

being contacted. Transit Saturn has left Aquarius, where it has been for 2½-years and just

entered into the water sign of Pisces on the 7 th . March. On this Spring

Equinox chart it sits at the bottom of the horoscope on the 4 th . House cusp.

Saturn is about definition, a reality-check that makes us accountable to the

past and Pisces is about vision and compassion. It will be interesting to see

what humanitarian goals are birthed here in Scandinavia during this Spring

Season. Saturn in Pisces is dissolving what separates us. Water loosens

what has been stuck and as Saturn enters Pisces we are invited to attend

to anything that interferes with a free flow of feeling and connection. Saturn

in this water sign loosens the boundaries of the past. If we are adrift or

isolated, or bereft of inspiration, Saturn in Pisces offers us a journey back to

magic, to a connection with the whole.

Transit Uranus also sits on an angle, the 7 th House cusp or DEScendant at

16-degrees Taurus, forming the dynamic opposition to the Scorpio

ASCendant. This is also a statement of the “wake-up call”, deep resources

set into motion because of the actions of other people and other nations.

This is a creative response to changing circumstances and stimulates new


There are 3 Transpersonal planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which

act as catalysts for evolutionary change. On this Spring Equinox chart we

shall find the Sun in conjunction with Neptune and the Moon in sextile or a

flowing 60-degree aspect with Uranus. Then as we look closer, we find

there is another sextile aspect, this time between the Sun and Pluto and it

is exact, less than 1-degree. In astrology the closer the aspect the more

powerful it is.

Pluto is the ruler of the Scorpio ASCendant and has reached the very end

of Capricorn 30 degrees and is about to move into Aquarius. It has reached

a most critical degree of climax and potential synthesis.

Both the Sun and Pluto are in close aspect, God of the Heights and God of

the Depths – and so we can expect more extremes to be experienced in

this Quarter. Both planets form the 150-degree quincunx aspect to the

highest point, the Leo Midheaven at 30 degrees. This is an aspect or

energy relationship of tension and internal adjustment, which is why it has a

reputation of a health aspect. There is a tremendous focus upon the

magical power of the True Will suggested in these planetary contacts.

There is a blending of different elements, Fire and Earth, and an intensive

process to anchor a vision.

This powerful alchemical configuration of transformation, is known as a

“Yod”, or Finger of God aspect with the Leo MC or Midheaven, 10 th House

cusp, becoming the point of celestial Destiny. In the ancient world this area

was where the Fixed Star of 1 st . Magnitude, Regulus, was to be found. This

was a Star of Rulership, often called “The Little King” or “The Heart of the


What if I then told you that there is another “Yod” or “Y” pattern to be found

on this Spring Equinox chart and that it involves the two planetary Rulers of

the Scorpio ASCendant tied in to the same Midheaven point at 30-degrees

Leo! This is seen by the placement of Mars at 28-degrees Gemini forming

the quincunx aspect to Pluto and the sextile to the highest point or MC in


Now remember, I’m a professional astrologer of 44 years experience in

looking at and interpreting horoscopes. You are a reader of this Newsletter

and may have some astrological exposure. My job is to bridge build

between the outer and inner worlds. I’m used to seeing connections like this

and extracting meaning from the information. Mars is the planetary Ruler of

Aries by Day and Scorpio by night. Mars is the God of War yet also an

essential factor in our spiritual unfoldment. Mars is the traditional Ruler of

Scorpio and Pluto is the modern Ruler. The work and decisions we do in

the outer world (Mars) and the work we do at the deepest part of our

psyche, our inner world and underworld motivations (Pluto).The presence

of Mars, Pluto and the Sun all in aspect to the Leo Midheaven (Leo ruled by

the Sun) just indicates what we are striving to achieve, to make conscious

of, the fated decisions and courage required to make a new Page and new

Chapter in the Book of Life.

As this horoscope is specific to Scandinavia, calculated for the Danish

capital, Copenhagen, and as the various Time Zones of the world will

produce different Midheavens in the different countries, then some new

initiative and leadership with courage is to become manifest in this part of

the world. The Soul of Scandinavia (SOS) is calling! What form this shall

take, we shall see, but that is exciting to be a part of in these coming Spring


The Aries Point 0-degrees & 2 New Moon’s in Aries

21 st March & 20 th April

2 New Moons & 1 Full Moon in Aries

New Moons, the conjunction of Sun & Moon in the same degree of a sign

represent the beginnings of a new cycle. This is the WAXING phase of the

Moon, steadily growing in size and light. The seeds that are planted at the

time of the New Moon culminate 14 days later with the Sun-Moon

opposition at the Full Moon. The New Moon refers to the release of a new

tone, bringing new ideas to the world. The Full Moon is an extreme high-

energy period and of great light, so objectivity and clear consciousness can

result from the Moon being open and full.

This year we shall experience two New Moons in the same sign of

Aries and two Full Moons in the sign of Leo. Both Aries and Leo are

FIRE signs so there will be considerable emphasis upon warmth and

passion, showing increased Light and increased Love. Fire signs are

showing their enthusiasm for life and confidence in a brighter future.

So we have the transit Sun leaving the water sign of Pisces and entering

into the fire sign of Aries MONDAY 20 th March at 22.25 CET time here in

Scandinavia – and we warmly welcome the SPRING EQUINOX.

About 19 hours later on Tuesday 21 st March 18.23 CET, the Sun & the

Moon join together in the first degree of Aries. One month later, 20 th April

the Moon and the Sun will come together at 30 degrees of Aries for the

second New Moon in this sign.

Isn’t this fascinating to recognize how the first & last degree of a zodiac

sign is being emphasized at these New Moon dates, and the Aries Full

Moon in between at the middle of the sign 15-16 degrees of the Ram!

There is clearly a Cosmic push to get us to start new pathways, to pioneer

exciting new openings and to move into life with greater courage. WOW!

Let it come – I am ready – are YOU?

The sign Aries – its position on your birth chart

For everyone, this great emphasis upon the fiery qualities of Aries will

activate where the sign Aries is positioned in your birth horoscope. Locate

where Aries is to be found, what House position, and there you will be

stimulated towards new activities. This requires that you know both your

birth chart and the meaning of the 12 Houses. In my own example, Aries

occupies the 3 rd . House on my birth horoscope, the area associated with

writings & communications.

It's quite a classic example as I am sending out my new Quarterly

Newsletter after an absence of almost half a year and I am currently writing

Volume 2 of my book, which

Chart for the FULL MOON in ARIES – The Festival of Easter

In my part of the world in Scandinavia, the Aries Full Moon cuts exactly

through the horizon axis with the Sun less than 1-degree from the

Ascendant or birth moment, and the opposing Moon sitting on the opposite

angle, the 7 th House cusp or Descendant. This great light at the time of the

Full Moon could easily symbolize that through great contrast we see things

more clearly. Does this mean illumination and increased awareness about

oneself (1 st House) and relations with others (7 th House)?

The Sun on the ASCendant is the same as sunrise so in what way will

Denmark &; Scandinavia enter into a new Dawn? Could we in our part of

the world demonstrate a great example of courage & new beginnings to the

rest of the world? The Sun’s closeness to the ASCendant also includes the

conjunction with Jupiter, the great planet of Expansion, so there is shown

much trust & belief in these new directions.

Above all, this is the Festival of Easter and the display of the new life

impulse pushing through the frozen wastelands of the Winter season. Aries

is the start of the new spiritual Year. The Risen Christ and the power of

Resurrection in Nature. What a fantastic statement of new livingness before

us this month of Aries! We are given the opportunity to truly be reborn and

resurrect ourselves into being the SPIRITUAL WARRIOR, rising above,

transcending ego conflict and manifesting soul values.

And yes, let’s search for those hidden Easter eggs, find them, break them

open, and eat divine nourishment! Are you not hungry for that?

Questions to ask in the First Quadrant

What are the questions that I need to ask myself in each of the 4


Let us place our focus upon the SPRING QUADRANT.

This is the Quadrant connected to our Self-Identity & the Keynote is :


Ascendant or 1 st . House to the IC angle or 4 th House (Quadrant 1):

- What crises surrounds you now?

- What is seeking to be revealed now?

- What is the source of your inspiration?

- What opportunities for total change lie in your grasp?

- If you were daring & courageous, what actions would you

take to remedy the problems of the first question?

Sensitive Degrees on the 360-degree Circle

Every Zodiac sign has 30-degrees. 12 Zodiac signs x 30 degrees = 360 or

a complete circle. The science of numbers is, of course, a vast area of

exploration. Today we shall briefly consider the essential numbers 3 and 4.

When we divide the circle into 4 quadrants, we shall quickly observe that

contained in each quarter division will be 3 zodiac signs. And so we have 4

Seasons x 3 = 12 Zodiac signs.

In the science of Astrology the division of each sign into 30 degrees is

further divided into 3 parts of 10-degrees, known as Decanates. The first

Decanate is from 0-10 degrees, then 10-20 and the third Decanate 20-30

degrees. Each division has its own symbolism and characteristic energies.

For example, the first 10 degrees puts a focus upon the Throat & its polarity

with the Sacral Centre, the middle section from 10-20 degrees corresponds

to the Heart & Solar Plexus polarity; and the 20-30 degree section

corresponds to the Head and its opposite polarity, the Root or Base chakra.

Our focus today is to see how specific sensitive degrees in this structure

provide us with a fascinating glimpse into universal intention.

As in life or any evolving story, there is a beginning (0-1 degrees), a

middle (15 degrees) and an ending (29-30 degrees).

As everything is about “energy” then Astrology identifies three types of

energy that describe the zodiac signs. There are CARDINAL signs with the

emphasis upon BEGINNING, FIXED signs with the emphasis upon holding

the centre or MIDDLE section and MUTABLE signs with their emphasis

upon change and bringing conclusion or ENDINGS.

In Astrology we correspond the emergence of something new with the

Cardinal signs (Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn), which start the Seasons;

then a phase of concentration, where the essence and authenticity deep

within is manifested through the Fixed signs (Taurus-Scorpio, Leo-

Aquarius), showing the basic character of the 4 Seasons; and a third phase

characterized by the Mutable signs (Gemini-Sagittarius, Virgo-Pisces)

where the season shows its diversity, adaptability. and changeability, as it

prepares to leave one season and enter into the next.

So each Season will contain one Cardinal sign, one Fixed sign and one

Mutable sign. In our SPRING SEASON, ARIES is Cardinal, TAURUS is

Fixed and GEMINI is Mutable.

Fixed sign Taurus, as the Middle of the Spring Season, not only displays

the essential quality of this time of the year, but can also be understood on

the energy level, as the “high-point” of the Springtime.

The same is true for the other Fixed signs of the Zodiac circle. If there are

30 degrees of each sign then 15 degrees has a special place because it is

the middle of the sign where the purpose of that zodiacal sign gets

manifested. As we look to the Spring Season, then in this quadrant of the

Zodiac containing Aries, Taurus & Gemini, Taurus will occupy the middle

position and 15 degrees of the Bull is the exact midpoint for these 3


The significance of this is the central impulse behind this Spring Quarterly Newsletter.

Traditionally 15 degrees of the 4 Fixed signs has been significantly

classified as the Avataric Gates, where the descent of a pure spiritual

energy enters our world. This is the basic meaning of the world “Avatar”, the

descent from the higher realms of a spiritual energy into the lower

kingdoms of Nature.

On Friday 5 th May, at the time of the exact Taurus Full Moon climax (19.34

CEDT), the Sun is located at precisely 15-degrees Taurus and the

Moon in the opposite sign of Scorpio at 15 degrees.

There is no doubt that this approaching Full Moon is quite extraordinary in

its pure spiritual power that will make its descent into the hearts & minds of

Humanity. The day before the Full Moon will be exceptionally potent,

building up to its climax the day of the Full Moon and the day after will be

used for distribution of the contacted energies. In other words, a 3-day

period of major shift in the world balance, as certain forms that have

outlived their usefulness are now subject to destruction and liberation.

Just as the Full Moon in Aries is celebrated as the Festival of Easter, the

high point of the Christian calendar associated with the Risen Christ, then

the Full Moon in Taurus is the high point of the Eastern Calendar with the

Festival of Wesak and the Enlightenment of Lord Buddha. For the esoteric

student, the Wesak Festival is the time each year to receive the Blessing

from Buddha and receive the spiritual Keynote for the coming years’ work.

The potential for increased light and liberation from old destructive forms is

given tremendous significance during this month of May. Our thoughts will

naturally be focussed upon the Russian-Ukraine war and the new

developments that arise at this point of the year. The European Melody

Grand Prix will culminate during May and give enjoyment to millions and the

Coronation of King Charles 111 in the start of May, together with the internal

struggles within the Royal family might reach polarization &; boiling-point at

this time.

The Festival of the Risen Christ – EASTER

High point in the Western Christian calender


The Festival of Wesak & Lord Buddha – WESAK

High point in the Eastern Buddhistic calendar


World Invocation Day – Gemini Full Moon

The Christ & Lord Buddha/The Two Brothers/The Gemini Twins

join together to distribute the contacted energies


Transit Uranus & the Avataric Gate 15-degrees Taurus

During the period May through to December 2022, transit Uranus

occupied the 15 th Degree of Taurus. The third and final contact has

taken place in February-March 2023.

There have been many dramatic front-page news on the international

scene during this period which is the outer mirroring of our various personal

crises – yet what stands out for YOU? What has been important for YOU to

register during this period?

The essential nature of the planet Uranus is shown in its title, The


As a transpersonal planet, it is a catalyst for breaking old limiting patterns in

our life and enabling us to impose new rhythms on our everyday world.

Uranus is the archetype of change and Taurus, an Earth sign, is our

material dependable world view.

For 7 years transit Uranus moves through each sign of the Zodiac and

challenges the basic character of the sign to renew itself. In Taurus our

consciousness is conditioned by our attachment to worldly things, so transit

Uranus seeks us to become freer and more liberated. And to achieve this

our attitude towards security & safety is challenged and new attitudes are

emerging. As an Earth sign Taurus is focussed upon productivity and

manifestation, especially physical produce such as food and how we share

the Earth’s natural resources. Everything effects everything because all is

interrelated. Climate change makes this more and more obvious to all, yet

so too does the increased cost of living due largely to the ongoing war in


There are so many observations that can be made from our Collective life

and our personal “waking-up” and transformations.

And what results have you come up with through this Review of the

phase, from May-December 2022 and February-March 2023?

The Demons of the Chakras

7. CROWN: Attachment

6. BROW: Illusion

5.THROAT: Lies

4. HEART: Grief


2. SACRAL: Guilt

1. ROOT: Fear

In this reference I draw your attention to the “Demons of the Chakras” and

what blocks & distorts the incoming universal energy.

It will be quite easy to recognize the issues surrounding the challenges

around survival, having our security needs met, linked to the demon of

“fear”. Whatever we fear is like a paralysis, and the more we fear a specific

something, the more we give it power over us. This is the Root chakra, the

base which nourishes the foundation of our being.

At the Solar Plexus level we demonstrate our power, yet the demon to be

confronted here is “shame” which undermines our self-esteem and personal


In the anatomy of the physical body, the sign Aries governs the “head”,

Taurus governs the “neck region” and Gemini the “lungs”. The extra

stimulus of the approaching Taurus Full Moon in the month of May puts

focus upon the Taurus area of the body, the neck and throat region. The

throat chakra is where the magical power of sound is to be found – our

voice which can open or close doors and relationships. The throat region is

a bridge between the head and the heart and therefore occupies a most

significant point for higher personal integration.

But today we have the dominance of what we know as “fake news”. Lies

twist our relationship to the outside world with distorted information.

It is obvious that if we are to make contact with the higher frequencies then

in our daily life we must speak “truth” and be “truth”. And by that I also

mean that if you say something, promise something, then you must be true

to your oath.

Coronation of King Charles

In Great Britain on 8 th May we shall witness the Coronation of the new King

Charles 111. This is a most historic event that will be seen by billions of

people throughout the world. His mother Queen Elisabeth 11, was on the

throne for no less than 70 years, the longest reigning monarch in history.

Charles is 74 years when he ascends the throne. How long will Charles


When Lady Diana died in a tragic car chase, there was lots of research into

not only her death, but also how the two Royal Princes would assume the

future throne. As we have clearly seen in the last years, the younger son

Harry, has already renounced his Royal title and has moved to America.

Now the question is, will Prince William, heir to the throne when King

Charles dies, do the same and end the British Monarchy?

Lady Diana, a Sun-sign Cancerian changed the Windsor Dynasty, and now

we have Queen Consort Camilla, also a Sun-sign Cancerian, who has

already succeeded to alienate various members of the Royal family,

including Kate Middleton, the wife of the next King of England – will she too

change the destiny of the Windsors?

As I write this during the month of March, there has been much recent

speculation that Queen Consort Camilla’s son, Thomas Parker Bowles,

could be the one to replace Prince William in the near future. This new

revelation is due to the line of succession that would have gone to Prince

Harry & wife Megan and their children, has ended with the publication of

Harry’s book “Spare”. Thomas Parker Bowles is a 48-year old British writer

and gastronomist, author of several books related to gastronomy and for

which he has won an award. He has been recognized worldwide for his

participation as a judge on several TV cooking series. For mother Camilla’s

plans to succeed she would have to replace Prince William & Kate

Middleton and their children – and they have no intention of being replaced.

And so the ongoing family drama of the British Royal family continues…….

Predictions for Prince William & his Solar Eclipse

The first child to Charles & Lady Diana, and heir to the throne of Great

Britian was born at the time of a Solar Eclipse. This maybe is not so

unusual since these eclipse cycles happen two times a year, but having a

future King with such a natal event makes it especially revealing. His birth

thus set into motion a lot more astrological attention about the significance

of eclipses.

If you are born on such a Solar eclipse, your life is going to encapsulate a

specific Saros Series which produced the eclipse at your birth. Thus you

are deeply connected to that Saros Series and you will act as a vehicle for

the expression of this Series of eclipses.

So what is this Saros Series?

Each eclipse is not an isolated event but is a member of a family and each

family has characteristics. These families have beginnings, middle and

ends and were first discovered by the Babylonians. These cycles were


Saros Series by the Greeks in the 10 th Century AD, from the word “saros”

meaning “to be repeated”. Any one cycle will run for well over a thousand

years. It starts as an eclipse at either the North or South Pole and will

slowly move towards its opposite pole some 1300 years later. Each Saros

Series produces a Solar eclipse every 18 years and each cycle will produce

71 to 73 “events” or Solar eclipses.

The study of the Saros Series is, of course, a demanding yet rewarding

research, for to fully understand the energetic patterns encoded in each

eclipse one looks at the parent eclipse that started the Series.

Returning to Prince William – he is born into the Saros Series 2 Old

North which is in its last stages with a few more eclipses around the South

Pole are yet to occur. It started its life in 792 AD and will end in July

2036, when Prince William is 54 years old. In this year he reaches 41.

This Saros Series 2 Old North has a character of separations or endings

of unions. For those born with this Series prominent, their lives will be

touched by the challenge of separation, old structures crumbling while

learning how to create new forms from the collapse of the old ones.

Thus for Prince William, Prince of Wales and future King of Great Britain, to

be part of this Saros Series is to predict that he will be the last British

Monarch in the current style. This predicts an end of an era. To add extra

weight to this theory, the Series started in 792 AD when the first recognised

King of England, the Anglo-Saxon Ecgberht, came to power in 802 AD. This

cycle will end in 2036, thirteen years from the time you read this!

There are 19 North and 19 South Series, so there are many Saros Series to

work with. And just for your further interest we could take a theme like the

development of science, art or language and explore that theme’s

development through history against the backdrop of the Saros Series.

There is strong evidence to support the idea that the development of

human thought in a particular field is linked to an individual Saros Series.

For example, the year that Gutenberg invented the printing press (1452),

the year Copernicus published his theory that the Sun was the centre of the

solar system (1543), the year Issac Newton published his “Laws of Physics”

(1687) and the year that Einstein wrote his “Theory of Relativity” (1905) –

were all years that Saros Series 14 North & South were producing

eclipses. These years of 1452, 1543, 1687 &; 1905 are all connected

astrologically & astronomically to one Saros Series – and as we can see,

the significant historical theme of these years is that of publications which

changed the world. Isn’t that fascinating research?

The Union Jack flag of Great Britain

The Union Jack remains one of the most instantly recognisable flags in the

world. This is chiefly due not only to its iconic and unusual design, but the

influence of British culture across the globe as a result of the British Empire.

The design dates back to the union of England, Scotland, Ireland &; Wales

in 1801 with the Red Cross of Saint George, Patron Saint for England, and

the White &; Blue diagonal Cross representing Saint Andrew of Scotland &;

Saint Patrick of Ireland. Interesting for scholars to debate why the Red

Dragon symbol representing the flag for Wales is not included in the

symbolism of this 8-pointed figure.

But, for me and for you today, the most important factor that I wish to

highlight is that the UK flag is an 8-pointed figure. And that fact leads me to

place your attention upon the ciircle divided by 8. What is the underlying

symbolism of this? Well, let us continue to explore….

The Circle divided by 8

The division of the yearly cycle into Equinoxes, Solstice points and Cross-

Quarter Days gives us the 8 Major Festivals of the Celtic civilization which

stretched across Europe. Then there is the Noble 8-fold Path of Buddha or

the 8 minutes it takes sunlight to reach us here on Earth. Now I have your

attention regarding this vibration 8!

In Astrology when we have the time of birth (Ascendant/Descendant axis or

1 st & 7 th House axis) and the place of birth (Midheaven/IC or 10 th &; 4 th House

axis) we have the essential horizontal &a; vertical lines that divide the

spiritual circle into 4 quadrants. The further division of the circle is the

additional cross that is the midpoint of each Quadrant, what the Celtic

culture called Cross Quarter Days. These were the in-between times whose

exact day of celebration was determined by where the Full Moon fell within

that month. This was the midpoint of each Season – and in astrology, this is

where the greatest concentration of energy can be manifest &; experienced.

If you can follow these ideas and teachings, it will not be difficult to make

the intuituve leap into the significance of the FIXED CROSS linked to the

Celtic teachings around the Grail Winners – those who achieve the Holy


The Knights who achieve the Grail

The qualities shown by each of the 4 Knights can easily be identified with

the zodiac personalities of the 4 FIXED SIGNS of the zodiac.

These 4 signs are also known in Esoteric Astrology as the CROSS OF


TAURUS – The Builder – Sir PERCEVAL

LEO – The Leader – Sir LANCELOT

SCORPIO – The Magician – Sir BORS

AQUARIUS – The Truth Seeker – Sir GALAHAD

In Esoteric Astrology, the Fixed Cross is pre-eminently the Cross of the

Soul, whose nature is LOVE, as the Cardinal signs of the Zodiac produce

the Cross of LIFE (Aries-Libra; Cancer-Capricorn), and the Mutable signs

correspond to the Cross of INTELLIGENCE (Gemini-Sagittarius; Virgo-


Here is the esoteric symbol for the Fixed Cross of the Soul:

There are so many wonderful pathways to explore through these

astrological correspondences. In ancient Egypt the 4 Fixed signs of the

Zodiac are identified in the figure of the Sphinx and both in the Old

Testament and in the New Testament we meet the same symbolism

through the prophet Ezekiel and in the Revelation of St. John where they

are shown as the Holy Beasts supporting the Throne of God. The 4 Pillars

of Esoteric Wisdom are “TO DO/WILL, TO DARE, TO KEEP SILENT &; TO

KNOW“ and are linked to these 4 Fixed Signs of the Zodiac, who are

shown as the Great Cosmic Adjusters of the Law. It is clear that the

majority of people have no notion of the wealth of meaning in these 4 signs

– and indeed, why should they because this was originally part of the

Mystery School teachings. But let us continue with our introduction around

the ancient British Arthurian Mysteries.

The 4 Fixed Signs appear at the time when the dominant qualities of each

season is being “fixed” or anchored i.e. Taurus at Spring, Leo at Summer,

Scorpio during the Autumn and Aquarius at the Winter season.

The Fixed Signs come after the Cardinal signs (Aries-Cancer-Libra-

Capricorn) and before the Mutable signs (Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces)

i.e. Fixed Signs are crucified on the cross of LOVE, as they mediate

between the SPIRIT of Cardinal cross and the MIND of the Mutable cross.

The Celtic Mysteries constantly emphasize the fact that Nature is our

greatest teacher and that we must imitate the Cycle of Nature, which is the

Cycle of Initiation. And that, dear Reader, is why this Spring Quarterly

Newsletter makes constant reference to the theme of cycles.

Here is a quite different version of the Knights of the Round Table and their

relationship with the Zodiac.

Only 3 Knights out of the many who set out from Camelot achieved a sight

of the sacred vessel, the Holy Grail. They are GALAHAD, PERCEVAL &

BORS, three very different men who experience the Grail each in his own

way – and who thus represent 3 ways of approaching the mystery.

For GALAHAD, the Pure Knight, is reserved the Way of the Spirit, of direct

communion with the Godhead.

For PERCEVAL, the simple man, whose name means “pierce-vale”, the

Way of Dedication, of the Heart, which entails a long hard road towards

self-realization; and for BORS, the ordinary man, who watches the events

but stands a little apart from them, the Way of Contemplation, of the Mind.

LANCELOT, the best Knight in the World, the perfect representation of the

chivalric ideal, does not see the Grail. This is because LANCELOT is

flawed because he loves his Lord’s wife. He is a product of Amour Courtois

– Courtly Love, which had its place in the history of the Grail as a civilizing

force, as it drew inspiration from women, who had been ignored in the

culture of the Middle Ages.

But LANCELOT is the Father to GALAHAD, the Virgin Knight destined from

birth to completely achieve the Quest.

In today’s world we can see echoes of this “Holy Grail” theme in the

achievement of glory & fame through the various Football competitions. The

healing cup of the Grail is now replaced by the Football Cup or Trophy that

dominates the scene.

In the original story, heavily Christianized yet built upon the Celtic story of

Arthur &; his disciples travelling in their boat to the Lord of the Underworld to

recover lost treasure. The 3 Knights sail to the Holy City of Sarras, variously

said to be in the East and “in the spiritual realm”, bearing the Grail to the

Eucharistic celebration in which it will become at once the Grail of the Spirit,

of the Heart and of the Mind.

From this point there is no further that they can go. GALAHAD leaves the

Earth in a blaze of ecstasy; PERCEVAL returns to the Castle of the Grail

King to become the Head of the Order of Grail knights and King of the

blossoming Waste Lands. BORS returns to Camelot.

As you can see, these stories and myths contain great truths that are not

just historical, something in the past, but have great potency for us in the

present because they are Eternal truths. Everyone is a Seeker on a Quest.

King Arthur & the 12 Knights of the Round Table

equals the Sun moving around the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

THE MAY QUEEN – Monday 1 st . May 2023

This is the May Queen Day and the sacred marriage to the Champion of

the Land, assisted by men dressed in green,

the colour of Nature.

This is the start of the Light Half of the Year for the Celtic culture.

At the opposite point in the year we have end of October &; start of

November, the Halloween Festival which is the start of their New Year & the

beginning of the Dark Half of the Year.

The 1 st . May was a time of joy &; livingness.

There were great celebrations here in the middle of the

Zodiac sign Taurus.

The fertility of Spring is upon us.

The Champion of the Land will marry the May Queen.

Who will be our May Queen today?


The great Victorian mystical artist, poet &; visionary, William Blake, claimed

in his “Jerusalem”, that “All things begin and end in Albion’s Druid Rocky


What is it about Britain that has captured the imagination of humanity

throughout time? The island of Britain occupies a unique geographic

location on the planet, where many ley-lines of powerful magnetic current

pass underneath and meet, making the land itself an easy access point into

the Otherworld.

This is the main reason why the Druids came to full maturity in Britain and

nowhere else in Europe. The Druids were well aware of the unique energy

atmosphere created by these DRAGON LINES, and at certain sacred

points where this energy coiled and twisted to the surface – such as

Glastonbury Tor, Snowdonia etc. – great occult power was to be found

there. Often such sites were marked by “Menhirs” or standing stones, or

groups of stones (Stonehenge & Avebury).

The Druids viewed the entire energy system of the Earth as a single

manifestation of THE DRAGON, and the magnetic ley-lines which criss-

cross the surface of the globe, Dragon-lines.

The whole earth was viewed as the body of the Dragon – and this Dragon

is just as alive today as in the time of Legends.

The image of Saint Michael that comes down to the modern world is of

immense antiquity. The Christian archangel, often shown thrusting his

sword down the throat of a fearsome dragon, supplanted older gods such

as Apollo or the Celtic sun-god Bel, and took over their sanctuaries, the

sacred hills and high places which appear to guard the landscape.

The graphic image of St. Michael’s sword piercing the dragon is an

adaptation of the hermetic wand or Mercury’s Caduceus, where a central

staff has serpents entwined around it in a double spiral, a timeless symbol

of natural energies operating in harmony, and as modern science has

discovered, a striking glyph of life itself as represented by the DNA


Saint Michael is often depicted holding the Scales of Justice with which to

weigh human souls after each incarnation before guiding them into the

afterworld. Many tombs and burial mounds exist around these high dragon-

hills in the British landscape.

In the middle Ages, the cult of St. Michael reached its peak. Pilgrims from

all over Europe would make journeys to the major shrines, such as St.

Michael’s mount, Cornwall, or Mont St. Michel in Normandy, both places

where shining visions of the saint were reported to have appeared in the

early centuries of Christianity. Chapels to Saint Michael crowned sites of

ancient worship, one of the main routes for those visiting the sanctuaries of

St. Michael in Britain was along a way than ran south-west/north-east

across country.

This led the traveller to a number of churches dedicated to the Saint and his

more earthly counterpart, Saint George, patron Saint of England and also

known for subduing dragons.

Along the way were dramatically situated hilltop shrines such as the St.

Michael church on Brentor, and the St. Michael chapel and hermitage on

Roche Rock, Cornwall.

Those that followed the old path were led past the remains of stone temples

and great earthworks, imposing monuments to another age when the same

spiritual presence was honoured under a different name.

In recent times researchers have found another long ley-line which interacts

with the Saint Michael line and which they call, the Mary ley-line.

Fascinating stuff indeed – but this will have to be another time…..

The continuity of this route from great antiquity into historical times

demonstrates something of its true significance, for hidden beneath the St.

Michael associations appears to be a race memory from a very remote time

when humanity wandered the land in sympathy with the cyclic rhythms of

the universe. And the further back in time one probes, the more magnificent

are the achievements of those who marked the route. The scale of the

vision at AVEBURY for example, the serpentine temple, sculpted in earth &;

stone – is breathtaking.

These works were nothing less, it seems, than the instruments of a science

and philosophy that was so vast in its scope that a memory of it has

spanned all ages, until it appeared to be lost forever.

The GREAT DRAON LINE which starts on St. Michael’s Mount Cornwall

and crosses the whole country via Glastonbury and Avebury to pass over

Bury St. Edmunds and into the North Sea, is the world’s most famous ley

line – and often called THE FATHER LINE, as it continues around the

world, through Scandinavia &; Russia, and down and up through South


The precise reason for the existence of this line of dragon sites across

southern England is currently beyond our comprehension, yet clearly the

view is a universe as a single system, a living entity which includes the

Earth as an integral part. This is indicated by perhaps the most intriguing

property of the St. Michael Line – the fact that it appears to be constructed

on an axis that aligns with the centre of our Solar system at crucial times of

the ancient calendar.

BELTANE (May Day) and LLUGHNASAD or LAMMAS, 1 st . May and

approximately 1 st . August, were the high spots of the ancient world

when beacon fires were lit on the hills and people across the land

celebrated the return of Bel, the Sun God, with his power to fertilize the land

with the energizing vitality of Spring, and later thanked him and his female

partner, the Earth Goddess, for their bountiful harvest. On these occasions,

around which the whole year revolved, wild festivities took place at the old

sacred sites, as an act of sympathetic magic to draw the fructifying cosmic

energies into the Earth.

Even in Victorian England, Mayday rituals were enacted with religious

devotion in all parts of the land, with every village honouring its MAY

QUEEN as children danced around gaily-decorated maypoles.

Imagine on the Celtic fire Festival MAYDAY – 1 st . May, at dawn, with a

great line of fires lit on the tops of hills and mounds all along the Saint

Michael Ley Line, and the Sun rising in exact alignment, steadily

climbing the sky, a tremendous act of celestial union, AS ABOVE, SO


The crucial times were measured by the moments of the heavenly bodies,

not by mundane calculation, the proof of which is apparent to anyone who

cares to study a little astro-archaeology, and the way that megalithic

monuments correspond to the passage of Sun, Moon, Stars &; planets

across the skies.

Tides & Seasons

Our life’s Journey is lived out in time and space, coloured by a multitude of

moods and qualities which the 4 Seasons weave about us. Each Season

has its own characteristics and brings its own insights which you can

only experience at the time. The spiritual tides run whether we are aware

of this or not. You are probably aware of many of them without ever giving

them a thought. Let us look at some of the seasonal patterns which weave

the tapestry against which our lives are lived.

The Cycle of the Day

The Sun governs this cycle and marks the phases of the DAY. This cycle is

the one we respond to most immediately, for it governs our daily lives –

when we get up, go to work, when we have lunch, come home or go to bed.

Each time of the day has its particular quality - very few of us get up to

catch the dawn, but we are aware of the day’s freshness and innocence

stretching ahead of us. At midday, usually the busiest time of day, we

experience a strong and conscious self-expression. At twilight, the Sun

setting, a magical time when we remember the day’s work and see into the

heart of things. By midnight we are already asleep or going to bed.

Each complete revolution of the day and night is a microcosm of the

Seasons of growth.

The Cycle of the Month

This monthly cycle is governed by the MOON and is one we appreciate less

frequently. Very few people seem aware of the Moon’s phases, yet when

we are closer to Nature, we notice the movements with sensitivity.

The basic irregularity of the Moon means that sometimes there are 12 Full

Moons a year and sometimes 13. A full circle or cycle of 13 months

containing 28 days is the basis for a Lunar Year. It was because the

number 13 typified the Moon and the Feminine principles that we can

expect a powerful resurgence of Goddess energy and awareness during

2023. Thirteen was the accepted number of witches in a coven because

their rituals were recognised as being of lunar origin. Thirteen in Hebrew

means “unity” and a totally different emphasis than the Christian

preoccupation of 13 being an “unlucky number” due to its association with

Judas at the Last Supper.

This year 2023, we shall have 13 Full Moons, two occurring in the

month of August (1 st . & 31 st .).

As every Full Moon period is a time of climax and culmination, there will be

lots of increased light and potentially increased self-realization during this

summer month.

Our present calendar month takes no notice of Moon phases, although in

the Celtic tradition the major Festivals were calculated by them. The

Egyptian yearly cycle also honoured this on-going relationship between the

Sun-Moon-Earth relationship, as did the various ancient cultures of the

world. Today our celebration of the Christian “high-point” of Easter is

determined by the Full Moon in Aries each year, but very little else reflects

these universal traditions.

There are 4 News Moons and 3 Full Moons taking place during this

Spring Season.

Normally there would be one New Moon &; one Full Moon in each sign, but

this year we have two New Moon’s occurring in Aries (21 st . March & 20 th


So much emphasis upon the energies of Aries provides us with further

insights into how powerful the theme emergence & new beginnings will be

in these coming weeks for all. Let’s use these opportunities well.

The Cycle of the Year

Then we come to the next cycle – the Cycle of the YEAR. This is based on

the circuit of the Earth around the Sun, which marks off the two Equinox

points (Spring &; Autumn) of equal Day & Night, and the two Solstice points

(Summer &; Winter) which are the turning points in the Sun’s journey south

and north, the longest Day of Light and the shortest Day of Light.

But the real rulers of the seasonal year are the STARS, which have distinct

Constellations (grouping of stars) in each season. This takes us into the

realms of Astrology, Astronomy and Universal Mythology.

Next we have the Cycle of Life, revolving around the Self.

Everyone is aware that Birth, Sun rising at Morning is contrasted by Sun

setting, East with West, and from the innocence at the beginning we arrive

at maturity. The SELF at the centre needs to experience all phases of life

and that includes the Youthful phase of openness &; exploration contrasted

with Death or letting-go.

It is our awareness of these cycles that brings us into contact with the more

subtle tides and seasonal opportunities, and directs us into an even deeper

understanding of the 4 Elements that are responsible for all manifested life.

The Winter phase corresponds to the EARTH Element and is a time of Age,

Nightime, the Life-force turned inward and hidden – and that is contrasted

with the next phase of Spring, which is the birth of a new spiritual impulse,

Morning and Childhood. When we are born it is the Air that carries the

breath of Life and so the Spring Season is identified with the Element of

AIR. As we move towards the Summer Season, the light intensifies and so

too the heat and passion of the FIRE Element. This corresponds to the

Noon phase during the daily cycle. The next phase is the Autumn which

correlates with the Element of WATER and the Evening. Its primary

attribute is that of Love.

As you can see from this all-too-brief description, there is a great wealth of

meaning in exploring each of these directions. Meditate upon the Keywords

why Spring & LIFE are connected, Summer & LIGHT, Autumn & LOVE and

Winter and the LAW.

Throughout the history of the Western Mystery Tradition, the 4 Elements

are central to the practice of spiritual work. Fire-Water-Air-Earth are linked

to the 4 Cardinal points and to the qualities, powers, deities &; symbolism

relating to those directions – a system which varies from place to place

according to the cosmology of the culture. In the Universal picture-book,

known as the TAROT cards, (TARO = the Wheel of Life) we once again see

this sequence:





The Quest for All Seasons

The Quest for the Hallows or “Holy Things” of the Celtic Mystery Traditions

represent the essence of the 4-fold energies of Creation. As a spiritual

being, it is because of the combination of the 4 Elements of Fire-Water-Air-

Earth, that we can manifest upon the physical plane. And when we die,

these 4 Elements dissolve and disappear, releasing us to return to the

Source. Each culture has its own symbolic representations of these 4

Hallows, which have a presence and power upon which all inhabitants of

that land can call upon. But the Hallows are often withdrawn or inoperative

due to various factors.

For example, how are you/me/us treating the element of Earth at the

moment, our physical body, our eating habits, how we share the natural

resources of the Earth, our financial life, issues of security and safety? Or

the Fire Element, our degree of trust, openness, quality of creativity, faith in

the future? The Water element has been a long historical issue of neglect,

neglect in sharing our feeling life, neglect in putting a stop to polluting both

our inside and outside environment. And the Air Element with its focus upon

true communication, treating each other as equals, and with honesty.

So the Quest for the 4 sacred Hallows is primarily a Healing Journey,

making whole. The prime object of such a Quest is to enter one’s inner

landscape, the Lands Adventurous as it was called, and to clear the way to

help make their influence manifest in the world. Manifesting the Hallows is

the responsibility of us all.

Halloween, or All-Hallows at end of October is when the Celtic New Year

begins. The 4 “holy things” of their tradition included the Sword of Power,

the Spear or magical Wand, the Grail Cup and the Stone of Wisdom.

Christianity choose only to highlight the Grail Cup of Healing and basically

ignore the other three.

In the Celtic tradition there are 4 GUARDIANS of the 4 Hallows and they

are represented thus:

Ilustrations from “The Arthurian Tarot”, Caitlin & John Matthews

So we have THE SWORD OF LIGHT in the East, the SPRING SEASON

with its Guardian LADY OF THE LAKE. The Sword cuts through obstacles

and dispels illusions.

Then the SPEAR OF DESTINY in the South, that challenges, pierces that

which is false and allows its healing rays to pass within. The Spear which

heals & wounds is an instrument of Victory. Also known as the Wand. The


In the West we experience THE GRAIL CUP, whose function is that of

Healing and abundance. The Grail Winner is often called “He who Frees

the Waters”.


And then we come to the mysterious STONE OF WISDOM in the North.

The function of the Stone is that of Preserver of Knowledge & Guardian of

Tradition. Like the frozen darkness of the WINTER SEASON, it keeps its

secrets of new growth locked up until the appropriate time. Its Guardian is

the magician MERLYN.

The SWORD HALLOW which we look for during our SPRING SEASON

is that which ends illusion, bringing light to dark places. It is the

champion of innocence, truth and justice.

Although swords are thought of as instruments of destruction, this Sword is

one of the ancient gifts and empowerers of the land. When it is manifest, it

overthrows injustice and oppression, cuts through obstacles, like the cutting

winds of March, ending Winter and bringing the renewal of Spring to the


Swords are associated in our society with violent death, skilful combat,

ceremonial processions and military or royal investiture. Swords are rarely

used in daily life and in the past they were usually only worn by gentlemen

or knights, not by commoners. It is an appropriate symbol for setting out on

a quest – because the questor seeks to discipline his or her own will under

service. To wield the Sword, the questor must possess great integrity. To

wield the Sword you must be decisive – and that means being clear and

with no self-doubt.

In the story of King Arthur pulling out the Sword from the Stone you will see

this first Initiation. The Stone represents various qualities but essentially it

represents our Root Chakra. The pulling of the Sword from the stone is an

awakening from a sleep state, from a state of potential not yet realized that

requires our Will to set the process of self-realization into momentum.

The Lady of the Lake is an Initiator – it is the Sword of Justice through inner

wisdom. The Sword is a symbol of your Power, your authority. Are you

comfortable with that?

The Sword of Will is to be grasped firmly in the hand and we are to be

confident and purposeful.

She may appear to us in unexpected ways as a guide who allows us brief

glimpses of knowledge. This Lady is secret and remote in order to help us

learn. We need to enter the stillness of creation and listen well. We need to

take the inner road, by meditation, reflection or dream, to her realm. She

will ask you what wisdom you are currently fostering. You need to answer


I wonder how many of my readers are acquainted with the fact that not only

does the Spring Equinox become intimately linked to the Passover and

Paschal Feast, but it is also associated with LADY DAY – The

Annunciation of the Virgin Mother Mary, visited by Archangel Gabriel.

This Feast is celebrated every year on March 25 th . to commemorate the

announcement by Archangel Gabriel to Mary that Jesus the Christ would

become incarnate and enter into this world through her womb. The biblical

story of the Feast is found in the first Chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

As an esotericist, I could enter into another definition of the meaning behind

the word “virgin” and the many lifetimes of preparation leading up to this

karmic opportunity. Instead, I want to point your attention to the fact that this

Divine “Blessing” in Christianity for the Spring period, was already present

in the imagery of THE LADY OF THE LAKE.

Anyone who studies Arthurian legends soon notice something curious

about the childhood and training of the heroes – many of them are brought

up, advised or educated by women.

Thus Lancelot (Lancelot du Lac of France), the best Knight of King Arthur’s

Round Table, is fostered by the mysterious Lady of the Lake, while Arthur

himself receives his magical sword Excalibur from the same lady. Perceval,

one of the grail winners, apart from being brought up solely among women

also learns most of his wisdom from Kundry, a hideous hag whose origin is

clearly traced to the Irish battle Goddess Morrigan.

The famous British Queen Boudicca in AD 61 raised a Celtic army to revolt

against Roman injustices in the east of England. It was perfectly natural for

a Celtic Queen to lead armies as well as having as many lovers as she

desired. Boudicca sacrificed Roman prisoners to a savage goddess of

“Victory” by impaling them upon stakes. It is this war-leading, blood thirsty

type of woman that may be found at the roots of Arthurian legend, and not a

pale trembling maiden who faints at the very mention of battle.

In “Courtly Love”, the Romantic Age of Chivalry for the Medieval Age, the

woman/goddess was the sole reason for a knight’s/lover’s existence.

His deeds of valour, gains in battle or in music &; poetry, were all attuned to

the Code of love. This superficially romantic behaviour masks an essentially

pagan and ancient theme.

We know from historical sources that it was natural in Celtic society to send

the young men to the older women for training in arms, sword, spear,

shield, bow &; arrow, plus horsemanship. In many Arthurian Legends, the

hero cannot defeat the woman by strength of arms alone, but has to resort

to a trick to gain the upper hand. In the end, through trickery or by means of

a series of magical tests and illusions, she awards him with her favours.

Many traditional tales include “riddle-battles” between men and women – if

the hero answers correctly, they sleep together.

And far from being “just” riddle or at times, jokes, they are fundamental

questions about material &; mystical reality. The hero is once again being

taught by a woman. This echoes the sentiments of many modern teachers

who remind us that “Mother is your first Guru”.

It is also interesting to see that the British Isles is regarded as a

Motherland, symbolized by such figures as Brigantia and the war-like

defender of her peoples, Britannia, who appears on the back of coins and

paper money in the UK. This theme is yet another link to the idea of the

Goddess of the Land, Sovereignty and the King, as Protector, are One.

Throughout Celtic tradition we read of youthful heroes who vindicate their

mothers in some way or else they become champions of the land. Usually

their mothers are disgraced or sent into slavery. In order to preserve the life

of their sons, these women send their children into fosterage where they

obtain the necessary empowerment to return and overthrow an oppressive

king or stepfather. The role of the Lady of the Lake as foster-mother can be

clearly understood in these traditions, a training that involved a thorough

working with the depths of the water element i.e. the feeling nature.

The Lady keeps the ancient places. Within her book all the secrets of

spiritual wisdom are written.

We cannot read this book for ourselves because we live on the wrong side

of the veil. For us these secrets are written on the wind, in the water, on the

earth and in the fire. We do not have to read countless books in order to

find the ancient wisdom of the Lady of the Lake – we only have to enter the

stillness of creation and listen well.

She may appear to us in unexpected ways as a guide and instructor. She

allows us brief glimpses of knowledge, like a mother with a child, until we

can bear the full illumination of enlightenment.

By the time we become readers of her book, we ourselves understand the

impossibility of divulging what we have learned to others – because the

experience we receive defies language.


Although this is a “Newsletter”, my readers are accustomed to the fact that I

use this vehicle to share the Eternal Wisdom Teachings. I make no apology

for going deep into these themes, after all, this is now a Quarterly

Newsletter covering no less than 3 zodiac signs, and you have 3 months to

digest the material! All Hail to THE LADY OF THE LAKE!

Each one of these 4 Guardians is the centre of their Court. We are

beginning our SPRING Quest within the realms of the SWORD, which

means that our Guides are the Sword Family. – and their influence will

stretch from 21 st March through to 22 nd . June.

In the Universal Wisdom Book known as the Tarot cards, we will see this

clearly depicted. Each Tarot family will consist of Major Arcana or the 22

Keys of The “Greater Powers”, combined with the mixture of Minor Arcana,

the cards numbered 1-10 and the Court or People cards known as King-


Every story has a beginning, middle and end, and every Zodiac sign has

the same, staring at 1-degree, the middle at 15-degrees and the end at 30

degrees. So too does the Sword Family. In the superb Tarot deck, “The

Arthurian Tarot” by the famous UK pair, Caitlin &; John Mathews, who have

specialized in Celtic matters for many years, they illustrated these

teachings in a most beautiful way.

Sword 1 is traditionally the Ace, yet here it becomes the Sword

Hallow. They represent the root of the Element. The Sword Castle has the

same meaning as the Grail Castle in the Mediaeval writings, yet there are 4

of them, one for each Suit and here it becomes Sword number 10.

The Minor Arcana or small keys of the Tarot are divided into the 4 Suits of

Wands (Fire); Cups (Water); Swords ( Air) and Disks (Earth). All Tarot 10’s

potentially represent the end of a journey, the achievement of great gifts,

discovering our inner champion and to arrive at the Castle depicted in

Sword 10, is the ultimate goal. What gifts lie in its treasury is for us to

discover. The entire Sword Family must be contacted and experienced.

In the illustration on the next page the Major cards are “The White Hart”,

traditionally Key 6: The Lovers; Then Key 10: the Wheel of Fortune

becomes “The Round Table”; Key 14: Art or Temperance now becomes

“The Cauldron”, a vessel of great significance to the Celtic world; and finally

Key 18: The Moon remains the same. The Sword Hallow itself is a true

mirror, showing our life’s directions with a wonderful clarity and truth.


(Note: to be done on or around the 21 st . March)


Silence is entered, Sacred space is opened &; made living.

Our visualization begins with a Crossing Formula – we make

Hand gestures to illustrate each point i.e. pointing up, down etc.

“In the Name of the Star Father – Height-Above;

The Earth Mother – Depth-Below;

The True Taker – Right Hand;

And the Great Giver – Left Hand;

One Being of Light – Totality-Circle.

I am the Seeker in the Wasteland

who shall help it Flower again.”

As an individual or group working with Sacred Space and the 4 Hallows,

you would turn to each direction. In today’s Ritual you turn only to the

EAST POINT and say aloud:

“I turn to the EAST and call forth the Wind

And the Powers of Purification.”

“I invoke the LADY OF THE LAKE

You who are the Guardian of the Sword Hallow

Bless me with your Gifts.

By the power of Life in me, I invoke the Element of Air,

that all corruption shall be purified and made clean.

I am the seeker in the Wasteland

who shall help it Flower again.

May we walk on the Rainbow Path.”

The transit of Pluto moving into Aquarius 2023

You will recall when transit Pluto moved into Capricorn at the start of 2008.

This was the period of the great economic meltdown all over the planet,

with the bottom of the property market crashing and the bubble bursting –


Each time this slow-moving planet enters a new sign the evidence is that of

Collective upheaval, for this is the planet that brings both individuals and

entire civilizations to a collapse. Pluto is the archetype of Death followed by

Rebirth and new beginnings. We can go back to 1914 when Pluto entered

the sign of Cancer and there was the start of the First World War. Then in

1939 Pluto entered Leo and there was the start of the Second World War.

We can investigate Pluto’s entry into each sign and recognize the parallels.

So what can we expect with Pluto’s movement into Aquarius, the sign of

Friends, Groups and the New Age? The keywords are: POWER (Pluto) to

the GROUP (Aquarius). The Keynote: SEED-GROUPS.

This is an exciting subject I will return to in future Newsletters. But right

now, here on the 24 th . March, transit Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time

in 250 years. It stays there for a short period of some weeks, before turning

retrograde and slipping back out into Capricorn again in mid-June. We shall

all get a glimpse of what this shall mean during these 11 weeks. By January

2024 it returns to Aquarius and here will remain for a period of 18 years,

entering the next sign of Pisces in March 2043.


Derek R. Seagrief

Astro-Therapist, Eternal Wisdom teacher

In surveys of 155 countries, Denmark dominates the “World Happiness

Report” year after year, with Sweden &; Norway in the top 10. The USA

on the other hand, ranked number 18 the last few years. And with all of

us now emerging from the global Covid-virus pandemic, 2 years of social

isolation and various personal crises in not just our physical well-being,

but our emotional, mental & spiritual health, has had a major impact

upon our happiness and depression levels.

Psychologists & scientists have established a general consensus about

how to measure such things – but what does Astrology reveal about

the real secret of happiness?

What is The Happiness Formula? And what is the signature of a

“happy” horoscope?

Every human being will experience periods in their life when we get out

of touch with important parts of ourself, leading to different degrees

of depression, an all-pervasive lack of interest in life and an inability to

cope. What is The Depression Profile?

This presentation is an exciting perspective, full of valuable

practical tools, that helps bring us closer to the realization that

Happiness is natural to life because it is an essential aspect of the


What will Derek’s lecture focus upon?

- What guidelines can Astrology provide to assist clients finding

the appropriate response to their own self-healing process?

- Exploring the horoscope from the theme of Happiness &;

Depression, looking at causes and effects, time periods that

challenge us, with the opportunities for growth.

- Specific tools to help us deal successfully with Depression;

- 7 Ways to increase your Happiness Profile;

- What role does the planets Jupiter &; Venus play in our ability to

be happy? And how to work with this?

- What role does the planets Saturn &; Pluto play in our depression?

And how to work with this?

- What is the true meaning of the Part of Fortune – what kind of

fortune are we talking about?

- How does the significance of an advanced astrological technique,

the H9 or Harmonic 9 horoscope help us to recognize the

different ways we can reach joy &; happiness in this lifetime?

Come and be enlightened! A very warm welcome to All Seekers!

Evening Workshop in Divination:

Thursday 13 th . April 2023


Using the Astro-Dice


Astro-Therapist & Tarot Master

Derek R. Seagrief

These beautiful ASTRO DICE consist of 3 dice – one for the

PLANETS, one for the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS, and one for the 12


Simply stated, the Planets are the “WHAT”, the 12 Signs are the

“HOW” and the 12 Houses are the “WHERE”.

Throw the 3 dice together while holding a particular question in mind.

When the dice have fallen, note the symbols on the ides showing


Look at the PLANETS dice first – this refers to the basic type of

energy available to you at this time. Next look at the SIGNS dice – this

represents how the planetary energy will manifest. Then check the

HOUSES dice – for the area of life being affected.

The ASTRO-DICE do not give a simple YES or NO answer to your

question, so frame your question to invite further information as to the

way an idea or situation may develop, So rather than asking “Should I

accept this new job?”, ask instead: “What will be the likely future

outcome if I accept this job?”

The dice can then give you a more precise insight on which to base your

own evaluation. Always remember that the more precise your wording

of the question, the more precise your answer.

This is a wonderful &; playful way to develop your intuitional sensitivity and

get immediate answers to your many personal questions – and what a

positive investment in your future! Easter is coming and what a great gift to

yourself – or to friends &; family.

Each participant will receive a set of ASTRODICE &; study papers.

Space is limited to the first 7 participants who make full payment:

700 Dkr.

MobilePay: Berit Meland Seagrief 20 13 05 03

Venue: Niels Frederiksens Alle 4, 2610 Rødovre (Copenhagen)

Derek’s Mobile: +45 23 81 76

Archetypal Astrology

The Heroic Quest:

The Hero/Heroine’s Journey

Our Inner Journey exploring the Myths

of the 12 Zodiac Signs


Derek R. Seagrief

Online Teaching: 24 Wednesday Evenings

Part 1: 19 th April through to 5 th . July 2023

Starts: 19 th April 2023 6pm-8pm CEDT

Exploring your personal Myths through Astrology

During the 6-month period October 2022-February 2023 I took an international

group through the 12 Zodiacal signs with the focus exploring our Heroic Quest

through myths & mythology.

It was a pioneering series of Online meetings so meaningful & inspirational that

with great pleasure I am now offering an extended version of the same

material starting after Easter 2023. Would you like to be part of the new group

now forming?

This is your opportunity to learn not only about the Zodiac signs &; planets but a

wonderful exploration of your Heroic Quest, where you are on your

Hero/Heroine’s Journey, what is past and what awaits you in the future. The

adventures of the Hero are those of our own psyche as we journey into the

depths and do battle with the subterranean forces – and then come back renewed

and victorious. Deep within us is where new answers can be found and new ideas

born. To work with a myth and to relate to it meaningfully is to rediscover the

unknown, the magic in life. You can do this by searching for the deeper meaning a

myth has for you. Will you join us?

There are 24 Online Lessons, Wednesday evening, two for each sign of the

Zodiac. First there is the presentation of material for each sign, plus various

individual exercises to do. Study material accompanies each Lesson.

Then the Second session for each sign places the focus exclusively upon a group

sharing and exchange of experiences to help deepen the personal insights &;

integration. This combination is a great way of promoting self-discovery.

The Course is divided into two parts. Part 1 from 19 th April through to 5 July

will present the first 6 signs: Aries to Virgo. Part 2 starts late August to

November and continues with the remaining 6 signs, Libra to Pisces.

All is recorded and made available to students, so even if you miss a Lesson or

two, the material is there for you to enjoy! Wishing you a wonderful Spring


Our Mythic Journey: April-November 2023

Part 1: 19 th . April – 5 th . July

Part 2: 30 th August – 15 th. November


- The myths of the 12 Zodiac Signs &; their planetary Rulers;

- Exploring these myths through Greek &; Roman references, ancient

Egyptian, Celtic &; Arthurian myths;

Identifying what patterns &; therefore what myths operate in our life;

- Meditation &; Guided Visualization Exercises;

- Re-writing our Personal Myth;

- The deeper meaning of the 12 Labours of Hercules;

- The Fixed Stars related to the 12 Zodiac Signs;

- Scholars of mythology have defined this journey as 8 Parts,

in common with other traditions (Buddhist, Shamanism).

It starts with the Call to Adventure ends with the Quest achieved.

What are these 8 steps so clearly defined by Joseph Campbell?

- Transit Saturn on the 4 Angles & midpoints of the 4 Quarters;

- Riding the Dragon;

- The Journey of the Hero through the 22 Major Arcana Tarot cards;

- The Gods & Goddesses in Everywoman & Everyman; Who is your

Divine inspiration?

- Heroes take journeys, confront dragons & discover the treasure

of their own heart-self. Please join us on this creative Adventure!

I welcome you to an inspirational series of

24 Online Lessons

exploring the wonderful mythology of the Zodiac!

Are You ready to make a journey of

Enlightenment and Empowerment?

Come through the Door ……….

And join us exploring fantastic new landscapes!

Mobile: +45-23 81 76 18

The Round Church (Rundkirken), Rødovre

1-Day Therapeutic Workshop

Saturday 29 th . April 2023


“Liberating Painting”

with Astrologer/Teacher/Therapist/Coach &; Counsellor

Derek Seagrief

- Paint with your hands using strong water-based colours on life-size paper

- then dialogue with your creation!

- Express blocked emotions in a safe environment &; develop new insights

and resources. Experience transformative healing flow!

This intensive workshop is designed for everyone – yes – everyone! All that

is required is a willingness to work deep &; remain honest with yourself,

staying open to share this within an evolving group process.

You are NOT learning how to paint – but how to liberate your self-expression

through action! Are YOU ready?!

Be prepared for powerful self-revelations as the paintings are used as a

“Magic Mirror” of our inner &; outer states. You will be surprised and deeply

moved by what you experience – guaranteed!

Yet it is also a great lot of fun our intensive weekend therapeutic journey,

as we enjoy this truly empowering workshop!

Come and join us - Max. 10 participants.




Here are a few comments from previous Workshop participants:

Wow – I’m looking out at the gorgeous night sky &; reflecting over the day, everyone’s art,

experiences – and what I went through – WOW!

I feel like I was a sponge, absorbing all the magnificent information, watching how Derek

dealt with everyone’s personal journey and blockages – it was incredible!

I’ll work on my painting for next time! I feel light, I feel free from anger, I feel liberated!

Wow – thank you for introducing me to Derek and his healing methods…..”

- Sari, Finland,

“Jeg gick “Liberating Painting” in Stockholm i vintras och jag tycker det var en helt fantastisk

workshop. Jeg har aldrig varit med om något liknande. Dels var det underbart att få måla på

det viset vi gjorde och sen var Dereks sätt attjobba med oss helt unikt. Med utgångspunkt av

våra målningar konfronterade han oss och hjälpte han oss att läre känna oss själva. Det var

utmanande och spännande, och Derek mötte oss med otroligt mycket humor, värme och

kärlek.” – Magdalena Bryneson, Therapist,

“Thank you so very much for fantastic days together – it has been life-changing days for me

and is still very much working in me. My biting jaws have come loose after the workshop. And

I can say things with a smile. Habits are to be broken! – Bodil Lindström,

Extract from Stockholm journalist David Finer’s Workshop Diary: Liberating Painting:

“…Or Ms gloriously decorative canvas of circles our coach Derek saw the ends of papyrus

rolls, where I simply saw decorative round forms. Derek then said to M: “You love learning

don’t you” – To which she nodded, and this led to an exploration of her somewhat obsessive,

restless search for knowledge. How had he known to say that about her? After all, he had

never met her before &; knew nothing about her. This happened time & time again during the

workshop – but the most remarkable therapeutic intervention was yet to come.

All the circles were closed – except come. Derek asked M how old she was and then if she had

any children – yes, a son only 18 months old. Then he asked which part of her picture was her

favourite. Dropping to her knees, she nodded towards the bottom right hand corner, now only

inches from her face. There was an open circle I hadn’t seen before, in contrast to the

darker shapes in the rest of the picture, this one was filled with the light blue & pink colours

of a summer dawn.

Leaving the circle open, she had apparently provided Derek with a vital clue to her biography.

Indeed, the open circle symbolized M’s little boy – he saved my life, she said, quietly, as tears

begun streaming down her cheeks. Before then my life was routinized, dead, going round in

circles, repetitive, dull – dead.

She had given herself the answer by leaving a door open in the picture through which she

could escape out into life, vibrant, unpredictable, vulnerable, precious. We all sat silent,

moved by the magic of the moment of unfolding meaning, an inner sanctum shared. There

would be many more like this during our weekend……”

Derek has been offering this inspiring Workshop “LIBERATING PAINTING” all over Scandinavia,

England & USA for almost 20 years.

Internationally recognized intuitive Astrologer &; PsychoSynthesis Therapist serving an

international clientel since 1978, Derek was born in London 1952 and living in Denmark since


Trained in Art, Symbols, Psychology &; Psychosynthesis, Derek is also Tarot Master and author of

13 books, (one in Swedish) covering a wide range of self-development themes. Since the 1990s

has been Tour Guide &; Organizer for Scandinavian Group Pilgrimages to discover southern

England, “In the Footsteps of Merlyn” and “Exploring Eternal Egypt”. For more than 30 years Derek

has been working &; living the Western Mystery Traditions. During the period 1980-1996

established a pioneering International Center for personal growth &; transformation in Copenhagen

and a 2-year School of Astro-Psychology & Counselling. In 1999 Derek birthed “The School of

Living Kabbalah” and has introduced many hundreds of students in Scandinavia to the Kabbalistic

Tree of Life.

Currently, the main teaching focus is through a wide variety of Online Education &; Training. Derek

is married to Norwegian Opera singer Berit Meland & lives in Copenhagen with their 3 children.

Together they offer alternative Marriage, Confirmation & Death Rituals throughout Scandinavia.

P R A C T I C A L I N F O :

Saturday 29 th . April 2023

We start precisely at kl.9am. Finish circa 17.00pm.

Please arrange your journey so that you arrive just before 9am.

Price: 1700 Dkr.

Includes paper/paints and light refreshments.

Please bring a light Lunch.

Deposit of 500 Dkr. (non-refundable) to secure place.

Bank Details upon Request – or MobilePay

Balance of 1200 Dkr. to be paid Saturday morning before workshop start.

Alternatively, you can pay the full amount when you register.

Space/Place limited to 10 participants.

Venue: Rundkirken, Islevgård Alle 7, 2610 Rødovre

(Note: Just around the corner from Derek’s home-office)

P a y m e n t & f u r t h e r I n f o :

Derek – Mobile: +45-23 81 76 18 Email:

Looking forward to see you at the Workshop in a fantastic

location - Rundkirken, Rødovre

This is the ultimate Egyptian experience – the culmination of more than

25 years leading groups to Eternal Egypt.

We travel deepest south to the magnificent ABU SIMBEL temples at the

edge of Lake Nasser and the PYRAMIDS in the north, the amazing

GREAT PYRAMID at Giza and the equally large RED PYRAMID at


North and South, then the East and West banks of the sacred river Nile,

visiting the temples of the Nile God KHNUM at Elephantine, Aswan, the

beautiful healing temple of the Goddess ISIS on the island of Philae, KOM

OMBO, EDFU &; ESNA temples, sailing in our specially charted luxury

boat for 3 wonderful days & nights.

For any traveller wanting to enjoy the true, authentic Egypt, then sailing

on the Nile is an absolute “must”, experiencing the rhythms of the water,

the sunrise & sunset, eating & sleeping, reflecting, digesting and

centering oneself in a marvellous rebirth. We receive such healing

feedback from all our previous travellers.

We embrace the Goddess of Joy at the beautiful Hathor Temple at

Dendara, the amazing Luxor & Karnak Temples joined by the newly

opened Avenue of Sphinxes and the magnificent tombs in the Valley of

the Kings. In Cairo we enter the long awaited new Museum of Antiquities,

experience Sufi dancing and for our final days we experience the Coptic

Retreat Center Anafora &; Bishop Thomas.

Our Journey is planned as a magical Adventure from start to finish – and

it begins when you Register your commitment to be one of the KEYS OF

LIGHT – the GOLDEN ANKH that each traveller shall represent.

70 Days before we depart, you start to receive a regular series of study

papers and exercises that are designed to prepare you for attunement

with the Eternal Egypt vibration.

We have called this Autumn Tour 2023, “GODS &; GODDESSES TOUR”.

On the first day in Egypt, the Gods & Goddesses will choose each one of

us to become their instrument upon the physical plane – and then the

magic begins…..!

Sincerely interested? Then ask for our detailed program that provides all

the relevant information you need. We shall be a group of Seekers from

Scandinavia and the USA. Hooray! A very warm welcome to all future


Entry & Exit

Your Birth & Death Horoscope

7 Online Thursday



18 th . May 2023 at 6pm-8pm CEDT


Derek R. Seagrief

The Dates – Part 1: Entry & Exit

(1) .Thursday 18 th May (2). 25 th May (3). 1 st . June

(4). 8 th June (5). 15 th . June (6). 22 nd . June (7). 29 th June

Thursday 18 th MAY has been chosen as the Start of this fascinating Journey

because it is celebrated as the ASCENSION of the Christ into the Heaven

worlds, (Kristi Himmelfartsdag på dansk) and is the 40-Day period after the

Crucifixion and Resurrection at Easter time. A wonderful symbol for the

start of our work into the mysteries of Death and Rebirth, Entry & Exit.

In 2012 my work: “The Astrology of Death: Entry &; Exit” was published by

Sweden’s biggest alternative publishers – that was 11 years ago. In that

pioneering book, the reader was presented with the concept of a birth and a

death horoscope, the continuity of the Soul’s Journey and a glimpse into the

planetary Bardo states, the in-between dimensions before incarnation. In

recent years my work was filmed as a series of lectures for the Yoga

Community Omstars based in Florida USA.

Our modern society’s attitude towards death is persistently one of self-

denial and fear. Our encounter with the recent Corona-Virus pandemic just

reinforced our reluctance to work with this dimension of life. In more

spiritually sophisticated cultures from our past, the attitude towards death

was a cause for celebration.

- So, are you prepared to work more consciously with Death, The Great

Adventure? For us today, the simple instruction is Live Consciously –

Die Consciously.

- Would you like to learn &; prepare yourself for this Aquarian


- Are you prepared to explore your horoscope from this perspective

and learn from other people’s experiences of meeting the End of Life?

- How will you prepare for the inevitable Bardo States awaiting you?

- This is not primarily an astrology course, but astrology provides us

with wonderful answers to such truths disguised as mysteries.

- Will you join us in an exploration of your Entry & Exit? You are very


For Prices & any further information, please contact Derek Mobile: +45-23 81 76 18

Tree of Life Reading

To celebrate Derek’s new book, IBIS Publications


Volume 1 in the Triology: “Doorways to the Soul”

In my new book I explore the all-important fact that you are born on a

certain DAY and during a specific HOUR. Each Day and each Hour is

governed by a Planet. This is an area of neglect for most Western

Astrologers, yet my book presents exciting new ways to work with your

horoscope, and bridge-build with other disciplines.

When we have established what planets are involved, then these two

planets will interact on the Kabbalistic diagram known as the Tree of Life

representing Pathways between two Spheres or dimensions within the

psyche. This identifies the Soul’s purpose for this lifetime. These 22

Pathways are linked with Astrology and the Universal Picture Book of

Wisdom, the Tarot cards. It is the Tarot card imagery that provides the

connecting link between the Spheres on the Tree of Life. Simple & elegant

yet deep and quite complex!

This is a wonderful Journey of self-discovery and very appropriate for the

spiritual Seeker dedicated towards increased personality-soul knowledge

and integration.

Contact Derek for a face-to-face or Online Zoom session.

Your 7 Ray Chart

Spiritual Astrology & Esoteric


A Ray analysis of your 5-fold Formula:

Ray of the SOUL


RAY of the MENTAL Body


Ray of the PHYSICAL Body

1 st . Ray of Will or Power

2 nd . Ray of Love-Wisdom

3 rd . Ray of Adaptability or Intelligent Activity

4 th . Ray of Harmony thru Conflict

5 th . Ray of Concrete or Scientific Knowledge

6 th . Ray of Idealistic Devotion

7 th . Ray of Organisation or Ceremonial Magic

The Tibetan Master Djwal Khul, also known as the Master DK, writing through the

agency of Alice A. Baily for 30 years, 1919-1949, provided us with a tremendous inflow

of esoteric teachings regarding the Constitution of Man and Universal Laws. Many

thousands of pages were written and became the famous “Blue Books” that have

become the essential Foundation Stone of the Aquarian Age. In those teachings much

emphasis was given to the areas of Astrology &; Psychology in combination with the 7


For those individuals who have a background in consciously working towards an

integration of Personality & Soul, such as esoteric students, educators & psychologists, I

am offering a new service: a 7 Ray Chart utilizing your horoscope.

This takes place as a Ray interview or assessment that determines the quality of

expression of each of the 7 Rays in your life.

This work provides clear guidelines regarding behaviour &; attitudes to illustrate the 5

most probable Rays conditioning your energy system – and insights for integrating the

personal with the transpersonal dimension of human experience. The result is a pattern

for living which constitutes a set of spiritual instructions. The Ray analysis is not

therefore an end in itself, but provides a blueprint for psycho-spiritual evolution.

Derek R. Seagrief

For many years I have been working & teaching the 7 Rays, experimenting

& exploring consciousness through a synthesis of Spiritual Astrology and

Ray analysis.

In my daily professional life I have been a consultant Astrologer & Eternal

Wisdom Teacher, guiding an international network of clients & students for

more than 40 years.

This “new” service activity that I am offering is a most welcome return to a

wonderfully inspiring Aquarian Art & Science for a New Age.

To Register:

Please provide your FULL birth details with day/month/year and local time

& place of birth - thank you.


Our 2-Hour Zoom session or face-to-face meeting is recorded and costs

1800 Danish kroner throughout Scandinavia &; Europe or $270 for USA


International Bank transfer or Paypal for international clients.


Derek’s Quarterly Newsletter Summer 202321st June through to 22nd. September


Derek’s Newsletter Late October/November 2022SCORPIO