Derek’s Newsletter Late April/May 2022 Taurus

”I See and when the Eye is opened all is Light”

Esoteric Keynote for Taurus

In the above photo you can see two huge magical Gate Guardians, with stylised human face and the massive body of a Bull, that originally came from ancient Mesopotamia and now in the British Museum, London. I used to live nearby the Museum and was a frequent visitor to this section of antiquities, enjoying silent communion with these majestic figures. They were solid and empowering to be with, yet they also had wings so they could fly too. 

If ever there was a time to see more clearly the present world situation, it is now. This month’s TAURUS Newsletter is dedicated to seeing in a new light.

And for those who wish to hear me reading the text, here is the audio link: Here

The eye is the Lamp of the body. So, if your eye is sound,

your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is not sound, 

your whole body will be full of darkness. 

If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”

Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6: Verse 22-23

“The faculty of acquiring knowledge must be realised as paralleling

 the development of the sense of sight, or vision……

The relationship between sight and mind is a very close one, 

and must not be lost from sight.”

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Alice A. Bailey p.350

For many reasons the human eye is said to be the most esoteric of all organs. This suggests that its shape, structure and functions are symbolic of deep inner meaning and implications which act at all levels of the 7 Planes of human consciousness. Of all the organs the eye resembles a planet most closely – it is almost spherical and, like the Earth, it has a north pole (the optic disc) and a south pole (the surface of the cornea opposite the pupil). The beautiful colouring of the iris is breathtaking, whereas the pupil of the eye lets in the One Flame Divine. The iris reflects the health or disease of an individual.

It was taught by Ancient Wisdom that the human eyes pour out energy and that this can enhance the words spoken, the look that is directed, or the healing or teaching which is given. Force flows through the focused human eye and this can be seen in the way the human eye can control other human beings and animals by a look, and through steady gazing can act magnetically. It was knowledge of this in ancient times that gave rise to the belief about “the evil eye”.

The eyes are most potent transmitters of energy and have often been called “the windows of the soul”, a phrase which implies that the profound moods of an individual are reflected through the eyes. They are exceedingly expressive because of their sensitivity to light and to nerve impulses. In fact, according to physiologists and neurologists, the human eyes consume about 25% of the total amount of nerve energy expended.

The opening up of the eyes in wonder, the contraction of the pupils in terror, or the bursting out in tears, all of these depict emotional states. The way we look at life, our world view, is determined by the way we look out from the eyes. People always do what makes sense to them in terms of what they see. Behaviour changes only as seeing changes, only as expanded awareness makes the individual take into account what she or he did not notice before.

What we do, and what we see to do, is determined by our life conditioning, our viewpoint of life.

The eyes perform the primary function of capturing light and darkness in varying degrees. You cannot see black furniture in a darkened room or discover a polar bear on a snowscape. Interpreting this fact mentally we come to the conclusion that sight, metaphysically understood, represents the faculty for discernment.

It is well known that animals have a very similar optical system to that of a human – but do animals see as we do? The answer is a definite “no” – and for the following two reasons. The animal is unable to see “quality” in anything it views i.e. it cannot for example, appreciate beauty, and perhaps even more important, the animal is unable to view a scene as a whole. We can look at a meadow with a cow grazing peacefully in it, note that the birds are flying overhead in a blue sky with white clouds, and also see that some ducks are swimming in a nearby pond. The cow, optically speaking, sees all this too, but cannot see it as a whole.

The fact that our eyes can take in the complete scene simultaneously indicates the human potentially for SYNTHESIS – an aspect of divinity only manifest as yet in our eyes. 

The eye describes the most perfect symbol of the 3-fold man, and is the only visible part of the brain. And as the brain is merely the tool of the soul (through the medium of the mind) we begin to understand why at the present we have the capacity of vision while animals only have sight.

According to the Ancient Wisdom teachings, the physical eye came into being in response to the light of the sun in a very distant time of infant humanity, millions of years ago. The eye developed out of the forebrain, indicative of its comparative late manifestation in the development of the Root Races. This was part of the evolutionary cycle and the primitive humanity at that time gradually developed the physical eye and through its means, learnt to use it and to find their way around the environment. That stage in human evolution which marked the development of the human eye now lies far behind, yet it was a stupendous achievement, because it demonstrated the ability to see, to focus and to direct a course toward a known goal. From the angle of spiritual evolution, it was humanity’s first real entrance upon what is technically known as the Path of Light.

Significantly, it was the light of the Sun which brought about the development of physical vision. Vision is the result of response to light. Light evokes the faculty of vision – and we are learning how to hold the “mind steady in the light”, the light of the Soul.

As a child develops, we notice how he or she becomes aware of sound and turn their head. They feel and they touch and finally they consciously sees – and in these 3 senses, the personality is coordinated. In fact, recent optical research shows that between 80-90% of what a child learns is acquired through the eyes. The sense of taste and smell follow later.

We often hear the phrase, “A man or woman of vision”, referring to someone who can “see” the future, or the past. Do we as a race really know what is happening to us? Do we actually see or just look? The important thing is that humanity should not travel blindly. In the words of the prophet, “Where there is no vision the people perish”- so that means the development of sight and the achievement of spiritual insight is the great objective of humanity at this time in world history. It is worry and irritation that literally prevent true vision, shutting out the view and in this condition we are restricted and limited.

Here is a diagram to help make this evolutionary process clearer:

  1. HEARING – Lemurian Root Race  - PHYSICAL PLANE  - EAR

                                                          Response to Sound

  1. TOUCH – Atlantean Root Race – ASTRAL PLANE – SKIN

                                                                   Response to Touch or Vibration

  1. SIGHT – our present ARYAN Race – MENTAL BODY – EYE

                                                           Response to Vision

The earth sign Taurus is intimately connected with our 5 senses. Taurus is the joyful appreciation of being in a physical body. We explore the physical plane via our 5 sensory organs. It is these 5 senses that enable us to navigate our way through the landscape of the physical dimension. And these senses don’t all appear at once but have an evolutionary period behind their development, as the above diagram illustrates.

Vision is the sense which is the goal of our present Aryan Root Race, which started about 1 million years ago. The first physical bodied humans in ancient Lemuria relied most heavily on the sense of hearing, the first sense developed in man and that which has the longest evolutionary period of all. According to occult reports, Lemuria was always dark, cloudy and covered by fire-mists. Only in the Atlantean time period did these mists lift, but not until after the Great Flood was it possible for humanity to experience the sight of a rainbow in the open skies.  During the Atlantean civilisation, the sense of touch was most important. This sense is related to the emotional body being developed and coordinated by the Atlantean race.

In our present Aryan civilisation, it is the visual sense which is the most important, and this is why our present spiritual evolution is so much connected with the closeness of sight and mind. 

It has been scientifically proven that just 20 minutes a day exposed to a garden, nature, trees and greenery, significantly reduces our high stress levels and promotes increased centredness leading to increased tranquility. The impact on our brain cells of commercial manipulation via images is well known – so are you conscious of using the same techniques to surround yourself with various shapes, forms, colours and images that promote a heightened sense of wellness? What pictures or photos surround your life in your daily environment – do they inspire you to become the best version of yourself? Did you know that you can repair a lot of DNA inheritance by combining materials in a new design? All artists know this fact, because increased sensitivity to design is all about relationships, colour & form working together. Our eyes take it all in and new circuitry occurs, showing the relationship between sight and mind.

Vision brings the recognition that there is “nothing new under the sun”. That which is revealed or seen, is eternally present. The developing inner eye simply records that which already exists. True vision is therefore that which the soul sees and knows. In the natural  process of time, as vision develops and expands, the 5th. Kingdom of Souls, becomes as real as is the world of the 5 objective senses. We must recognize the real meaning of that commonly used phrase, “seeing things in a new light”.

The Eye of Light

No civilisation worked so consciously with the “EYE” or “I” as the ancient Egyptians. It was a complete science of Light to them. Their sophisticated technology of Light brings a new signifiance to the term “whole-seeing”. The left Eye was dedicated to the Sun-God Horus and the right Eye to his wife, Hathor-Sekhmet.

In the diagram below, taken from Hathor’s magnificent temple at Dendara, we see 14 gods & goddesses approaching the eye located in the divine egg. Note that the steps lead progressively up, demonstrating the build-up of specific principles or energies.

In another illustration, not shown here, we will see these 14 gods & goddesses positiioned inside the divine egg with the eye. Such images can be read in several different ways, yet always the symbology reflected deeper mysteries or Laws of Life.

As an astrologer I intuitvely grasped the fact that the 14 gods & goddesses in the first illustration represented the 14-days building up of various energies during the waxing phase of the Moon.They work on the Divine Egg from the outside. 

In the second illustration (not shown here) we see these principles are now inside the egg, working from within and thus illustrating the 14 days of the waning Moon. Together they formed the 28-days of the lunar cycle, from the beginnings at the New Moon, the culmination at the Full Moon and the inner revelations at the Last Quarter phase, back to the New Moon phase.

I also intuitively recognised that they used this technique to visualize and work with the 9 months of pregnancy, attracting and seeding the child-to-be with god-like powers. This was a powerful realisation of their advanced methods of fertility and reproduction. 

In fact, I used my Eye of Light sensitivity when visiting Egypt to see the teachings of the temples that was not written anywhere, such as why certain sculptures or hieroglyphics were placed where they were in the temple structure. My expanding Eye of Light enabled me to make authentic contact with the wonderful synthesis of it all. I was being trained to read the energy dynamics before my eyes and thus come into contact with the essential teaching of such wonderful places.

The Planet Vulcan -  Esoteric Ruler of Taurus

In the teachings of Esoteric Astrology, when an individual is responding to soul vibrations and attempting to integrate these qualities into the everyday world of the personality, then it is the Soul Rulership of the 12 Zodiacal signs that then comes increasingly into focus. Last month we entered the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, governed on the Personality level by the planet Mars and on the Soul level by Mercury. This month we are working with the second sign of the Zodiac and the Taurus Bull is governed by the planet Venus on the Personality level and VULCAN on the esoteric or soul level. Next month of Gemini we meet the Personality Ruler Mercury and the Soul Ruler, the planet of Love and Relationship, Venus. 

This is a wonderful area for many years, if not lifetimes of study, but for today let us return to Taurus and the planet VULCAN. 

It was Madame Blavatsky, the creator of the Theosophical Society in the late 19th. Century, who declared that “Vulcan is the invisible inter Mercurial planet”.

Astronomically speaking, there were sightings of this planet as it moved across the face of the Sun by different observers in the 19th. and early 20th. Centuries. The planet VULCAN, tiny and metallic, once belonged to the Sun and moves very, very slowly but it was Mercury, the next planet closest to the Sun, that took it into its own gravitational field. Back in the 1970s UK’s Dr. Douglas Baker stated that we can always plot VULCAN in the horoscope as being within 3 degrees of Mercury. That means the closer any planet is to the Sun, the more difficult it is to see it and examine it from our planet, some 50 million miles away. However, today our modern Astrology computer software makes it possible to locate this planet on your horoscope with just a push of a button. According to the Solar Fire program, Douglas Baker’s calculations were not correct. Although Russia’s Putin has Vulcan just 2-degrees behind Mercury, 8-degrees behind the Sun, President Zelensky of Ukraine has Vulcan 7-degrees ahead of the Sun and 27-degrees ahead of Mercury! In my own horoscope Vulcan is 2-degrees behind yet conjunct the Sun and 12 degrees behind Mercury.

I was the 1970s generation that grew up with the “Star Trek” sci-fi phenomena and in that highly successful TV series the audience was introduced to the planet Vulcan through it’s representative, the personality of Dr. Spock – remember?

Vulcan, The Blacksmith of the Gods

According to Roman and Greek mythology, VULCAN was the God of Fire and the Patron of Arts and Crafts associated with fire. The Greek name for Vulcan was Hephaestus, meaning burning, shining and flaming. He was the blacksmith of the gods, an artificer in metals. He often practised his art of forging metals within volcanic craters, which formed natural smithies for his labour. He made gifts of arms and amour for the gods with the lightening flash and thunderbolts for Jupiter, King of the Gods.

He is credited with building the dwellings of the gods. His father was Jupiter and his mother Juno. According to one legend, he was married to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, thus depicting the relationship between artistic creation and beauty.

It is this affinity between VULCAN and the sign TAURUS, which is governed exoterically by VENUS, that I want to explore now.

It is only through Esoteric Astrology, in combination with ancient mythology, that some light is shed on this most mysterious invisible planet.

To begin with, consider the fact that VULCAN builds the dwellings of the gods. He also makes the golden armour of the gods. What does that reveal to you? To me, these are fantastic images.

Here is a planet that shapes and moulds our essential light or Casual body, the body of Causes.  This is worthy of some deep meditation.

The Tibetan Master DK writes in “Esoteric Astrology” that: “Vulcan is the fashioner of divine expression…..Vulcan governs the anvil-like process of time and strikes the blow which shapes the metal into that which is desired - and this is true today as never before.”

In esoteric teachings, the planets are the expression of 7 fundamental Rays and all Life is conditioned by the interplay of these 7 Rays. I have slowly introduced my readers to this concept over the last two Newsletters. The First Ray of Will and Power initiates change and with that, evolutionary movement.  Only one planet is purely 1st. Ray energy, that of Divine Will, the sacred planet VULCAN, while the non-sacred planet Pluto also expresses this vibration of Will & Power, through death and rebirth. Both planets are only registered in a positive way upon the Path of Discipleship when we are consciously working at personality-soul integration. 

The destructive, “bull headed” hammer quality of Taurus, Vulcan & Pluto, needs to be transcended, and this is where the spiritual side of Venus gets evoked, so that we become an instrument for God’s Intelligent Love and Will.

Pluto stands for death, the death of desire, death of the little personality and all of which holds us between the pairs of opposites, in order to achieve liberation. 

VULCAN brings in the endurance quality of the will-to-be, the reverse quality of that usually associated with the 1st. Ray - that of destruction. It may be difficult for the average student to appreciate that endurance, persistence, the power to keep on going-on is an essential quality of spirit. 

We live in an age where people give up quite easily when more is demanded of them. Consider how after a period of normally 1½ -2 years, if people don’t get the results they anticipate, whatever the study or activity they may be occupied with, they often shift direction and invest in something else. Whatever happened to holding the vision and the will to keep on going?

The Will is considered the Cinderella of modern Psychology, the Supreme Conductor of the orchestra of our fragmented parts, bringing the pieces together in a magnificent whole. What do we really know of this Will?

This is why you will see pictures of the sign Taurus from ancient Egypt depicting the Sun & Moon conjoined (symbol of Hathor-Venus ruling this sign)

on the broad back of the Bull. This is a wonderful statement that the Taurian Bull carries the precious Jewel of the Lotus throughout the long journey of evolution. This is quite a different interpretation of the sign Taurus.

It might interest you to know that on the 30th. April we have the Sun & Moon conjoined together in the sign of Taurus as the annual Solar Eclipse for 2022. A special spiritual opportunity exists for people with Sun-Moon-ASCendant in Taurus to redirect their attention towards the “bullseye”…..!

Back to the planets Pluto and Vulcan that represent the 1st. Ray energy.

The destruction of form is more appropriately, though not exclusively, Pluto’s realm. Endurance, persistence and continuity of effort are qualities fostered by the positive use of Vulcan’s energy.   

Through Vulcan’s energy the soul fashions it’s instrument of expression in the depths, grasps divine purpose and bends the will of the lesser self to that of the Greater Self. As evolution proceeds and humanity develops more sensitive and refined vehicles better able to receive the rays of VULCAN, the planet will no longer be veiled and its influence less remote. This is the future.

Harmony through Conflict & the 4th. Ray

The zodiacal sign Taurus is an expression of the 4th. Ray of Harmony through Conflict.  It is said that this 4th. Ray governs the 4th. Kingdom of Nature - the human kingdom. And so we have two important Ray qualities that have more affinity for each other than any other two Rays from the point of view of Humanity. VULCAN expressing the 1st. Ray of Will and Power and Taurus expressing the 4th. Ray of Harmony through Conflict.

It is the Principle of Conflict that is related to the expression of Harmony and their combination is destined to bring about the New World order, the new civilisation and culture. As we know from life, something must die in order that space & place becomes available for the new to be birthed.

This is the trend and the voice of public opinion, and the opportunity offered to people everywhere to bring about right human relations. 

It is not the government of any nation which will bring this about, but the innate rightness of the people themselves when they have been educated to see the issues clearly, the relationships which should be established and the immense subjectivity of humanity as One.

It is self evident that it is conflict which produces points of crises. And with every crises there is a decision to be made. Then there is a resolution of the crises and a plateau is reached where we experience Harmony through Conflict. Then a new crises appears.  Conflict is inevitable because as one Master described it, “Humanity has the habit of crises”. 

VULCAN provides First Ray qualities which lead, when properly managed to plateaus of new awareness, higher control, and better comprehension of the synthesis underlying all life. This registers as bursts of freedom - a sudden release from bondage - especially for those born in Taurus and most especially for those with Taurus on their ASCendant. VULCAN frees the mind from the clutter of personality issues and makes the oracle possible.

There are 3 stages to this 4th. Ray of Harmony through Conflict

First, the reaching of “A POINT OF CRISES”, second, the moving forward to a “POINT OF TENSION”, and third, the achievement of a “POINT OF EMERGENCE”.

For those who know and recognise this technique, every crises becomes an opportunity to resolve the conflict and solve the problem.

The Tibetan Master DK puts it in this way: “I would ask you to keep these 3 phrases descriptive of the working of the Ray of Harmony, constantly in mind in relation to developments in your own life, in the life of your nation, and in the life of humanity as a whole. They embody the technique whereby the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet brings good out of evil without originating the evil or infringing the free will of mankind.”  *Rays 5, p. 623”

Atlantis & the 4th Ray

Historically speaking, this 4th. Ray pressure first began to exert itself many, many thousands of years ago toward the end of the Atlantean era. The leaders of humanity at that time, under the influence of the 4th. Ray made a decision which laid the emphasis upon the “matter” aspect of creation, the form rather than the spiritual aspect.

This inaugurated an Age of Materialism in those far off days. It expressed itself through greed, hate, separativeness and aggression. It led to a great war in which the forces of evil and the Forces of Light were involved - and culminated in the Great Flood about which many of the world scriptures bear evidence. This conflict was focussed primarily upon the astral plane, though fought out historically on the physical plane. The destruction of the then known world by water was a symbolic expression of the activity on astral levels.

The World Wars

More recently, and on a higher turn of the spiral, there was a repetition of that ancient conflict. We know it the Second World War which ended in 1945 but was a continuation of the First World War that begun in 1914.  Transit Pluto moved into the sign Cancer in 1914 and signalled the start of WW1 and when it moved into the next sign Leo in 1939, this was the start of WW2. During the 2nd. World War the focus was primarily on the mental plane, for the war was in reality a clash of ideologies and was far more the result of man’s thinking than of his emotional desires. Although the conflict was impulsed from the mental plane, it automatically involved all three levels of human activity and was again fought out upon the physical plane. This time, the symbol of fire was involved instead of water. It led to the destruction of men, women and children by fire, literally “fire from heaven” through bombardment via artillery and aircraft. 

The struggles between the Forces of Light and the forces of darkness did not end in 1945. It simply meant that the forces of darkness, beaten on the physical plane, were now taking the war to a different and more abstract levels - to the astral and mental planes. It was to be a violent conflict. On astral levels, they would battle to world goodwill on the plane of emotional decisions; on the mental plane the battle would be against those ideologies which were of benefit to the whole of humanity.

Physical plane wars which result in complete devastation of large areas of country and cause millions of casualties are, by their very nature, of comparatively short duration. But once the conflict was transferred to the astral and mental planes, the effects were likely to last very much longer.

When the World War ended in 1945, the Tibetan Master DK said that two generations would determine whether material or spiritual values would dominate human life in the years to come. If a generation is defined as 30 years, then humanity was given a period of 60 years in which to come to a right decision based on right values. A huge spiritual outpouring occurred between the years 2000-2005 - and now we have reached 2022, almost 3 generations since the Tibetan Master DK made that statement.

Today with Russia’s war on Ukraine, we can see that this world conflict is by no means over or yet resolved. No one can fail to notice that Russia’s military tactics and overall strategy is a step backwards to previous Communist times and Second World War behaviour. Even in newly occupied Russian areas of the Ukraine, they have been reinstating old statues of Lenin in public squares that had been removed by the people who live in these areas. And the war that was believed to last only some few days has now gone past 50 days. It could take not just weeks but months before there is a resolution to this conflict. Russia’s leader Putin is pushing for military “victory” before their all-important May Day celebrations, where he hopes to announce to the Russian people the “good news”. Fake news still dominants in Russia – but for how long?

Inevitably the conflict of ideas and emotional desire will become so acute that it will finally exhaust itself and we will turn with relief and with a longing to escape from further turmoil, towards right human relations. This will constitute the first major decision leading to the longed-for harmony.

This Principle of Conflict is also active in all institutions, schools, groups, organisations and churches, in the life of nations and in the life of humanity as a whole. Many issues are being clarified. The results are first the awakening of humanity to certain major human developments and possibilities. Secondly, it will lead to certain basic renunciations, once issues are clearly seen and the cleavage between the spiritual values and the undesirable material values has been made clear. 

Conflict develops in humanity the sense of discrimination based upon the ability to perceive and choose between right and wrong, between spirituality and materialism, followed by a rejection of that which is recognised as wrong, and the moving forward or emergence into a new cycle.

Humanity, whether it knows it or not, is being led from one renunciation to another. The first indication of this vision is glimpsed in the prevalent instinct to share, albeit often from wrong motives, enlightened self-interest or the instinct to self-preservation. But increased global sharing Is taking place and this takes us in the right directions.

Look at the global response to the war in Ukraine - never before in the history of humanity have Europeans & Americans been so united. Never before has there been so much help and assistance provided on so many levels to the millions of refugees seeking shelter in neighbouring countries. Never before have so many people throughout the world said NO to human brutality and evil behaviour. 

There is a massive planetary outpouring of love and compassion in response to the “war crimes” of the Russian military. The recent high-point in the 14-year cycle of Neptune in Pisces occurred with the conjunction to Jupiter last month and the world is experiencing a significant shift towards spiritual values.

From a spiritual perspective the Tibetan Master DK makes the comment that there could be no disaster more serious than a too abrupt ending of the clash of the emotional reactions of humanity and of current ideologies. It is essential that the issues become still clearer in the minds of us all. 

He also pointed out that spiritual students should remember this and avoid discouragement, training ourself to wait for spiritual optimism for the way of humanity to clear.  Too prompt a choice might prove only a materialistic decision and one based on expediency and impatience. 

Today the conflict in Ukraine or China’s increasing threat to the Japanese islands or Taiwan, North Korea’s nuclear expansion, or warring tribes in the Middle East, or Africa, or anywhere else show that conflicts are numerous, vital and unavoidable. They bring about world tension which seems well-nigh unbearable. But ahead for us all, individually and collectively, there lies a point of Emergence. 

I repeat, Humanity as a whole is conditioned by this 4th. Ray of Harmony thru Conflict. The outstanding characteristic of this 4th. Ray is the Principle of Conflict which is latent in every atom of substance. This is one esoteric reason why before this present Ukraine-Russia crises, we have had 2 years of Covid virus global lockdown. Our individual and global health crises should awaken us to the ever-increasing decisions we need to make about our relationship to the flow of universal energy currents. Are we connected or disconnected?

First the Covid pandemic, followed by the Ukraine crises – what are we learning from this? The esoteric teachings point out that just as planetary cycles come and go in the individual horoscope, so to do the 7 Rays have cycles of activity and withdrawal upon our planet. The 6th. Ray is withdrawing and the 7th. Ray is emerging. Last month’s Newsletter dealt with this phenomena in some detail. We are also told that the 4th. Ray will be increasing potent in our 21st. Century – and we cannot fail to notice it’s presence on the current world scene. 

I have previously written & lectured about the great significance of the year 2025 in this regard and I will continue to do so in the near future. The 3 Outer planets, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto all change sign within a few months – a unique phenomena, and concentrated in the year 2025. Stay tuned for my next 2025 online presentation.

Buddha Consciousness & Taurus

In the last week, leading up to Easter, I have found myself purchasing 6 large, beautiful and identical Buddha heads for my garden at a ridiculously cheap price. They now are positioned on the steps leading up to our front door. In the entrance to our garden we have 3 other golden Buddha statues. Visitors, clients, postmen, delivery people, friends and family are left with no doubt that they have entered into a specific energy field with 9 Buddha heads greeting them.

It is the Buddha’s hair and Crown centre that tell us that he is Awakened, for that is what the title Buddha actually means. The Buddha’s curls are the outward sign of his inner light and tranquillity. Chaos or matter, the physical plane, has been ordered, the serpent force mastered. The creative energy of Shakti has been married with the pure consciousness of Shiva in the radiant unfolding of the 1000-petalled lotus. Buddha consciousness is in contact with a thousand realities. This is what the opening or awakening of the Crown centre or Chakra is all about – living and experiencing a thousand different realities, truly a multi-dimensional experience. That is our ultimate goal and it was the Lord Buddha who showed us the Way. 

In Sanscrit the same word is used for Bull & Earth. As the Full Moon in Aries signifies the celebration of Easter and Christ’s death, Resurrection and Ascension, so is the Full Moon in Taurus the high-point of the Eastern calendar, the Wesak Festival and the celebration of Lord Buddha.

This year the Full Moon in Taurus will occur in the early morning hours of Monday May 16th. at 25-degrees Taurus-Scorpio axis

The Lord Buddha was born in Taurus and achieved Enlightenment in Taurus so His journey towards liberation is full of Taurian symbolism, including sitting under the Bodhi Tree.

To complete our Newsletter for this month, let us just refer to one basic yet essential teaching of Buddha – all suffering is based upon attachment. 

Where are you attached? Attachment brings inevitably a fear of loss, so look clearly at your fears and attachments. Here we try to control, to hold onto something and this prevents us trusting life. This could be around a partner and relationships, the well-being of our child so we want to guide them, or our career profile, being attached to outcomes, our ego image, money, security, health or a thousand other things. We get tested and challenged in our life because of these specific attachments. Wherever we put our attention, that is what we get to experience. Energy follows Thought is the first Law to recognize. The second is that The Eye, opened by Thought, Directs that Energy. The experience of letting-go of our fear and attachment is the way towards freedom and liberation. 

Letting-go to let-in is a dangerous act to the ego’s dominance – but that is what we have been exploring in this month’s Newsletter. We have placed the focus upon Taurus, the planet Vulcan & the 4th. Ray of HarmonyThru Conflict. May you be blessed with the presence of the Buddha as this month unfolds so that “I see and when the Eye is Opened, All is Light”.

Solar Eclipse 30th April  -10½-degrees Taurus

As I send out this month’s Newsletter we are already in the energy field of the annular SOLAR ECLIPSE, which is when the Sun & Moon come together and have a powerful influence upon individual and global events, and not just for weeks, but up to half a year.

And this year it takes place at 10½-degrees of TAURUS, which really does highlight the issues of clear seeing, blindness and our stuckness into material values, resisting the new spiritual impulses sweeping over our planet.

What I want to draw your awareness to is regardless of where we live in the world, this horoscope shows the Solar Eclipse also involves the planet of Dynamic Change, URANUS. We are invited to make some quite radical changes into our lives. This represents a wonderful opportunity to release and let-go of those attachments which are contaminated with fear.

Taurus is governed by the planet VENUS, and when you see her placement in Pisces, exactly conjunct Jupiter, planet of Self-Expansion on one side and Neptune, planet of Vision and the creative use of the Imagination on the other side, then become inspired by the beauty represented in these planetary contacts. There will be a massive inflow of Love-Wisdom available and a continued outpouring of compassion, empathy and unconditional sharing. Watch this space for further details…….!

Part 2:  Future Events

There are no listings of events this month as I am in Stockholm for the first time in almost 3 years, at the time of the Solar Eclipse,  followed by the focus upon various personal activities with my middle son’s Confirmation fast approaching, my older son’s finishing school, travel to Italy and then USA with his father this summer.

But I am busy arranging various exciting new educational programs for the autumn and that will be announced next month.

In the meantime I can, with great pleasure, inform you that my wife and I will be taking a new group to Egypt for 11 Days from 30th. September, in cooperation with our Travel Agents, Younes Rejser, Denmark-Egypt.


Full details are available upon Request:


Derek’s Newsletter Late May/June 2022 Gemini


Derek’s ARIES Newsletter Late March/April 2022