Derek’s Quarterly Newsletter Spring Season 2024

Hello Friends & Clients dotted around the world, welcome to my SPRING Newsletter!

My apologies for not arriving in your mailbox during the Spring Equinox late March – but a month later, late April. This is primarily due to my on-going health challenges, which I write about in this Newsletter.

As always there have been a series of major collective events that I wish to explore against the background of the Sun’s transit through the first 3 signs of the Zodiac. The tremendous significance of the total Solar Eclipse of North America, and the path of totality, darkness to light, seen by no less than 33 million people, is indeed worthy of our investigation.

Please take the time to look at Part 2: Future Activities, where you will find many exciting presentations.

If you would like to support my research activities for future Newsletters then your financial support, small or large, is most welcome. I have succeeded in keeping this publication “gratis” or free for many years.

For those readers who wish to hear me talking through the text, click on this link for the audio version – Hope you will enjoy my Newsletter!

Derek’s health – current status

As many of my readers know, just after Christmas 2023 I entered the hospital for Borrelia infection, also known as Lyme disease. The potency & complexity of this virus is well known and yet our modern health authorities have nothing less than a complete “blind spot” regarding treatment. After 14 days of anti- biotics, that’s it, nothing more is available or recommended. The patient is on their own to find their own way of dealing with the challenges. A Danish politician recently got bitten by a tick in the neck region and she became paralysed all down the right side of her face and body. In my own example I was working in my garden late September last year, picking the last black berries when a rash appeared on my right arm. Within some days it had got bigger and was looking more inflamed, so I visited the doctor and asked them directly if I had been bitten by a tick. Two doctors inspected it, but couldn’t see any penetration of the skin, so concluded it was some form of allergic reaction and prescribed a skin ointment. After a week the redness of the skin was removed and all seemed back to normal – but clearly the borellia had entered my body and incubated for 3 months before erupting at the end of December.

My symptoms have been constant pain in the right arm due to nerve damage, resulting in severe lack of mobility in 3 fingers, making it quite impossible to write, cut food or open wine bottles! I have a severely reduced strength in the right arm so my left hand & arm has to compensate. Unfortunately with this virus, it also impacts the rest of my body with body fatigue, brain fog, weakness in the legs & neurological pains located in the feet - but also stabbing pains in different parts of the body.

These pains have made it difficult to sleep for more than 3 hours, and only in recent weeks have I been able to benefit from longer periods of sleep. That is the good news. The not-so-good news is that the borellia does affect the brain and in my case this has created difficulty in walking and feeling in balance and secure navigating space. This unfortunately makes it hard to do any kind of physical exercise, since it becomes so exhausting. As many other sufferers of Lyme disease will confirm, even getting out of the bed or sofa becomes an enormous effort. In these past weeks I feel 20 years older with reduced vitality & mobility. So it’s good that I have the psyche to maintain an optimistic view of my health process and lifestyle. I am also blessed with the support of my wife Berit, who has proven herself time & time again to be an anchor of light throughout this period and a healing presence.

I have started physio-therapy to help my physical condition and for the past many weeks I have taken traditional Chinese herbal remedies, acupuncture, homeopathic assistance, in addition to spiritual healing. My diet remains healthy and I am very conscious of food being the most valuable source of natural medicine.

So basically it moves in the right direction – yet everything goes more slowly. Doctors maintain that how long before one’s health returns to some form of normality varies greatly from person to person, yet anything between 6 months and up to 2 years is a fair estimation. Naturally by this approaching summer period and my next Newsletter I hope to give my readers a more positive update. In the meantime I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation of the many messages of support, suggestions & recommendations that I have received since December from friends & clients around the world – thank you for your loving support and thank you for including me in your prayers.

Here is a great Easter picture with me & the family in a wonderful outdoor hot tub, drinking champagne on Holmen, Copenhagen. It was super relaxing & well recommended to all! My daughter is not in the picture as she is taking the photo!

Cheers Derek! Good health!

The culminating FULL MOON in these 3 signs characterizes the work for the new spiritual year.

Aries Keynote:

“I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule.”

Taurus Keynote:

“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is Light.”

Gemini Keynote:

“I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow.”

The Affirmation of the Disciple

I AM a point of Light within a greater Light. I AM a strand of Loving energy within the Stream of Love Divine.

I AM a point of sacrificial Fire focussed within the Fiery Will of God. And thus I stand.

I AM a way by which men may achieve.
I AM a source of strength, enabling them to stand. I AM a Beam of Light,
Shining upon their Way.
And thus I stand.

And standing thus, revolve,
And tread this Way, the Ways of Men, And know the Ways of God.
And thus I stand.

The Total Solar Eclipse 8th April 2024

What time did the 2024 solar eclipse take place? Well, it started in Mexico at 11.07 PDT before crossing into Texas at 13.27 CDT.

Living as we do in the scientifically sophisticated 21st Century, we are no longer terrified by a solar eclipse. We know the Moon is not eating the sun. No one stares up in horror, afraid the sun is dying forever. No one offers bloody sacrifices to revive the life-giving light. Instead we explain how it works to our children, view it with protective devices to preserve our eyesight and know exactly how long it will last.

Nevertheless, if you have ever stood outside and watched a solar eclipse, I think you will agree with me that it remains an event of tremendous power. Slowly, the sun turns dark, but it is a strange, uncanny darkness. The great ruler of the day is still high in the sky, but momentarily overshadowed by the ruler of the night. The universe seems to turn inside out for a few brief moments. What does it mean?

Astrology tells us that a solar eclipse is a time to get in touch with our deepest intentions. As the moon blocks the sun, it also blocks the normal solar vibrations that flood our mind. During this time, the earth is in shadow. This is a time when we can look into the subconscious, and then that which has been hidden or repressed will come into the light.

With the light of the sun blocked, a brief doorway in time is opened for the earth to receive deeper energies from the galaxies beyond our solar system. Specifically, the earth receives a powerful dose of energy from whatever sign the sun & moon are in when the shadow occurs.

The total Solar Eclipse of 8th. April has been called the Great North American Eclipse as the path of totality stretched from Mexico, up through America and Canada and was witnessed by 33 million people. This spectacular event brought together whole communities who wished to share this cosmic experience with other members of the human family. It was a great unifier as people looked upwards to the skies above and were emotionally moved by these planetary happenings. Normally the Moon moving in front of the Sun from our Earth’s perspective creates a period of darkness that lasts just over 2 minutes, yet this April total solar eclipse lasted twice that, a staggering 41⁄2 minutes.

I personally was glued to CNN’s 4-hour live TV coverage and a common thread of the many live interviews was that it was a “spiritual experience”. What an incredible planetary event that impacted our collective consciousness, so I would now like to do some deeper exploration of eclipses in this Newsletter. As astrologers have studied this phenomena for more than 4000 years, I had hoped that CNN would have invited an astrologer to the studio to add another dimension to their coverage, but alas no.

Astrology & working with Eclipses

Astrologers work with time. Unlike any other profession, we can travel both backwards or forwards in time. For most people time is a shapeless void, only visible in retrospect. As Astrologers we can turn this future void into a landscape. Into the world of predictive astrology, the solar & lunar eclipses fall like gentle rain or hail stones. The spectacular event of a solar eclipse were always held in great awe by people of the ancient world and often considered an ominous event. Today eclipses have been relegated by most people to nothing more than a photo opportunity.

Eclipses have long inhabited a conflicted place in the human psyche for on the one hand we face eclipse events with a certain edginess, perhaps originating from ancient times when eclipses were not understood and thus created fear. On the other hand, eclipses fascinate us.

The approach that most astrologers take to eclipses is to note the date and the zodiacal longitude of an eclipses and then compare it, using some form of aspecting, to a natal chart.

The eclipse will activate a natal house and possibly conjunct a planet, thereby “heating up” that planet and give the astrologer information as to where the person will have to deal with unexpected events, or what kind of issues will be causing the person some concern, positive or negative. These solar & lunar eclipses in any one year will occur in a “House” polarity i.e. 1st & 7th Houses or 11th & 5th Houses etc. and will stress that polarity for 12 to 18 months, as the eclipses move retrograde through the chart and will start to stress another set of Houses.

If we consider Napoleon’s horoscope with eclipses for 1814 & 1815, we see that the eclipses are about to move over his natal MC/IC axis, the 10th & 4th Houses, indicating changes and emphasis in his career & social status, as well as in his family or where he is living. This could be read as wonderful, as an improvement in his position – or, as history states, losing all his power by being caught & exiled from France.

We must therefore not jump to the conclusion that because a person will experience a solar eclipse on their 1st/7th House axis that their partnership will end through unexpected drama. This House information must be read in conjunction with the predictive emphasis shown through current progressions and transits.

There is a big difference between solar & lunar eclipses and solar are more powerful – and they are powerful in proportion to the amount of light that is cut off. So a total solar eclipse is the most powerful, and the effect start days before it is exact and up to a year after the event. If your birthday is a few days before an eclipse, it tends to be a very fated year.

One of the difficulties when reckoning with eclipses is that they appear to be very inconsistent in their expression. We know the timing of the eclipses and we also know that they tend to be stressful. They can also suddenly expose a hidden problem. What we are not sure of is the nature of the stress.

So are eclipses like “wild cards”, stressing emotions or bringing chaotic events or, at times, apparently little effect? They can sometimes be positive & very exciting and at other times herald a period of difficulties – so which is which, and can the astrologer tell?

The 8th April total solar eclipse activated 19-20 degrees of Aries/Libra axis.
If we place this upon the National chart for USA it will emphasize the 4th & 10th Houses – where we are coming from (4th House) and where we are going to (10th House).

This is our private world (4th) and our public life (10th) and this eclipse is exactly conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer at 20-degrees Aries, 4th House. With the upcoming November election, America is a divided nation as both families and whole communities feel wounded. Will the aggressive Aries and militaristic tendencies dominate or the healing capacity of the courageous Aries Hero seeking a new self-image? Will the leaders of American society transcend their feelings of personal wounds & demonstrate true leadership?

It will, of course, interest you to know that this 19-20 degree Aries/Libra axis will also conjunct Donald Trump’s natal stationary Jupiter at 171⁄2-degrees Libra. This placement emphasizes Law & Justice and Ex-President Trump has amassed more than 30 legal battles in future Court cases. Is anyone above the Law? Libra gives us the contrast principle so we can see more clearly, while Jupiter provides good judgment – but not if distorted.

The American people must ask themselves if this Leader of the Republican party demonstrates a natural desire to cooperate (Libra) and grow (Jupiter) through co-creation, or displays an exaggerated self-importance, never taking the advice of those around him, and distorting truth – because with such a Captain of the ship, the future will become increasingly polarized and not the path of unification.

The Path of Totality

The path of totality shadowed a massive area in North America and research into the path of the eclipse is a very special branch of predictive astrology as eclipse paths tend to link events, countries and people. For example, the path of the solar eclipse of August 3rd, 566, the natal eclipse of Mohammed the Prophet, started in Indonesia and passed through the Middle East, and all the areas under that path are those most influenced by Islam. Another classic example is Karl Marx, who was born on the day of the eclipse, May 5th 1818 whose eclipse path shadowed Russia.

The impact on the collective conscious and unconscious life of the American peoples cannot be underestimated with this April 2024 total solar eclipse.

The Dark Year – 29th March 1652

On Black Monday 29th March 1662, the UK came to a standstill. No one worked, markets & fairs were cancelled, cattle & sheep were under cover & people cowered indoors behind locked doors too afraid to step outside. The reason? The famous English Astrologer William Lilly foresaw the solar eclipse happening that day at 19 degrees Aries – the same degree of Aries of the 8th April solar eclipse 2024.

“The most famous, the most memorable and greatest eclipse of the Sun, which our age hath beheld” wrote Lilly.
William Lilly forecast England in particular, who would feel the eclipse force because England’s founding horoscope had its Ascendant in Aries and the eclipse was taking place “in the very degree of the exaltation of the Sun (the 19th degree of Aries)”.

In addition, because the chart for England placed the eclipse in the 10th House “that house of heaven signifying & relating unto emperors, kings and magistracy”, Lilly predicted “the subversion of some principalities & powers, monarchies, kingdoms, empires, and the raising up of some one man or men, or state of Commonwealth unto a greater height of sovereignty, rule or command, than either he hath at present (if this befall a particular man) or that Commonwealth or state.”

Was Lilly accurate in his forecast? In the months after the eclipse, England’s Parliament was dissolved and Oliver Cromwell, a commoner, was raised to Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.

Would we today make similar predictions for this 2024 Solar Eclipse and related specifically to USA?

The Saros Cycle

Each eclipse is not in fact an isolated event but is a member of a family and each family has characteristics. These families or cycles have beginnings, middles and endings and were first discovered by the Babylonians. Any one cycle will run for well over a thousand years. These were called Saros Series by the Greeks in the 10th Century AD, from the word “saros” meaning “to be repeated”.

Every Saros Cycle starts as an eclipse at either the North or South Pole and will slowly move towards its opposite pole some 1300 years later. Each Saros Series produces a solar eclipse every 18 years and each cycle will produce 71 to 73 “events” or solar eclipses. At any given period there are about 42 Saros Series active, half of them running from North to South Pole and the other half of them running from the South to North Pole. All these Series are, as it were, washing over our planetary globe. Imagine the whole concept as a forest. Each Saros Series is a tree in the forest and each individual eclipse is a leaf from a particular tree. So we have a forest of trees, each tree at a different stage of development. Each eclipse and the resulting lunar eclipse will express the characteristics of the Saros Series to which it belongs.

To more fully understand the energetic patterns encoded in each eclipse, it is highly productive to look at the birth chart, also called the parent eclipse, of the Saros Series to which it belongs. This chart is a specialist area of astrological research of course, yet it provides extraordinary useful information about the nature of events that might transpire during the eclipse period. Such work requires using only tight aspects & exact midpoints.

Prince William & Saros Series

As astrologers we can explore an individual Saros Series by using a theme, like the development of human thought in a particular field, such as development of science, art, language etc.
Example, the year that Gutenberg invented the printing press (1452), the year that Copericus published his theory that the Sun was the center of the solar system (1543), the year Issac Newton published his Laws of Physics (1687) the year that Einstein wrote his “Theory of Relativity” (1905) – were all years that Saros Series 14 were producing eclipses. The significant historical theme of these years is that of publications which changed the world.

Lady Diana died in a car crash August 31st. 1997 – just one day before a solar eclipse at 10 degrees Virgo – which activated her natal Mars & Pluto in the 8th House on her birth horoscope. This was a classic astrological indication of entering a very stressful time of extremes, a life threatening eclipse cycle.

The first child of Prince Charles & Lady Diana and heir to the throne of Great Britain was born at the time of a solar eclipse. This maybe not so unusual since these eclipses will happen twice a year – but having a future king with such a natal event makes it especially revealing.

If you are born on a solar eclipse, your life is going to encapsulate that particular Saros Series as you will act as a vehicle for the expression of that Series.
Prince William was born into Saros Series 2, which is just finishing. It is in its last stages with just a few more partial eclipses around the South Pole yet to occur. It started its life in 792 AD and will end in July 2036, when the Prince is 54 years old. This Saros Series has a character of separations or endings of unions. Thus, issues of parting must be reckoned with for those born with this Saros Series prominent. The dramatic death and separation from his mother has been followed by separation from his younger brother Harry as well as rumours of marriage problems. Part of the lesson in this Saros Series highlight the ability to deal with life’s challenges, allowing old structures to crumble while learning how to create new forms from the collapse of the old ones.

Part of the destiny with this Saros Series is that when it first started in 792, this was the beginning of the English monarchy. The first recognized King of England was the Anglo-Saxon Ecgberht who came to power 802 AD. Thus for Prince William to be a part of this Saros Series is to predict that he may well be the last British monarch in the current style. There could be a sudden collapse of the King’s role in the community while William is King. This predicts an end of an era. This Saros Series is complete in 2036, some 12 years from today.

Saros Series 8 North – Solar Eclipse 8 April 2024

What are the characteristics are the Saros Series linked to the recent April Solar eclipse?
It originated May 17th 1501 at the North Pole and ends June 23rd. 2745.

The next time this Saros Series takes place will be 2042. The founding birth chart has a New Moon squared by Uranus, Pluto sits on the Venus/Saturn midpoint and there is a Mercury-Mars square.

Inventiveness and flashes of genius are the hallmark of this Saros Series, showing us that both as individuals and collectively, we will take intuitive leaps, insights, have good ideas, visions or vivid dreams. This new found inspiration can pull the individual away from routine reality, thereby causing strain in the private .

So this is the influence of Saros Series 8 North upon us all, yet specifically upon the people of North America. Will there be a mass public demonstration of newness & inventiveness, a movement into the future and not being stuck in the past, nurturing old hurts & wounds?

Time will show – and especially 6 months on with the Annular eclipse 2 October 2024 at 10-degrees Libra. This occurs just 1 month before America goes to vote the next President. This is Saros Series 8 South and has the character of separation and loss, to be parted and to finish something.

Yes – see the opportunities of the future & let go of the past – that is something important to vote upon!

The gift you got before you were born

One of the interesting ways astrologers can apply the concept of solar eclipses to your personal chart is by looking at your prenatal solar eclipse for clues to your path to self-fulfillment.

What is a prenatal solar eclipse? Quite simply, solar eclipses occur on a regular cycle approximately every six months. So there was a solar eclipse sometime during the period when you were in your mother’s womb.
This is called your prenatal eclipse.

It is almost like a special gift from the universe – an extraordinary understanding about the energies of the sign where the eclipse fell. But with every gift, there is also responsibility.
A lot of astrological software available nowadays will also calculate the prenatal solar eclipse – or you can ask an astrologer to find it for you.

I am offering a special package which you can read more about at the end of this section.

The New Moon before Birth

“Every human being could be said to drink of the stream of life of which the New Moon before his or her birth was the source.” – Dane Rudhyar

Then we come to another significant point of reference – the New Moon before our birth.
As any astrological cycle is stamped with the root characteristic of its starting point, the new moon which preceded our birth becomes inevitably the key to the basic character of our inherent vitality.

The sign of the Zodiac in which it occurred, whether it was in the same or preceeding sign as the Sun at birth, the degree of the Zodiac and particularly the “Sabian Symbol” for this degree, will provide a significant clue as to the tone and direction of the life. The Sabian Symbols are the 360 degrees of the Zodiacal Wheel presented as an image received clairvoyantly.

In the example of Carl Jung’s New Moon before birth, it is close to a conjunction with his birth chart natal Mercury in the 6th House. He was a great communicator & Teacher for humanity, with special emphasis upon Mercury’s role in the alchemical process. Alchemy was his great inspiration.

In the case of Alice Bailey (June 16, 1880) the Theosophist who founded the Arcane School and wrote many books on occultism under inspiration from the Tibetan Master DK, her natal Sun was 251⁄2 degrees Gemini, with natal Venus at 17 degrees 52 minutes of the same sign. The lunation cycle, the New Moon before birth, occurred on 7th June, with the New Moon at 171⁄2 degrees Gemini. Thus, the ancestral forces, or karmic soul forces, were focussed in Alice Bailey’s life largely through Venus – which enabled her to successfully emphasize group values and to hold together for many years a quite large group of seekers stressing an intellectual formulation of universal ideas.

The house position of the New Moon before birth, will show a specific area of developmental need, while the aspects this makes to other parts of the horoscope (planets, Ascendant & Midheaven angles) describe associated need. As always, the closer the aspect, the more important.

The zodiacal sign position of this prenatal eclipse, although a point common to thousands of horoscopes, has personal significance when we consider each of the 4 Elements from a basic karmic viewpoint.

Special offer for readers of my Newsletter

Eclipses before my birth

This is a written Report that helps you identify:

1. The New Moon before birth
2. The Solar Eclipse before birth
3. Some astrological interpretation related to your natal chart 4. The Solar Eclipse April 2024 & your horoscope.

Price: 300Dkr. US$45
Send your birth details & pre-payment Email:

Reading symbolism around us – fire in Copenhagen

It is essential in our unfoldment of consciousness to recognize the dance between outer events and inner processes. This becomes glaringly obvious when medical practitioners, who are primarily focussed upon medicine and not healing, treat outer symptoms are never address the inner causes.

We have many opportunities to read environmental signals in this way and discover a deeper layer of meaning than the obvious outer physical dimension.

Here is an example of what this can mean. Today, as I write this, 16 April, the residents of Copenhagen were experiencing a tragedy, as the 400-year old Børsen or Stock Exchange, situated by the Parliament buildings, caught fire and the spiral tower adorning the top of this beautiful building came crashing down. This is a beautiful and incredibly unusual building with 4 entwined dragons making up a spiralling spire. The building itself is not just a cultural pearl but it also houses many fine art paintings and antiquities that were dramatically rescued as the fire raged and smoke was seen dominating the morning landscape.

Here is a list of symbolic correspondances:

  • -  The day of the fire is the same day as Queen Margrethe’s birthday. She abdicated the throne in January and her son Frederick became the new ruler of the Danish monarchy.

  • -  5 years ago in Paris on the 15 April 2019, almost exactly the same day, the church of Notre Dame suffered the event of a tragic fire. The building has since been restored in all its original splendour.

  • -  The Dragon Spire was burnt down in a Dragon Year, according to Chinese astrology. The Danish public could follow this event, as there was live broadcast via television. In astrology we have what is known as the Dragons Head & Tail, the North & South Nodes of the lunar axis. The North Node or Dragons Head is currently situated in the sign Aries conjunct Venus (Art) and Mercury (business exchange).

  • -  In the Tarot sequence Key 16 is The Tower, and this event occurred on the 16th day of April. The fiery planet Mars corresponds to the Tarot image, and the month of April comes under the rulership of the zodiac sign Aries, the Warrior archetype identified with Mars.

    So many coincidences – but how should we read these links? Well the Church of Notre Dame in Paris, built 850 years ago, translates in English as “Our Lady”, and marks “Point Zero”, the official centre of the capital and the marker in France from which all distances to Paris are measured. It is a major symbol of the Catholic faith and the crown of thorns said to have been on the head of Jesus at the time of the crucifixion is located in the Cathedral. The main spire and roof of the building collapsed in the fire of April 2019. Today, 5 years after the fire, the restoration is nearly complete.

    Basically we can say that Notre Dame has some essentially feminine energy, whereas Børsen/Stock Exchange in Copenhagen, is essentially the major center of the financial life of the nation, and signals a more masculine nature.

    One possible interpretation is that these two fires are linked due to the almost exact same date for the incident and that these buildings represent some of the oldest structures in these European capital cities.
    The Dragon snake of Copenhagen is shape-shifting, letting go of its old skin and regenerating. A death to make space & place for something new to be born.

Does this mean a future financial crises in Denmark’s economy, possibly, but clearly a reorganization of values and methods is the challenge. A new relationship and dynamic interchange between the masculine & feminine parts of the collective psyche? And here we see the masculine profile or self- image subject to new interpretation and new future presentation. Perhaps this is a breaking-down in order to break-through. Time will be our witness.

Horoscope for fire alarm

The horoscope for the sounding of the fire alarm at 07.36 is very revealing. There is an exact Moon-Pluto opposition cutting through the spine of the horoscope, the bottom to the top, the foundation to the skies, the 4th House & the 10th House MC or Midheaven, and the signs Leo-Aquarius. The destructive nature of Pluto is clearly evident, at the top of this chart yet this planet also corresponds to Dragon energy and therefore to the building’s spiralling dragon spire. The Moon situated on the 4th House cusp refers to property and corresponds with the past. It is positioned in the royal sign of Leo, which points to Copenhagen’s majestic Stock Exchange building built by King Christian 1V. The fire raged until the late evening hours and resulted in half the building destroyed. With no less than 6 planets in the 12th House, there were many hidden complications. Here is the horoscope for this event.

Bridge-building, the Baltimore bridge collapse & the Antahkarana

Here is another example of this way of thinking intuitively. At the end of March, in the early hours of Tuesday morning 26th March, a big super carrier cargo ship, crashed into one of the support columns of the Baltimore bridge in Maryland USA – and the entire bridge came tumbling down into the sea, killing several workmen at the site. Although the incident occurred at 01.20 local time, yet this dramatic accident was captured on film and broadcast around the world.

The people of Baltimore have always been proud of its old bridge, a characteristic emblem for the city and a major hub of economical activity centered upon the busy traffic for the harbour. So what is the symbolism at work here?

Shall we just evaluate this as an accident – and therefore not explore this further?
Although it appears to be a local event yet it was seen by millions around the world and therefore impressed into the consciousness of humanity – which implies that there are larger issues at work here. And what could that be, I hear you ask?

Well, let’s take the obvious – the form of the bridge itself. A bridge connects separate parts, isolated pieces brought into connection with the larger environment, thus promoting increased flow and movement of traffic.

If we take this principle and apply that to our psychic constitution, then many of us are aware that there is such a bridge in subtler matter, a Path to the alignment of our lower and Higher Selves. The basic concepts of the Eternal Wisdom teachings revolve around the principle of consciousness, its awakening and its evolutionary progress through the world of physical expression. The movement in consciousness is the building of a link between the Soul and the Personality, both on the individual and on a Collective level – the Rainbow Bridge of Light or Antahkarana as it is called in Sanskrit.

Just as we build our physical bodies from the food substances in our material environment, we build the Rainbow Bridge from the substance on the metal plane of life. This construction becomes an increasingly more conscious process as the life the Soul unfolds. The net result of the development of the Antahkarana/Rainbow Bridge is the linking of the three vehicles of the personality with the three of the Soul (See diagram).

This is known as “the weaving of the thread” of the Path, for the Rainbow Bridge IS the Path. This work occupies a great deal of our time & energy now. To become established, this linking requires several kinds of disciplines and experiences. The connections which are required are:

  1. Thelinkbetweenthelowereverydaymind&theHigherabstractMind.

  2. The link between the personal emotional or astral body and the intuition. It is this sense of synthesis, the ability to touch the world of causes and experiences wholes,

    that defines the intuition.

  3. ThelinkbetweenthepersonalwillandtheWilloftheHigherSelf.

These necessary contacts bring about three very common areas of crises & transformation into our lives.

  1. A change of diet and attitude towards the physical body, leading to a healthier physical vehicle.

  2. The transformation of personal desires and the way in which we express our personal, emotional and sexual lives.

  3. The training of the mind so that it is receptive to inclusive, philosophical perspectives, while breaking its attachment to limiting opinions and opening it to true intuitive perception.

So when these “threads” are finally constructed, they facilitate the flow of consciousness from the Higher to the lower Self. This produces a heightened awareness of life that eventually serves to negate all sense of separateness from the essential Oneness and Wholeness of Life’s fundamental nature.

The Antahkarana/Rainbow Bridge is that thread of consciousness which, through the Law of Attraction, the Law of Love in Action, reveals the inter- connectedness and unity of all life. This is why we seek to tread the Path so that we may consciously recognize our unity with it.

The Rainbow Bridge is built in mental substance, and as a result, is very much concerned with the realm of communication. Thus, its construction requires the creation of those kinds of relationships that allow the repolarization of energies to take place. The Age of Aquarius is an age orientated to Right Human Relations – with so much focus & stress upon the material, emotional, mental, structural and sexual nature of human interchange.

The collapse of the Baltimore Bridge is a sharp contrast to remind not just the American people, but all humanity, to make the connection with the higher reality of any given situation and not get stuck in personal likes & dislikes with its ego bias. The world needs many bridge-builder types, who work at connecting the different realities or world views into a higher synthesis. The Rainbow Bridge contains the 7 colours of the Rainbow, the full spectrum working together. We want a celebration of diversity not everything being the same, a movement towards inclusiveness, not exclusiveness.


The dramatic collapse of the Baltimore Bridge is an outer symbol of this great inner challenge that we must up-grade our frequency to connect the higher with the lower frequency – and now!

“Before a man can tread the Path, he must become that Path himself.”

The Antahkarana is the Path symbolically. Step by step and stage by stage, we construct the Path just as the spider spins its thread. It is that “way back” which we evolve out of ourselves. It is that Way which we also find and tred. Students should train themselves to distinguish between the Sutratma, which is the Life Thread, and the Antahkarana, which is the Thread of Consciousness. The Sutratma is the direct stream of life which works from above downward, while the Antahkarana is woven, created and evolved as a result of our activity in the world of form, from the without to the within, so works from below upwards.

The Science of the Antahkarana is connected with the entire problem of energy, but especially the energy handled by the individual and with the forces by which the individual relates himself to other individuals or groups.

Education in the Aquarian Age will concern itself with bridging the gap between the three aspects of the mind nature, between the soul & the lower mind and between the lower mind, the soul and the Higher mind. Humanity as a whole is now ready, for the first time in the career of our race, the bridging work can go forward on a relatively large scale. The building of the second half of the antahkarana, which bridges the gap in consciousness between the soul & the spiritual Triad, is called the Science of Vision, because just as the first half of the bridge is built through the use of mental substance, so the second half is built through the use of light substance, or buddhic substance.


As my readers can appreciate, this subject is essential to a true understanding of the evolution of the Aquarian Age. So let us deepen our exploration.


  1. Start thinking on abstract levels of mind. You can use books written

    on abstract subjects, examples: New Testament, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Upanishads, The Secret Doctrine, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Rays & Initiations etc.

  2. Do some preparatory meditation on symbols. Try to unveil the ideas behind the symbols. This will help create a connection with intuitional levels and draw some higher vibrational energy for the building work.

  3. Establish some periods of solitude. Build some communication lines between your present self and your Future Self. See yourself on higher levels closer to light, love and power – and then carry on your daily duties, having this awareness in your heart & mind.

  4. In all your daily relations, attitudes and thinking, cultivate a deeper sense of humility and tolerance. Try to be inclusive. See the one meaning behind the many forms and expressions and use them for your spiritual project. To build the Antahkarana in its social aspect means relationship, communication, understanding, friendship, brotherhood/sisterhood, respect, gratitude, and sincerity.

  5. Living a life of dedicated service to humanitarian causes, service rendered without personal expectation or reservation.

  6. Most people function on one of two lines of approach: the buddhic- astral line or the buddhic-lower mental line. If they continue such a line of approach, they cannot succeed in building the bridge properly. The first group needs mental development in scientific studies to cultivate lower mental sub-planes. The second group must develop the heart center, or their feeling nature through compassion, love & altruism.

  7. Cultivate yourself to see and feel things as they are – in the world, in others and especially in yourself.

  8. Develop the quality of fearlessness. The more fearless you are, the closer you come to your Self. It is the radiation of your True Self that dispels all fears, or all separateness, all expectations, and gives you the solemn assurance that nothing can move you from the center where you truly live.

When the Higher part of the Bridge is under construction, we notice several signs which appear through our mental, emotional and physical expression in our daily living. These signs are usually observed by others before we notice them in ourselves.


  1. Openmindness – One is open to any truth from any source.

  2. Illumination – See things as they are, sees the motives, reads the


  3. Inspiration – All actions have a radiance of grace, new ways of

    approach. His/Her presence has a healing influence & creativity.

  4. One has a clear sense of Vocation – of high calling, knows his aims,

    his goals. Everything is subordinated to that goal.

  5. Faith, acceptance & endurance – has a continuous relations with the

    inner core of everything. Know that everything & everyone, every event

    is his helper on the Path of Evolution.

  6. Sense of reality – Life has meaning.

  7. Self-determination – He/She lives as a cause not an effect.

  8. Great compassion & a deep sense of responsibility & humility.

  9. He/She is honest, generous, kind and noble.

10.He/She is harmless.
11. He/She is happy, joyful in any condition of life.
12. He/She has a great sense of Unity –
there are no barriers in his/her mind, respecting all races, religions, all philosophies, all arts, seeing the common denominator in everything.
13. He/She is Heroic – fearlessly placing himself in danger for a principle, for a high cause.

  1. The senses are accurate.

  2. Displays a well developed sense of Beauty.

  3. Always detached, impersonal.

  4. Has mastered the Science of Self Observation.

  5. He/She lives for the future, for Eternity.

  6. Balanced in his/her words, in acts, in whatever He/She does.

  7. He/She is very adaptable.

  8. He/She exercises great economy of energy.

  9. He/She leads without force and fear, but through light, love &

    spiritual power, through vision.

Part 2: Future activities


The Wheels of Astrology & Tarot:

Part 1, 10 Lessons, Thursday - Starts 23rd May 2024 18-20 CEDT

The Wheels of Astrology & Tarot:

This is a 5-part series organized by Stjernene Denmark Starts Weds. 29th May 18-19.30 CEDT

Dealing with the Shadow

5 x Tuesday, Starts 28th. May at 18-20 CEDT

Eye of Light – Course in Divination

9 x Monday – Starts 13th May at 18-20 CEDT


Free talk organised by Stjernerne Tors. 9th May kl.17-18 CEDT “ASTROLOGY & TAROT”

Free talk organised by Stjernerne


Tues. 21st May kl.17-18 CEDT


Tuesday 28th May at 18-20.
To register requires pre-payment 125Dkr/US$20

The Wheels of Astrology & Tarot

A self-discovery adventure combining Astrology & Tarot

Part 1:

  1. Introduction to the 22 Major Arcana cards – 12 cards for the 12

    signs & 10 cards for the 10 planets.

  2. Key 0: The Fool & the planet Uranus; Key 17: The Star & the

    zodiacal sign Aquarius.

  3. Key 1: The Magician & the planet Mercury; Key 6: The Lovers &

    the sign Gemini; Key 9: The Hermit & the sign Virgo.

  4. Key 2: High Priestess & the Moon; Key 7: The Chariot & the sign


  5. Key 3: The Empress & the planet Venus; Key 5: The Hierophant &

    the sign Taurus; Key 8: Adjustment & the sign Libra.

  6. Key 4: The Emperor & the sign Aries; Key 13: Death & the zodiac

    sign Scorpio; Key 16: The Tower & the planet Mars.

  7. Key 10: Wheel of Fortune & the planet Jupiter; Key 14: Art or

    Temperance & the sign Sagittarius; Key 18: The Moon & the sign

    Pisces (traditional ruler Jupiter).

  8. Key 11: Lust or Strength & the zodiacal sign Leo; Key 19: The Sun.

  9. Key 15: The Devil & the sign Capricorn; Key 21: The Universe or

    The World & the planet Saturn.

10. The 3 Transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune & Pluto & their

links to Key 17: The Star: Key 12: The Hanged Man & Key 20: The Aeon or Judgment.

Part 2:

1. Introduction to the 56 cards of the Minor Arcana – 40 cards (4 x 10 = the 4 Elements) numbered 1-10 for each of the 4 Suits, Fire: Wands/Water: Cups/Air: Swords/Earth: Disks.

16 unnumbered cards called Royalty or People cards representing a combination of the Elements.

  1. Exploring the suit of Wands, the Fire Element from Ace to 10.

  2. Exploring the suit of Cups, the Water Element from Ace to 10.

  3. Exploring the suit of Swords, the Air Element from Ace to 10.

  4. Exploring the suit of Disks, the Earth Element from Ace to 10.

  5. The Royal Family representing the Fire Element: Knight, Queen,

    Prince & Princess of Wands.

  6. The Royal Family representing the Water Element: Knight, Queen,

    Prince & Princess of Cups.

  7. The Royal Family representing the Air Element: Knight, Queen,

    Prince & Princess of Swords.

  8. The Royal Family representing the Earth Element: Knight, Queen,

    Prince & Princess of Disks.

Parts 1 & 2: Total 19 Lessons

Each Lesson is a good mixture of theory & practice, with exercises designed to help you integrate these two disciplines.

Online teaching, Thursday evening, 2 times a month

Starts: May 23rd 2024 kl.18-20 CEDT

All Lessons recorded & made available for students. Price Part 1: 2200Dkr/US$315. Part 2: 2200 Dkr./US$315

The Wheels of Astrology & Tarot

Organizer: Stjernerne

This is a less intensive, cheaper & shorter version of the same wonderful subject, providing a greatcreativeintroductionto theintegrationofthesetwosymbolsystems,Astrology&Tarot.

5-part Series Online Teaching Starts: Weds. 29th May 2024 from 18-19.30

Lesson 1: 29thMay

Introduction – The 22 Major Arcana linked to 12 zodiac signs & 10 planets. The 56 Minor Arcana divided into 40 cards & 16 unnumbered cards. The 4 Suits representing the 4 Elements: Fire/Wands, Water/Cups, Air/Swords & Earth/Disks divided into Ace through to 10 i.e. 40 cards. The remaining 16 cards called Royalty or People cards show a combination of elements.

Lesson 2: 5th June

A development of Lesson 1 with focus upon one’s own horoscope and working with these Tarot archetypes. What are the Major & Minor Arcana cards connected to our Sun-Moon-ASCendant on the birth horoscope. The division of the zodiac into Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable signs linked to the number sequence.

Lesson 3: 12th June

Exploration of the Elements, including the Family unit of Knight-Queen-Prince- Princess of the 4 Suits. Practical exercises to gain a deeper understanding of the People/Royalty cards. The psychology of introvert/extrovert, inferior/superior functions related to these Tarot cards.

Lesson 4: 19th June

Making a reading of specific questions using both astrology & tarot symbolism.

Lesson 5: 26th June

Development of Lesson 4 – successful integration of Astrology & Tarot.

All enquiries to Register & payment 799Dkr. should be addressed to:

5 Online Lessons – Tuesday

An Astrological exploration
of what is in the light & what is in the dark

with focus upon the planets

Saturn, Pluto, Moon & Chiron

And 4th. 8th & 12th. Water Houses

Astro-Therapist: Derek R. Seagrief

Start: Tues. 28th. May 2024

Time: 12 Noon Miami EST/6pm-8pm Scandinavia

In February 2024 we entered the Chinese Year of the Dragon. Dragons are great Teachers but they challenge us to confront our fears. In this year what Dragons have got you by the throat?
Currently, transit Saturn is travelling through the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces and we are challenged to be clearer about endings and our final adjustments to life. This movement triggers off a lot of our hidden fears. The forms & structures of Saturn in Pisces are invisible so our work is about releasing our attachment to certain external forms while moving towards a deeper connection with ourselves, one rooted in the invisable worlds.

Slow-moving Pluto has almost reached the end of it’s 11 year journey through Capricorn and is about to enter the sign Aquarius November 2024. This movement challenges us to enter the unknown, and encourages us to move from disempowerment towards empowerment.

Both Pluto & Saturn are what Astrology terms “Shadow planets”, so as we enter a New Year, this is an appropriate time to take up the theme of working with our Shadow side. Chiron, The Wounded Healer archetype, is currently passing through the first sign of the Zodiac Aries. The Journey of the Hero/Heroine is to heal the wounds to one’s own self-image and manifest courage & self-confidence.

We cannot transform ourselves unless we have personally faced our own fears. What is in the light and what parts of you lie within the dark? And can you see through your blind spots and recognize them?

The focus of our 5 Lessons is identifying what patterns of resistance to growth our horoscope reveals – and how we might transform these blocks to experience our true potential.
Here we shall explore our paths through the Shadows and Underworld realms. The horoscope reveals a perspective that enables us to recognize these special fear patterns – and show us ways of dealing with these blocked energies that inhibit our true Life quality. Does that have your interest?

Will you join the group to experience powerful transformation of your shadow side? Will you commit to a group dialogue of remaining open & honest to process what comes up? Then don’t delay, Register today for empowerment!


5 Tuesday Lessons, one time every week

1. START: 28th.. May 2024
Time: 12 Noon Miami USA/ 6pm Scandinavia CEDT

2. 4th. June Time in USA EST 12-14 or Scandinavia 18-20 3. 11th. June 4. 18th. June 5. 25th. June

Price: 1800 Danish kroner or $300

Including study material – all Lessons recorded & made available for participants

To Register:
Send email requesting Derek’s Bank details or Paypal payment Mob:+45-23817618

Derek R. Seagrief – Short Bio

Internationally recognized intuitive Consultant Astrologer, serving clients for 40+ years with primary focus upon Scandinavia, UK & USA. Derek was born in London in the Year of the Dragon 1952 and relocated to Denmark in 1978.

Trained in Art, Symbols, Psychology & PsychoSynthesis, Derek is also Art Therapist & Tarot Master.
Author of 13 books covering a wide range of self-development themes. Since the 1990s Tour Guide for Scandinavian & USA group pilgrimages to “Eternal Egypt” & “In the Footsteps of Merlyn”, exploring southern England & Ireland.

For more than 33 years Derek has been working & living the Western Mystery Traditions.
During a 12-year period established an International Center for personal growth & transformation, “Unicorn Center” in the heart of Copenhagen.

Currently the main teaching focus is via Online education & training.

EYE OF LIGHT Course in Divination

9 Monday Evenings Online Teaching from 18-21

Starting 13th. May 2024


Astrologer, Tarot Master, Kabbalist, Artist, Alchemist & Author Derek R. Seagrief

Life is speeding up and we live in revelatory times where learning “to see” with our inner eyes is so important.
Would you like to learn to increase your intuitional powers? Are you excited by the prospect of unfolding your EYE OF LIGHT?

Some might refer to this training as “prediction”, but in reality it is the skill of “whole-seeing”. Divination is about asking questions to the invisible worlds, often about the future, and then to read the patterns that are formed. In the ancient world, prophecy, normally the gift of the Underworld deities, was gradually replaced by the Sun-gods, who then became the embodiment of far-reaching vision.

Are you ready for increased Light on the matter? Come & join us in fun and stimulating ways to read signs, symbols & omens in simple, refreshing ways. Register NOW for 9 EYE OF LIGHT wonderful evenings!

Start: Thursday 16th. May 2024


Evening 2:


Insight, Revelation, Prediction & Prophecy – The Magic Mirror

Evening 3:


Tarot - Part 1; I-Ching, Candles & Dreams

Evening 4:

“YOUR NEW YEAR 2024-25”

Tarot - Part 2

Evening 5:


Viking magic at your fingertips

Evening 6:


Astrological Cycles – Working with the Moon’s phases

Evening 7:

Reading the signs of Nature

Evening 8:


Evening 9:


Dynamic Synthesis & assessment

Derek R. Seagrief – Bio

Derek has been inspiring students in the Art of Divination all over Scandinavia, England & USA for more than 33 years.
Internationally recognized intuitive Astrologer serving an international clientel since 1978, Derek was born in London 1952 and living in Denmark since 1978. Celebrating 40 years of active service with clients . Trained in Art, Symbols, Psychology & Psychosynthesis, Derek is also Art Therapist & Tarot Master plus author of 13 books, (one in Swedish) covering a wide range of self-development themes.

Since the 1990s has been Tour Guide & Organizer for Scandinavian Group Pilgrimages to discover southern England, “In the Footsteps of Merlyn” and “Exploring Eternal Egypt”. A new Scandinavian & USA group to Egypt for 11 Magical Days in May 2022 is now forming – request information .
Derek has written 3 books on Egypt, one book being a historical novel on the Pharaoh Akhenaten.

The 13th. Book was: “Entry & Exit – Your Birth & Death Horoscope”, which pioneers new ways of working with this taboo subject.

For more than 40 years Derek has been working & living the Western Mystery Traditions. During the period 1980-1996 established a pioneering International Center for personal growth & transformation in Copenhagen and a 2-year School of Astro-Psychology & Counselling. In 1999 Derek birthed “The School of Living Kabbalah” and has introduced many hundreds of students in Scandinavia to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The School continues with Online activities.

Currently, the main teaching focus is through a wide variety of Online Education & Training including: “The 12 Night Gates of the Egyptian Book of the Dead”, “Become a Kabbalah Coach”, “Exploring your Life Mandala – Working with Astrology & Tarot”, “The Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology” etc.

Derek is married to Norwegian Opera singer Berit Meland & live in Copenhagen with their 3 children. Together they offer alternative Marriage, Confirmation & Death Rituals throughout Scandinavia.

Derek with Anubis – Glypotek Museum, Copenhagen

Derek’s Podcasts

Free talk organised by Stjernerne Tors. 9th May kl.17-18 CEDT


Working with the symbol systems of Astrology & Tarot we develop intuitional sensitivity, which is the ability to see the “message” or pattern presented by the cards or the horoscope in a clear way. Every one of the 78 Tarot cards is linked to a planet or zodiac sign. Would you like to take an inner journey that integrates these two systems of divination? Tonight’s presentation explores these connections & is an introduction to a 5-part Online teaching beginning Wednesday 29th May. Welcome to an inspirational evening with Derek!

Contact Derek or Stjernerne to Register

Free talk organised by Stjernerne


Tues. 21st May kl.17-18 CEDT Contact Derek or Stjernerne to Register

This is a great introduction to how a practising Astrologer works with midpoints in daily consultation with clients. There are some 70 midpoints and the most important midpoints to know about are the Sun/Moon; Sun/ASC; Sun/MC; Moon/ASC.; Moon/MC: Venus/Mars; Sun/Saturn; Mars/Saturn; Mars/Neptune & the midpoints of the 4 Quadrants.
Curious to know more?
Come and enjoy to be inspired by these new references!


Tuesday 28th May at 18-20.
To register requires pre-payment 125Dkr/US$20

Contact Derek for further info:

On a regular basis in my consultation work I make references to a person’s male or female part of their psyche.
Do we know what this means? Are we confused or uncertain? Because if we only have a vague feeling, then will we succeed in making a future upgrade? This presentation addresses the theme of developing a new dynamic balance between our masculine & feminine energies to create a more integrated whole.

Derek, who has been consulting clients with everyday problems for more than 40 years will give many practical examples of what this can mean. You are very welcome to join the alchemy!
Don’t delay -Register today!


Derek’s Quarterly Newsletter Summer 202321st June through to 22nd. September