Pisces Late February/March 2022

Hello & Warm Greetings to All my Newsletters Friends dotted around the World – it is time for my PISCES presentation – Hooray!

Pisces is a WATER sign, and the major theme of the Element water is the “urge to merge”.

Water represents the “feeling” side of life, so we want to join in the Collective feeling life. As I write these words, the transit Sun has reached 8-9 degrees of Pisces. What is our Collective Feeling Life focussed upon during these last days of February?  Unquestionably, the brutal invasion of Ukraine by the Russian military forces under the leadership of President Putin.

The deeper soul lesson of the water signs is the LESSON OF PEACE and this is what I shall be exploring in this Newsletter.

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Here in Scandinavia the “end of the world” is called Ragnorak, and occurs during the zodiac sign of Pisces. The Celtic world and the Arthurian Mysteries, including the mysterious death of King Arthur also occurs at this time, so we also need to recognize that the 12th. zodiacal sign is Pisces, and brings the Zodiac to a conclusion or successful ending. It represents the ending or more specifically because it is a water sign, the dissolving of one world view or reality, in order to give birth to a new presentation with the next sign of Aries. This is the ocean of life, the life-giving waters that nourish us from deep within.

It is therefore a major transitional period as we let-go of what we know in order to move into an unknown space that we don’t know. Uncertainty and confusion can often dominate the Pisces period in the yearly cycle, and it is truly said that an incarnation being born into the sign of Pisces can often be the toughest journey of all. 

Yet this is a sign that seeks to master the many different realities that co-exist with our dominant physical world view. Pisces types are shape-shifters and eventually experience a self-mastery that enables them to bridge-build between the different realities and so enter into the higher state of transcendence.

Water signs demonstrate a compassion and empathy with those that suffer. With the planetary rulers of Pisces, Jupiter the traditional Ruler & Neptune the modern Ruler, both travelling through this sign and moving towards the “high-point” of their conjunction in early April this year, we are looking at a potential explosion of empathy and desire to help on a broader collective level. We need contrast to see things more clearly. And currently we have the obvious contrasting world views of War & Peace. Before this it was the USA and the dominant politics of one-man, President Donald Trump, with the challenge of fake news, real or unreal, what is truth and our powers of discrimination. 

Water sign energy naturally leads to healing and the washing away of impurities and lack of authenticity. I want to explore this theme in greater detail – but first, let us explore the drama of the aggressive invasion of Ukraine by the military Super Power Russia.  

Ukraine – Short History

Ukraine sits at a particularly pivotal place on planet Earth, between Europe and Russia. This is essential to understand in the current crises. President Putin’s great fear is that of encirclement by the Western NATO alliance and the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO.

Since the Middle Ages the Ukraine has been ruled by Poland, Lithuania, Russia and Turkey. A nationalist movement developed following the Russian Revolution 1917, but progress towards independence was very slow, yet independence was finally declared by Parliament on 22 January 1918. However, for most of its existence the State was swept into civil war between Nationalists, Bolsheviks and anti-Communist “White” Russians. Unity and peace were restored by the complete Bolshevik victory on 28 August 1921 but on 30 December 1922 the State surrendered its independence by agreeing to join the USSR.

When the Soviet Union politically dissolved, Ukraine on 24 August 1991 proclaimed its Independence from Russia with the approval of over 90% of the population.

Here is the horoscope set for the moment of Proclamation of Independence from the USSR at 17.31 pm BGT (14.31 GMT) in Kiev, Ukraine, 24th. August 1991.

Horoscope for Ukraine

As many of my Newsletter readers are not students of Astrology, I will only highlight the most obvious significant points. 

The first point is this is the birth of a nation, and in any horoscope attention goes to the ASCendant or birth moment to describe the conditions surrounding the birth.

The sign Capricorn rises, emphasing the themes of the influence from the past, historical traditions, hierarchial structure, organisation, restriction, limitation and authority.

Next point – the planets Uranus & Neptune are in close conjunction to this ASCendant. They are transpersonal planets which represent a great catalyst for evolutionary change and introduce the keynotes of breaking away (Uranus) from the limitations of the past (Capricorn) in the search of a new ideal (Neptune). Uranus is the planet of Revolution and Neptune the Visionary.

Third point – the Moon, representing the “people” in a National horoscope, is in Aquarius, and moving towards a culminating “Full Moon” aspect with the Sun (self-identity, leadership, authority). The population of Ukraine breaks away from old patterns of rulership and wish for a greater democracy, with the rights of the individual to be recognised and honoured.

Now Aquarius, sign of Friendship to All, is governed traditionally by Saturn, the old Ruler, and Uranus, the modern Ruler. Capricorn, the rising sign, is also governed by Saturn, and on this birth chart we shall find Saturn rising in 1st. House Aquarius and forming the exact tense quincunx (150-degree) aspect to the Virgo Sun in the 8th. House. The death & rebirth qualities of the 8th. House Sun must undergo various alchemical processes to free oneself from the oppressive weight of a hierarchial ruler, symbolized by Saturn in the 1st. House of Self-Identity, that refuses to let-go of what it considers it’s legitimate possession. Unfortunately, this is the exact scenario that is being acted out here in these final days of February 2022.

Fate and Destiny is represented specifically by Saturn, so having completed it’s first circuit of 29 years around the Zodiac and returned to its natal position in 2020, in this year of 2022, it moves into conjunction with the Aquarian Moon, no less than 3 times from the start of this year right through to January 2023 – and the Ukrainian people experience domination by a brutal power and displacement as many hundreds of thousands flee their country for safety.

Transit Uranus has moved to its current position in Taurus where it sits upon the 4th. House cusp (13-degrees) throughout this year 2022. 

This highly significant angle on any horoscope represents our home, our homeland, country, our roots, our safety, our foundations. Uranus here shows the power of collective Fate & Destiny to disrupt and change everything. Uranus is also known as the planet of the Unexpected, yet for the people of Ukraine, this nightmare is almost unreal and totally surrealistic – war in Ukraine and war in Europe.

There will be various resistance movements to this occupation, for that is the nature of Uranus on this 4th. House placement, and various international efforts to penalize & punish Putin and Russia through sanctions and closing down of international cooperation through banking restrictions, trade and cooperation.

However, the Russian spy network infiltrated Ukraine long time ago and established which individuals should be “eliminated”, to use their terminology, to ensure that Ukraine would be crippled and unable to put into place any effective resistance campaign after the initial military occupation. 

If we understand that the planet Mars represents the nation’s military forces, then the current transit of Saturn, not only represses the people (Moon) by conjunction aspect, but simultaneously forms the quincunx aspect to natal Mars in 8th. House Virgo. There is stiff resistance and many acts of valour from the Ukranian military, yet the superior military might of Russia is inevitable as they tighten their grip upon the nation. 

The slow-moving transit of Neptune, moving through Pisces, forms the opposition aspect to this Mars in Ukraine’s horoscope from this Spring right through to the Spring of next year 2023 and is not a good testimony to the potency of the Ukranian military forces, but to the contrary, it’s lessened potency and the need to go invisible, using guerrilla warfare.

These are the main astrological significators of the National horoscope of Ukraine. Let us take a few moments to explore the horoscope of the main instigator of this crises – President Vladimir Putin.

Putin’s Horoscope 

Putin has declared himself “President-for-Life” of Russia and tolerates no opposition to his authority. This is the DNA inheritance from the former Czar dynasty that was overthrown in the 1917 Communist Revolution. The obvious signature of this attitude is shown in his Sun-Saturn conjunction. Putin is hierarchial and everyone and everything gets "positioned" according to their usefulness in his world.

You will also note that this conjunction takes place in the sign Libra, with its theme of cooperation and diplomacy. And you will also see that there is a Mercury-Neptune conjunction operating from the 12th. House of “secrets & mysteries”. 

Putin is a shrewd politician and a former KGB secret security police Leader.

He enjoys the game of smoke-screening and putting on a poker-face to hide or camouflage his hidden agendas. 

And yes, it is true that the planet Venus governs his Sun-sign Libra, so he is charming and likeable too. Or rather, he enjoys to control and manipulate public opinion. Our eyes go straightaway to the position of Venus in the 1st. House – yet in the sign of Scorpio, near the Scorpio ASCendant.

If Venus indicates our value systems and what gives us pleasure, then it is not difficult to reach the conclusion that this man identifies with strength, and loves & desires POWER. It’s as simple as that!

The Scorpio ASCendant is the face or profile we send out into the world. It is governed traditionally by Mars, God of War & decision-making and the modern Ruler is Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. Mars is the work we do in the outer world and Pluto is the deep work we do at our innermost core.

Putin’s Mars is in fiery Sagittarius, 2nd. House of “possessions”. He is a person that crusades for expansive territory. Then consider that elevated Pluto, positioned at the top of his horoscope, exactly conjunct his Leo MC or Midheaven. This is an extremely powerful placement and indicates what he is striving towards. He is obsessed about being recognized for his worldly position and achievement and his pathway to ultimate power is a test of his use & abuse of power.

When you link via Synastry Putin’s horoscope with that of Ukraine, you will not fail to notice that his Pluto in Leo forms exactly the opposition aspect to Ukraine’s Moon on their National horoscope from 1991, 22-degrees Aquarius. He is obsessed and challenged by the people of Ukraine by their independence, and will use all his brutal tactics to remove & dominate any opposition to his rule. They are locked into each other through this aspect and it brings out the extremes in both. Putin’s pride and egotism is wrapped up in this placement so there is no compromise from his side.

What Putin should be aware of is that the transit of Saturn, Fate & Destiny, is not only forming the conjunction to Ukraine’s Moon – but the opposition to his Pluto and Midheaven.  

This is an incredible gamble that Putin has initiated and the obvious risk is that he will isolate himself and Russia from the world community, and both the international and internal repercusions can prove powerfully damaging to his position as “figure-head” for the Russian peoples. 

He set the war into motion as transit Saturn formed the exact dynamic square (90-degrees) to natal Pluto positioned at 17-degrees Scorpio on Ukraine’s National horoscope late February 2022. Pluto and Saturn contacts bring up extreme issues of survival and how we use our resources. They are also representing the “Shadow” side of existence. Will Putin rise or fall deep down as transit Saturn opposes his Pluto/MC during the many months before us?

No Retrograde planets until 10 May 2022

There are 3 speeds for the planets – a normal DIRECT motion, a period when a planet goes STATIONARY, not moving but apparently standing still in the heavens, and a RETROGRADE motion. It is the Retrograde period that we need to consider now because the change of gears represents a shift in energy and a retrograde period means that the planet is closer to the Earth than at any other time during its cycle.

Imagine you are in a train and another train comes extremely close to you, on parallel tracks but travels at a faster speed. The illusion is that your train looks as if it is going backwards. Retrograde planets enable us to go back over a particular phase of experience and review it. During the year it is normal that a fast moving planet like Mercury will turn retrograde for up to 3 weeks three times in 12 months. Many are aware of the slowing down of communications, postal delays, information being withheld or potential complexities when signing contracts or buying a car or equipment during a retrograde Mercury period.

The slower moving outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are normally in retrograde motion for about 6 months every year. 

Now study the heavens and recognize that when Mercury stopped it’s Retrograde motion and turned Direct on 4th. February this year at 24½-degrees Capricorn it has begun a unique period that stretches all the way to 10 May 2022, when Mercury then goes retrograde at 5-degrees Gemini. In these weeks up to start of May, NO PLANET IS RETROGRADE, a very unique astrological and astronomical phenomena. Everything is in forward Direct Motion. This is a very encouraging statement, even though the current world crises seems to suggest something else.

No planets in Retrograde motion from 4 February to 10 May 2022

Astrology: ”ASTRO” Stars & ”LOGOS” the Word

A person who reads the stars and the heavenly movements is someone who interprets God’s Handwriting. One cannot read and interpret correctly unless the whole person is involved, head & heart, body & soul. One becomes a Seer, focussed upon whole-viewing. In this state of consciousness, we touch the inner meaning of anything, and so we are in a soul state.

Let us look at our relationship to Water in a more esoteric way.


When esoteric teachings speak about “The Path of Initiation” that was exemplified by Master Jesus the Christ, it is making reference to the various states of consciousness that He demonstrated as an essential archetypal journey that every human being undertakes. The term “initiation” means “to enter into”, and that is what we do, we enter into a different energy frequency that leads gradually towards the ultimate state of Wholeness or Divinity. 

At the First Initiation, that of the birth of the Christ within, the Heart Centre is vivified. We learn to control our physical vehicle and to stabilize our emotional astral body, so that the value & quality of our work on the physical plane becomes of increased worth.

Many lives past by between the First Initiation and the Second – The Baptism.

This is because many incarnations are required before we demonstrate mastery of the astral body, the emotional glue that connects us with others and the world around us. We are passing from the outer Halls of Knowledge into the inner Halls of Wisdom. 

If the First Initiation marks the beginning of a totally new life and mode of living, then the Second Initiation, called THE BAPTISM, forms the crises in control of the astral body and the Throat Centre is vivified. This is when the death of ego desire has been the prime goal of endeavour and the indwelling Soul grips its vehicles. This is characterized by the ability to give forth and utter that which is helpful, often through the spoken word and demonstrate service to the higher reality. 

Baptism means “active consecration & dedication to a specific goal”, which in outer religious practices is often symbolized by the taking on of a new name a new title or energy frequency.

The initiatory process between the First and the Second Initiations is for many the worst time of distress, difficulty, realisations of problems and the constant effort to “clear oneself”, as it is occultly called. In this time period we live in a chaos of emotional reactions and of conditioning glamours until we slowly demonstrate emotional mastery, contact with some knowledge of those spiritual energies which will dissipate glamour and thus “clarify the atmosphere”, as it is technically called. 

At this Second Initiation we are granted a vision of a higher focus and our place in the larger whole begins slowly to reveal itself. Freedom is the keynote of the individual facing the Second Initiation and its aftermath – the preparation for the Third Initiation – The Transfiguration.

To simplify this journey we can recognize that the 1st. Initiation demonstrates birth of the Christ or Buddha within, mastery over our physical vehicle; the 2nd. Initiation demonstrates mastery over our emotional reality and the 3rd. Initiation shows mastery over our mental vehicles, as we learn the laws of creative thought-form building. At this Third Initiation the entire personality is flooded with light from above and we become a Soul-infused Personality where our vibrations are of a very high order.

Many hundreds of thousands of people in the world today have taken the 1st. Initiation and are orientated towards the spiritual life and service towards their fellow men & women. The increase if not obsession with physical fitness and dietary concerns is but one indication of these new rhythms on the physical plane. The Mystical Way leads to the 1st. Initiation and then the “Lighted Way” of Occultism is then followed in the 2nd. Initiation.

The Second Initiation produces a growing sense of relationships, of a basic unity with all that breathes and a recognition of the One Life which will eventually lead to that state of expressed Brotherhood which is the goal of the Aquarian Age to bring into being. 

Humanity is the World Disciple and in our current time period a greater number of individuals are now preparing to take this Second Initiation – The Baptism.

Clearly this is a major area for deeper exploration but for today’s Newsletter I just point you in this direction.

As you might recall from previous Newsletters our 2-year purification process with the Covid-19 virus has been preparing us for this upgrading, to work more consciously towards such a global Baptism Initiation. In much the same way as parents-to-be can offer their future child the best possible start to their incarnation by clearing themselves from various pollution, physical, emotional & mental toxins, we collectively, as One Humanity, are undergoing a similiar process of cleansing via water.

As the 2nd. Initiation energizes the creative power of the Throat Chakra or energy centre, and as you know, the throat is the bridge between the Head above & the Heart below, then we are preparing for the enormous descent of spiritual presence that wishes increased traffic to flow in this area of our psyche.

This is such an important theme, the Magic of Sound, and Sound Healing for the future, that I shall offer an Online presentation of “THE ASTROLOGY OF THE YEAR 2025” on 20th. March for those interested in exploring this further.

Transit Neptune enters Aries Spring Equinox 2025

When transit Neptune leaves Pisces, after 14 years in this sign, it will enter the first sign of the Zodiac, ARIES at the time of the Spring Equinox March 2025. Words fail me as to the signifiance of the Lord of the Ocean entering into pioneering fiery Aries. I will give you an appropriate image – Aries rules the head. Neptune is Lord of Water. What a Cosmic Baptism before us!

The Sacred Lake of Temples

The Ceremony and significance of Baptism is usually presented in Western society as one of the unique contributions of Christianity. This is understandable as Europe has been heavily influenced by 2000 years of Christianity. But – nothing could be further from the truth as culture, history and archeology can significantly point out.

From the temples in the East, China, India, and the Meditterean basin, Greek, Roman, Turkey, Persian and Egyptian, to South and North America, we shall see sacred Lakes and bathing for ritualistic purposes an essential part of the religious life. It is a universal teaching and connects us with the universal energy currents.

What about the missing years of the Master Jesus and the Holy Family’s sojourn in ancient Egypt? Yes, he was baptised in the River Jordan by John the Baptist – but did you know that both Jesus and John learned from their Egyptian teachers these arts & sciences? It is the region of Egypt called Lake Fayyum, the largest and most important of the Egyptian oases, lying in a large depression in the great plateau of the Western desert, up to 150 ft/45 metres below sea-level. It has long been famed for its extraordinary fertility and holds great attraction for its tranquil beauty.

The Scandinavian/USA group of Seekers which is now forming to make a pilgrimage to sacred sites in Egypt for 11 magical Days from 27 May 2022, will not be seeing Lake Fayyum – but they will be blessed in seeing and experiencing the sacred lakes at Dendera Temple, the Isis Temple on Philae island and the great Temple of Karnak.

Here is a picture of the magnificent sacred lake at Karnak, the greatest Cathedral space in the world – and you can just imagine the priests & priestesses, who were truly Shamans, entering into the sacred waters and emerging purified in their Body of Light….

The Alchemical Solutio

In the teachings of Alchemy the essential meaning is the transformation of consciousness that takes place when the sense of conflict and duality within us is healed. 

There are 12 Stages in The Great Work as it is called and are linked to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac and the 4 Elements. Each of the 3 main phases or works of Alchemy has 4 steps or degrees of alchemical transformation within it, thus making the 12 steps or degrees altogether.  

The FIRE stage is known as CALCINATIO and is a process of burning and revolves around the symbolism of Fire (Love). What we are interested in today is the WATER stage which is known as SOLUTIO (Feelings).

In the Opus, the Prima Materia is put into the alembic or glass container and dissolved in water. The prima materia then breaks down and disintegrates, becoming a fluid mixture. One way of looking at this psychologically is that the solutio is an experience of the boundaries of the ego breaking down. It is also an experience of surrender.

The stage of the solutio is a familiar experience for most of us – one is suddenly very vulnerable and feelings come up which threaten to swamp the rational ego.  One of the most powerful images of the solutio is the image of drowning. This appears in many alchemical engravings. The old King, who is prima materia, the Saturnian base substance, is in need of regeneration & transformation, so he is portrayed as drowning in the sea. The alchemist stands on the bank and lets him drown. This Hermetic “breaking of the waters” before giving birth, is experienced in reverse as a trauma of rebirth and leads to the recovery of the primal unity which has been lost.

In other words, the old rigid and stagnant attitude towards life must be dissolved in the sea. There is also a humiliation of this stage reflected in the picture of the old proud King flopping about on his belly with his crown almost falling off, splashing water everywhere as he drowns. The royal personage who is accustomed to absolute control is suddenly at the mercy of the primordial element of Water, the Collective Unconscious – and no one comes to help.

But the symbolism of water has always been associated in myth not only with dissolution & drowning, but with resurrection and new birth. One is baptised in water and one’s impurities are cleansed. In the collective myth, and often appearing in dreams, the Great Flood or Deluge comes and all evil on Earth is swept away and the human race can begin again.  So the purpose of the solutio is to release new life, cleanse the corruption and cynicism of the old. This is the purpose of all alchemical deaths – they lead to births. 

The alchemical symbolism here is clearly represented by the astrological Neptune. The dissolving of boundaries, the merging with another, are likely to come the way of anyone who has a strong transit of Neptune – and everyone gets this kinds of transit at some point in their life. For the person whose birth horoscope has Neptune strong, such as in aspect with Sun-Moon-ASCendant, or 12th. House strong, or dominant placement in the sign Pisces, they would be predisposed  towards a development pattern which repeats the solutio experience of dissolving and merging, plus disillusionment, in both positive & negative terms. Some exhibit a kind of death-wish, a return to unconsciousness and sleep and the waters of the womb. The drug addict and the alcoholic also seek a perpetual solutio from which they do not ever have to emerge. 

There is exhaustion, disillusionment and resignation lying in wait at the end of the solutio experience – but something has changed. Whether one offers oneself to a Guru, teacher, to God, to a lover, the solutio requires a relinquishing of control. The issue is not to find an external person who is the repository of all truth, but to find a source within which can be trusted.

And if you know your astrology then you will know that the planetary Rulers of Pisces, JUPITER & NEPTUNE, educate us in true faith and trust. This requires us to be OPEN – for the more open we are, the freer we are, and also the opposite truth, the more closed down we are, the greater the fear and greater the disempowerment. The coming conjunction between transit Jupiter and transit Neptune at 24-degrees Pisces in April sets the tone for a new wave of faith & trust in the universe.

The River Nile & the Creation Myth of Egypt

The River Nile is the longest river in Africa and after the Mississippi-Missouri river system in USA, the longest watercourse in the world. 

When we admire the ancient yet Eternal wonders of the Egyptian civilization we quickly come to recognize that Egypt is the Nile and the Nile is Egypt.

Water flows from the highlands in the South down towards the Nile Delta, and then out into the Mediterranean sea.  

In their Creation Myth, when the Nile annually flooded and deposited fertile black soil alongside its banks, the Land of Egypt was recreated every year.

This was a Cosmic act of Baptism and Blessing every year and it was welcomed with great joy and festivities. As Above, So Below.

They were specific in pointing out where this begun in Upper Egypt, in Aswan where the modern dam is situated. The tears of Isis looking for her dead husband Osiris, started the flooding & so they positioned her temple on Philae Island.

In fact, Isis looked for the missing parts of her murdered husband up & down the entire length of the Nile, finding his missing left leg at Aswan and his head at Abydos, and when she found a piece of the God Osiris, she erected a Temple on the banks of the Nile. What the function and design of each Temple was to accomplish can only be registered & appreciated with modern eyes when we view the entire land of Egypt as One Temple Landscape, which reflected the essential teaching, As Above, So Below. Obviously this is part of a very sophisticated Temple Landscape Teaching and totally beyond the comprehension of modern archeology. 

As part of our Eternal Egypt pilgrimage to these wondered sacred sites, we conduct ritual work to highlight some of this teaching for modern Seekers.

And as every group has said for the past 30 years we have been taking groups to Egypt, the experience of sailing on the Nile in a felucca (not in a big cruise boat) eating, sleeping, relaxing, seeing sunset & sunrise, listening to our Nubian sailors sing their ancient songs & beat their drums, and enjoying stimulating dialogue with fellow travellers, has consistently proven to be the greatest experience of all. Indeed, it is the only true way to experience authentic Egypt, being outside of time, sailing on the majestic Nile, arriving at the Temple by boat – fantastic magical experience and memory for life!

To finish this month’s Pisces Newsletter, I would like to end the same way I started, by evoking the Spirit of Peace. A week ago, during the Winter Holidays from school, my family of 5 visited our Norwegian family after 2 years of travel restrictions had been finally lifted. During the joyful time shared between our families, my oldest son Arthur, 19 years of age, played on the piano John Lennon’s famous song “IMAGINE”. It was very touching and moved us all. 

This song has been persistently identified with this Spirit of Peace and is often played at international events by famous Stars to emphasize our desire for PEACE. Let us look at Lennon’s text.

This song and its powerful lyrics is one of the most widely misunderstood songs in modern times, although that misunderstanding is understandable. The opening lines are: 



If you take these lines at face value, they sound like a direct attack on what Christians, Jews & Moslems believe. Therefore it struck a number of people  as an Atheist Anthem, disparaging all religion. In truth it is not that. 

IMAGINE does not reject God as such, or Jesus or Mohammed. IMAGINE tries to persuade us to be on guard against the things that divide and separate us. The real, lasting concepts  in religion – the things that Jesus & Buddha actually taught, ought to bring us together, in Lennon’s view, not be a cause for war. When religions give us reasons to hate each other or fight each other, they become toxic to the human race. 

The same thing, in Lennon’s mind, can be said about the political entities (countries & nations) that separate us, along with the borders that politicians and military leaders draw up. Who drew up these borders anyway? Who is to say that one group of people have the God-given right to live on one side of a wall – and another group does not have that right? Are we not all members of the same species?

Most of you will not remember the time in the late 60s & early 1970s when people like me had what was called a PLANETARY PASSPORT, inspired by a visionary man living on Mount Shasta, California. It was a specially printed passport with white lettering on a blue background with the logo of planet Earth on the front cover that we used to enter countries around the world and it’s main objective was to break down the mind-set of national barriers and boundaries and open up the thought-form that we are One Humanity. Naturally we were stopped at the Customs and denied entry until we showed them our “legitimate” Government stamped passport. For the millions of displaced Africans and other refugees around the world, this PLANETARY PASSPORT was the only official document they had. It was a pioneering and courageous initiative more than 50 years ago. 

In the end, “IMAGINE” is about envisioning a world in which more things bring us together than separate us. Lennon tells us that we may not seem to live in such a world now – but by picturing it, we might begin to bring it into existence.

Part 2: Future Events

19th. March 2022

Start of 70-Days Inner Preparation before Group Tour to

 Eternal Egypt 27 May to 6 June.

If you are sincerely interested in joining the group as a Key of Light

then don’t delay, act today and register your committment. 

Request our brochure & prices

Online Lecture: Sunday 20th. March

From 6pm CET – 90 minutes duration

100 Danish kroner or $20 payable in advance

The Astrology of the year 2025

The Astro-Dice 

 Evening Workshop Copenhagen

Friday 1st. April 2022 from 18-21 – Costs 550Dkr.

Derek to Stockholm, Sweden 30th April to 8th. May.

Client work & Weekend Workshop

More info available on request

Derek to USA August-September

 to promote publication of new book: 

“Doorways to the Soul – Volume 1” – IBIS publishing House

New 6-Part Weekend Workshops - Online Teaching:

The Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology

Starting September 2022

Register your commitment already now!

Evening Workshop in Divination:

Friday 1st April 2022


Using the Astro-Dice


Astro-Therapist & Tarot Master

Derek R. Seagrief

These beautiful ASTRO DICE consist of 3 dice – one for the PLANETS, one for the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS, and one for the 12 HOUSES.

Simply stated, the Planets are the “WHAT”, the 12 Signs are the “HOW” and the 12 Houses are the “WHERE”.

Throw the 3 dice together while holding a particular question in mind. When the dice have fallen, note the symbols on the ides showing uppermost. 

Look at the PLANETS dice first – this refers to the basic type of energy available to you at this time. Next look at the SIGNS dice – this represents how the planetary energy will manifest. Then check the HOUSES dice – for the area of life being affected. 

The ASTRO-DICE do not give a simple YES or NO answer to your question, so frame your question to invite further information as to the way an idea or situation may develop, So rather than asking “Should I accept this new job?”, ask instead: “What will be the likely future outcome if I accept this job?”

The dice can then give you a more precise insight on which to base your own evaluation. Always remember that the more precise your wording of the question, the more precise your answer.

This is a wonderful & playful way to develop your intuitional sensitivity and get immediate answers to your many personal questions – and what a positive investment in your future! Easter is coming and what a great gift to yourself – or to friends & family.

Each participant will receive a set of ASTRODICE & study papers.

Space is limited to the first 7 participants who make full payment:

550 Dkr

MobilePay: Berit Meland Seagrief 20 13 05 03

Venue: Niels Frederiksens Alle 4, 2610 Rødovre (Copenhagen)

Derek’s Mobile: +45 23 81 76

Online Lecture: Sunday 20th. March

From 6pm CET – 90 minutes duration

100 Danish kroner or $20 payable in advance

The Individual & Planetary significance of the Year 2025

When the Outer Planets change sign the evidence from history is mammoth changes take place in our collective lives. So what can we expect when all 3 transpersonal planets change sign within a few months in the year 2025?

PLUTO leaves Capricorn and enters AQUARIUS  at the start of 2025 where it will remain for the next 19 years until January 2044.

NEPTUNE will leave Pisces and enter ARIES on the last day of March 2025, the time of the Spring Equinox, remaining here for 14 years until March 2039 when it enters the next sign Taurus.

URANUS will leave Taurus and enter GEMINI July 2025 and remain here for 7 years until July 2032. WOW! What a planetary line-up!

Transit SATURN will also leave Pisces and enter ARIES for it’s 2½-year journey through this sign late May 2025, thus joining up with Neptune in the summer months. 

All of these planetary cycles will make 2025 an incredible year for us as individuals & Humanity as a whole. What can we expect?

Come and join us for an incredible 90-minute journey that will both fascinate and inspire. Book early to secure your place. No admittance unless you have Registered your payment. Welcome!  

Start of a new 6-part Weekends:


Starting:  24-25 September 2022


Derek R. Seagrief

This new Education & Training was started in September 2021 with 12 international students from Norway, Denmark, Germany & the USA and all would all agree that the experience was powerfully transformative! A common statement from the group is that it was so much more than what they had ever expected. 

Already now we are starting to Register students for our new 6-part series starting this Autumn.

Do you want to be part of this amazing magical Journey into the worlds of Psychological Astrology? You can attend as a physical student at Jupiter Center, Son, NORWAY – or as Online student.

Do you want to participate from the comfort of your own home, distant education that also includes personal Tutorials for each student?

If so, don’t delay Register Today – space is limited to 12 participants.

6 Experiential Workshops

Workshop 1: 24-25 September 2022


  • Working with Subpersonalities &

The Zodiac Wheel of Psychology

Workshop 2:  22-23 October 


  • Exploring family patterns & psychic inheritance

Workshop 3:  19-20 November


  • The transits of the Transpersonal planets, Uranus-Neptune-Pluto

And the challenges they represent;

Dealing with the Shadow

Workshop 4:  10-11 December 2022


  • Walking our Path and the Art of Living

Workshop 5:  January 2023


  • Exploring the energy dynamics of intimate relationships;

  • Upgrading our Male-female Balance

Workshop 6:  February 2023


  • Dynamic Chart Synthesis;

  • Making a Friend with Time

Each Workshop will contain a mixture of individual & group exercises designed to assist participants to reach & experience the core issues of the themes for the weekend. 

  • These workshops are both PHYSICAL – at Jupiter Center, Norway & ONLINE live streamed – which presents a wonderful opportunity for individuals located far away in different international locations to get connected with a group of people that might never meet physically in the same location.  

  • Each Workshop is accompanied by study material, especially produced for each Weekend Theme for information & reflection. This is sent as a Word Document or PDF file 2 days before the start of the weekend.

  • Each Workshop is recorded on Zoom and sent via Dropbox to your email address. There are 4 sessions of 3 Hours each: 

        Saturday morning class from 10-13,  afternoon class from 14-17.

        Sunday repeats the same times i.e. CET (Central European Time).

  • You will be sent 4 Zoom invitations for each of the 4 classes a few days before the start of each weekend. Use the password to enter the class.

  • Students are expected to maintain a working Journal of their exercises and insights/observations.

  • In-between each Workshop students are sent 3 questions that are linked to the previous weekend – which requires a written response sent to your Mentor - to demonstrate understanding of the Astro-Psychological themes. 

  • After the first 2 Weekends, all students are offered a 1-hour Tutorial, where these written answers/Reports help form the basis of the dialogue. These tutorials are primarily to focus upon the work with the School, to guage your progress and to “smooth out” some of the rough edges so that increased flow can result.

There are a total of 3 1-Hour Tutorials included in these 6 Workshops for all students as part of the training program.

These Tutorials are recorded on Zoom & sent to you afterwards.

Born in London, August 1952 and living in Scandinavia since 1978, Derek has functioned as a full-time professional Consultant Astrologer, serving clients throughout Scandinavia, UK, Europe & USA for 40 years.

Teacher of the Eternal Wisdom Traditions, trained in PsychoSynthesis (“Psychology with a Soul”) and Art-Therapy (“Liberating Painting Workshops”). 

Derek has also been Tour organiser & Guide for Scandinavian Groups to England, Ireland & Egypt for more than 25 years, “In the Footsteps of Merlyn” & “Exploring Eternal Egypt”.  A new group is now forming with both Scandinavians & American Seekers for Egypt in May 2022.

Many Moons ago, Derek was an artist with sculptor exhibitions in both London & New York. In 1969 he introduced himself to the Tarot and the magical world of symbols. Thirty years later established -“The School of Living Kabbalah”, introducing the Tree of Life to Scandinavian students.

Derek’s new book to be published in USA August 2022 combines these 3 disciplines,  “Astrology, Tarot, Kabbalah & YOU” and is Part 1 of a Triology, bringing together many years of experience.

“Entry & Exit: Your Birth & Death Horoscope” was Derek’s 13th. book and published in Swedish 2012 by Sweden’s biggest alternative publisher. It has been completely revised in a new English ebook publication (400+ pages).

For 16 years Leader of “The Unicorn School of Astro-Psychology” in Copenhagen, a pioneering 2-year program that successfully combined the Art & Science of Astrology with modern Psychology. The rich experience gained from these journeys has been updated and now made available to a new group of students on “The Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology”


Derek’s ARIES Newsletter Late March/April 2022


Derek’s AQUARIUS Newsletter Late January/February 2022