Derek’s Newsletter – August 2021

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Summer Greetings to all Friends & Clients receiving this AUGUST Newsletter!

I hope you are continuing to enjoy the delights of the Sun! This is the Leo Newsletter and everything is BIG with this sign, including the size of this Newsletter!
Last month of July I placed the focus upon the Moon principle, so in this month of Leo, it is appropriate that the focus goes towards the Sun. 

Yet what a month before us as the transit Sun enters Leo and we have a Full Moon in the early hours of Saturday 24th. July at 1-degree and as the Sun leaves Leo & enters Virgo there is a second Full Moon at 30-degrees Leo on Sunday 22nd. August. Two Full Moons in the same sign guarantees a lot of climax & culminations this month so let’s work with this high energy dynamic and express our creative powers to the full!

Leo is the hottest month of the Northern hemisphere. It is the heat of Leo’s Sun which ripens the fruit brought forth from the earth by the vibration of Cancer. Crops are thus developed to their most abundant state of growth before the harvest of Virgo reaps the rewards of man’s previous efforts. We are called away from our usual labours, for the heat of August can often prove quite overwhelming. This gives us a chance to pause and turn away from normal activities and enjoy the summer holidays and to get the strength we shall need for the autumn phase.

So Leo represents “the height of fire” – the ability to shine and claim one’s own divinity. Royalty is the message of Leo and in our modern age this trait is either overused or denied. In myth and fairytale, the figure of the King-Hero is marked by wounds, trials and sacrifice. No-one is exempt from pain, loss or fear. 

We can choose to make our wounds a drain or an opportunity for recasting our nature. Accepting our strengths and our wounds is the way forward.

In astrology the sign of Leo is linked to “the heart” – and what opens our heart? Love & Pain.

There is nothing like a new romance to get the heart singing and the dharma flowing. One of the main delights of falling in love is that you forgive the world – a non-judgmental stance, more willing to allow, to let go. To love is freedom – to not love is bondage

As a fire sign, Leo is well known for its intense involvement, literally putting one’s heart into whatever one does, be it a relationship, an artwork, painting, writing, composing a song or developing a career activity – one get’s totally involved. And yet the ego says that separation is good. But if you want to be free of your emotional mess – then love more! Our ego will always take us to the negative aspect of mirroring, where we start to make judgments and distance ourselves from our lover/partner. But this is when we can arrive at a moment of recognition that the other person can help us to find out who we really are. We just have to overcome our fear to Love. So if you want to stop these patterns – be aware, and love more!

Love is who I AM, not what I have or do. Bringing more love into my life starts with being who I AM, being me, being all of me.

One spiritual Master has described spiritual practice as “one mistake after another”, which is to say, one opportunity after another to learn.   The basic principle of spiritual life is that our problems become the very place to discover wisdom and love. When we set out to love, to awaken, to become free, we are inevitably confronted with our own limitations. As we look into ourselves we see more clearly our unexamined conflicts & fears, our frailties and confusion. 

The most important contribution that you can make to the healing of our planet is to BE HAPPY! The 3 components of Happiness are: Something to Do, Someone to Love & Something to Look Forward to. If we have useful work, sustaining relationship and the promise of pleasure, it is hard to be unhappy. But, the big but, the majority of us are afraid to risk and prefer the predictable and the repetitive. This explains the overwhelming sense of boredom that is a defining characteristic of our times.  And now the European football championship is over, and so too tennis at Wimbledon, and as many have expressed it – what shall we now fill our empty lives with?


Here is an appropriate little story – The Wise Fool.

The Seeker asks the Teacher – “What is the secret of Happiness?”

The Wise Fool replies – “Good Judgment”.

The Seeker then asks – “And who do I get good judgment?”

The Wise Fool replies – “Experience.”

Then the Seeker asks – “How do I get experience?”

The Wise Fool concludes – “Bad Judgment!”

Many of us will recognise that Life itself is the greatest Teacher of All and Nature’s way of getting us to experience happiness is to get us to become more REAL!

This is the fifth sign of the Zodiac and during these weeks I am reminded of this vibration when I see the symbol of the Olympic Games, 5 interlaced circles which represent the 5 Continents of the world.

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And there is also division of the Earth into 5 well-known Zones determined by its relationship with the Sun. 

The Sun’s declination or the angle of tilt of the Earth’s axis relative to the Sun, ranges between 23 degrees 27 minutes North and 23 degrees, 27 minutes South, which defines the Tropic of Cancer & the Tropic of Capricorn, with the Sun directly overhead at noon at the equator at the Equinoxes in the North and at the Tropic of Capricorn in the South, the Sun is directly overhead at maximum declination at the winter solstice. The region between the tropics is called the Torrid Zone. 
When we reach a distance from the north pole equal to the inclination of the Earth’s axis (90-degrees – 23-degrees 27 minutes = 66-degrees & 33 minutes North), the Sun does not set on the day of the Summer Solstice. It remains above the horizon for 24 hours. Thus latitude 66-degrees & 33 minutes North defines the Artic Circle. 

And similarly, 66º 33’ South defines the Antarctic Circle, where at the winter solstice the Sun remains above the horizon for about 24 hours and is known as the midnight Sun.

According to esoteric teachings our physical heart is placed, not in the center of our bodies but to the left side as response to a planetary tilt of the Earth’s axis aeons past. 

Then there is the obvious fact that we, as human beings, are a composite being made of 5 Elements, Earth, Water, Air & Fire, crowned by the fifth Element, Spirit, which is the origin & destiny of the 4 Elements.  And it will not escape your attention that we have 5 senses. The senses might be defined as those organs whereby we become aware of our surroundings. They are the means by which The Thinker within comes in contact with their environment.

Although we are composed of 7 Chakras or energy centers receiving cosmic transmissions, esoteric teachings maintain that it is the dominant activity of 5 active chakras that determines the energy flow of our inner constitution that produces the human body. We are 5-shaped with a head, 2 arms and 2 legs, immortalized by Leonardo da Vinci’s famous picture. 


The Chakras in different states of activity:

And so the chakras in the etheric body are to be found in various states of activity. They reflect the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual quality of each individual and may be found in any one of the following conditions represented by these 5 symbols, or states of being.

First is the CIRCLE, energy rotating very slowly, with no real intensity in its action, perceptible as a dim glow.
Next is the CIRCLE WITH A POINT IN THE CENTRE. The chakra is opening with signs of pulsation. It has a glowing point of energy in the middle and its rotation is becoming more rapid.

Then we have the CIRCLE DIVIDED INTO 2 HALVES. Here the activity of the chakra is quickening and alive. The point of energy at the centre is extending outwards towards the periphery, burning more brightly and due to its rotary action casts off energy in two directions, thus creating the appearance of a divided circle. 

At number four, we have THE CIRCLE DIVIDED INTO FOUR. This represents the chakra which is radiantly active and seeking to blend with other chakras. Not only is the circle rotating but the cross within it rotates as well, creating an effect of great beauty. It indicates a high point of inner development, and is the true circle of matter, the equal armed cross of the Holy Spirit.

The last or fifth stage is that of THE SWASTIKA. This indicates that the point of energy at the centre of the chakra has extended to the periphery and is circulating around the periphery. This fiery wheel signifies the highest activity of matter, blazing and radiant. Such a chakra becomes 4th. Dimensional and is better described as a sphere than a wheel. It is functioning in perfect unison with the other chakras. The vital force flows  through from all the planes – the world stands open wide.


The number 5 is half way between 1-10, ten being the basis of our metric numerological system. Five is therefore half-way between our physical state and Divinity, which basically sums up the theme of being a human being. We have access to Above & Below. 

In the 5th. sign of the Zodiac, the constellation of Leo, we find a very bright area in the heavens containing 1st. magnitude stars, such as Denebola & the King Star Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, radiating great light.


In the next section we are going to focus upon the significance of the Sun in each of the 12 signs.

As the Sun is the generator of Life, the motivating power behind all activities, it shows our connection to the Source of Light. 

It is an astrological fact that most human beings do not live up to the potential of their Sun, for we are only dimly aware of our essence and tend to identify with various projected images. It is also another astrological fact that without a strong Sun in the horoscope, the possibility of integrating our various planetary energies into one creative functioning wholeness is severely restricted.


























When you looked at your Sun-sign Affirmation, what was your response? 

Myself, as a Sun-sign Leo, can truly recognize the significance of those words: “I Seek My Self through what I create”.

This is my magic mirror, to find my authentic self and constantly reconnect to my deepest center through various creative activities. 

This is something I do for myself yet also when I see and experience the joy of creativity in others I am always happy. 

Last week my family wanted to see Kung Fu Panda number 3 on Netflix, a film they had seen but I hadn’t. I was so touched by the storyline, the dialogue, the graphics, the amazing special effects, especially towards the climax of the film, that tears were in abundance as I was lifted up by the sheer creative artistry of the film.

And you? How does the Sun enable you to shine and be recognized for your creativity? What does it mean to live creatively? 

To live creatively is to be the Author and Producer of our lives. In living creatively, we feel alive and full of spirit. Creativity is a breakthrough from our conditioning, from our learned behaviour and cultural norms. We bring something into creation, something new, original to the moment. Creativity is a shape changer, taking different forms. Psychologist Carl Jung, a Sun-sign Leo, defined the creative process of Individualisation for us – to individuate ourselves means to become who we are uniquely. 

Creativity is about – flourishing, blossoming and expanding our maximum potential. Your life is your Creation, your Art work. The more of the world is you, your creation, your reflection, the more powerful will be your creative expression. Most people’s goals are the pay the bills, to get by & survive, in short, caught in the trap of making a living rather than designing a life.

We must all discover or create a magnificent obsession!

Ultimately, the only true creative power we have is the power to change ourselves for the better.  Such change can be an inspiration to others and the greatest gift we can give one another. This is the one great task we can all accomplish – to free the self from being identified with the guises of the ego.

It became clear to me many years ago that the first stage in self-mastery is determining who we are not. Only then can we be who we are. Likely who you are not is presently who you think you are. All too often we believe the ego is the real me. 

The ego lives in a state of contradiction and division. It divides us against ourselves. It is the operation of the ego that makes us live in trizophrenia – thinking one thing, feeling another, acting out a third.


The secret of success can be realised through the symbol of the Sun, a circle with a dot in the middle. It makes a statement of wholeness, of integration, and as you make attunement with it, you become more focussed, concentrated as everything comes to a unifying center.

Focus – is the power of concentration, a word that means bringing things to a center. Remember, your interest in any subject provides a sharper focus. Focus on where you want to go – not on what you fear.

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In Medical Astrology, the biggest organ in our bodies is the Heart and corresponds to the Sun, which is both the “Giver of Life” and intimately connected with the “Quality of Life”.

The planet governing our Sun-sign can therefore be understood as the vehicle through which we can express the Sun’s purpose, become increasingly centred and ultimately attain our “heart’s desire”. 

Just how aware are you about that planet’s characteristic energy seeking expression in your life? Do you cooperate or resist that planetary dynamic? 

How does this planet guide the unfoldment of your deepest aims in life?

In an astrological interpretation of your horoscope, we will need to include the following: the zodiacal sign this planet is placed in at birth; which one of the 4 Element’s does this planet attune with? And what one of the 12 House positions or Departments of Life is being emphasized by this planet’s placement at birth?

Plus the aspects or energy relationships that this planet makes to other planets in your chart will also reveal great significance, combining one planet or psychological factor with another planet & psychological factor.

In so many ways this basic information shows us the Pathway to true Happiness. Due to space limitations and the fact that this is a Newsletter, I wish only to point your attention in this direction today as a deeper exploration will probably take the route of becoming my new future book – HOORAY!

Naturally those of you that have some basic astrological knowledge will quickly recognize the significance of the information which now follows – and those of you that wish you could better understand the character of Planets & Houses, then maybe this will stimulate you to sign up for a new autumn Astrology Course!

So here are some brief examples of the 12 Signs and their planetary Ruler.

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ARIES the Pioneer, desires to lead, to take initiative, to be a dynamic catalyst – and the planet MARS will seek to support this by demonstrating courage, physical energy & strong mental will-power.

Examples: HUGH HEFNER, pioneer of 1960-70s sexual liberation, creator of Playboy Empire, had Aries SUN in 7th. House of Relationships, MARS in unconventional, freedom-loving Aquarius, 5th. House of Lovers & playfulness.

LADY GAGA is born with an 11th. House Sun, emphasizing groups & Friendships, and a Capricorn MARS conjunct Neptune in her 7th. House of Parnerships. 

ELTON JOHN has an 8th. House Aries SUN with MARS in sensitive Pisces, 7th. House of Partnerships.

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TAURUS is the archetype of The Builder, working to shape the physical plane – and the planet VENUS provides beauty in form, manifesting as talent for the Arts,  building a career or relationship.

Examples: GEORGE LUCAS, film maker extraordinare, has the SUN in 1st. House Taurus and VENUS also in its own sign, but from the 12th. House placement. 

His phenomenal public success & empire building (Star Wars) is built upon his artistic capacity to make attunement with our unconscious icons & love of the mysterious.

Psychiatric Doctor SIGMUND FREUD, who helped pioneer modern psychology, was a 7th. House SUN with VENUS in the fiery Mars-ruled sign of Aries, 6th. House of Health.  Aries governs the head & face, and Freud was originally a brain surgeon, then turned his attention to the ego and how we “face up” to things, while he himself suffered cancer of the mouth and underwent no less than 20 operations which failed to give him any lasting relief from his pain.

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GEMINI is an Air sign governed by the planet MERCURY, so the focus is upon Communication and the rational mind which serves to analyze and separate what is being viewed from the viewer ie. to objectify.

Examples: Ex-President of USA, DONALD TRUMP, born with a 10th. House Gemini SUN, emphasizing a public career in communications, wheeling-&-dealing, and an 11th. House MERCURY in the following sign of Cancer, to emphasize loyalty issues around friends & groups.

Another politician is UK’s current Prime Minister, BORIS JOHNSEN, with his Gemini SUN & MERCURY occupying his 9th. House of Internationalism & World-view.

Film Goddess MARILYN MONROE was a 10th. House Gemini Sun with MERCURY in conjunction. The Sun was the ruler of her Leo Ascendant.

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The water sign CANCER is governed by the emotional MOON and both represent the principle of mothering, providing nourishment, security and a sense of belonging & continuity.

Examples:  NELSON MANDELA, with his 12th. House Cancer SUN, and the MOON in another water sign, Scorpio, in the 3rd. House of everyday problem-solving, was a revolutionary activist, spending the majority of his life in prison, yet became the Father of a new nation, thus ending White rulership of South Africa.

LADY DIANA, was born with a 7th. House Cancerian SUN, while the MOON was positioned in 2nd. House Aquarius. She came from upper class English society yet earnt the love of the common people. Last month of July, it was 60 years since her birth. Her conservative Cancerian background contrasted dramatically with her radical Aquarian emotional life.

Actor and film star ROBIN WILLIAMS, a 9th. House Cancer SUN with MOON in 4th. House sign of Pisces. 

And another film star, MERYL STREEP is born with her Cancerian SUN in the 11th. House and the MOON occupies the 10th. House of Career in the sign Taurus, the sign where it is “Exalted”, its best qualities coming forth.

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The fire sign of LEO ruled by the SUN, calls forth the courageous and masterly Lord of the Jungle, or the cowardly pussycat. The solar creative power of the Sun requires an audience to shine and Leo is a natural ruler.

Examples: WHITNEY HOUSTON, with her SUN in Leo, 6th. House  conjunct Venus and both in square aspect to 8th. House Neptune. For the astrology student, these facts are a dominant factor for making an interpretation of her lifestyle and the tragic end of her life.

MEGAN MARKLE, married to Prince Harry, is a SUN-sign Leo with the Sun rising in the 1st. House of “Self-Identity”, conjunct the communication planet Mercury, to emphasize her powerful projection. Ex-USA President BARACK OBAMA, Leo Sun in 6th. House with focus upon Service & Health.

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Then we reach the Earth sign of VIRGO with it’s ruler MERCURY. The drive is towards self-improvement, training and Service. Virgo brings a fine sense of practical reality to any project.

Examples:  MICHAEL JACKSON, pop singer extraordinare, was born with a 4th. House Virgo SUN, and MERCURY also in 4th. House of Family & Home, yet in the creative sign of Leo. His early family conditioning shaped his life and the creation of a mammoth playground on the grounds of his home towards the end of his life made another statement of these planetary placements.

Britain’s PRINCE HARRY, now living in the USA has an 8th. House Virgo SUN with MERCURY also placed here. 

Another person in the public’s eye has been famous film actor SEAN CONNERY, Mr. 007, who was born with a 7th. House SUN, bringing him before the public, and with MERCURY at 29-degrees Virgo 8th. House.

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LIBRA is an Air sign and needs to constantly circulate and share experiences with others. This sign is motivated by the planet of Love & Appreciation VENUS, and the dynamics of fairness & justice. The desire is to find completion and harmony with another.

Examples: LUCIANO PAVAROTTI, famous opera star was born with his Libra SUN in 3rd. House of Communications, and VENUS, planet of the Arts in 1st. House Virgo conjunct inspirational Neptune.

JOHN LENNON had a Libra SUN sitting on the edge of the 6th. House and influencing the 7th. House of Partnerships, which clearly revealed itself through his partnership in the Beatles with fellow song-writer Paul Mcartney, and with his lover & Muse Yoko Ono. 

VENUS in Virgo also occupies the 6th. House of work, constant training and constant self-improvement. 

And the Liberator of India from the British, MAHATMA GANDHI, had a 12th. House SUN, which reflected itself through his many years of imprisonment, and quiet isolation, contrasted with a 1st. House VENUS in Scorpio, conjunct Mars and both in opposition to Pluto. The correct interpretation of his personality and destiny is shown through these planetary contacts.

We now reach the 8th. sign of the Zodiac, SCORPIO. A Water sign with an intense desire for social merger, the joining of forces to transform and become something more. Fiery MARS the traditional ruler represents the work we do in the outer world and PLUTO, the modern Ruler is the work we must do at the deepest inner levels of our psyche.

Examples: Creator of Microsoft & one of the richest men in the world, BILL GATES has a 4th. House Scorpio SUN with MARS also in the 4th. but in the previous sign of Libra. PLUTO is in close conjunction with Jupiter in Leo, 2nd. House of Economy. 

British Funny man JOHN CLEESE has a 3rd. House Scorpio SUN, with MARS in unconventional Aquarius, 5th. House of Creativity. PLUTO in Leo occupies the 11th. House of groups and forms the exact square aspect to his Sun in the House of Communications. These planetary contacts enable him to work with the taboo side of life.

PABLO PICASSO, 20th. Century avant garde artist painter had a Leo Ascendant with its ruler, the SUN in Scorpio, 4th. House and MARS in 12th. House sign of Cancer. 

PLUTO is culminating in the 10th. House of Career in the sign of Taurus showing his gift in building-up an artistic style then breaking-down and reconstructing a new presentation. 

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The Archer SAGITTARIUS is a fiery Mutable sign, high-flying and a constant source of tremendous activity. There is both physical and mental power, as depicted by the half-man & half-horse symbolism of the Centaur.  This arrow of inspiration is directed through the planet JUPITER, with its guidance, good judgment and sense of direction.

Examples: POPE FRANCIS – Sagittarius 12th. House Sun with JUPITER, the planet of Faith and outreach also in the 12th. House  yet in early Capricorn conjunct his Capricorn ASCendant. 

BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH, also known as OSHO, was a 7th. House SUN with JUPITER positioned in the royal sign of Leo, 3rd. House of Communications – which probably explains both his love for flashy expensive cars and philosophical discourse. 

Classical music composer, LUDWIG VON BEETHOVEN had a 9th. House SUN with JUPITER also in the 9th. but in the organizing sign of Capricorn. His world view and idealistic visions were grounded to enable the rest of us to enjoy his incredible broad spectrum of consciousness.  

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CAPRICORN is a sign which is concerned with growth based upon traditional values and inherited resources.  As the third & final Earth sign, the ambitious mountain Goat enjoys to use, to organize & control on the way to the summit. All Earth signs are linked to practical Service and assuming increased responsibility. The planet SATURN is the Lord of Time and normally it is later in life that the flower of Capricorn’s wisdom emerges.

Examples:  MUHAMMED ALI, world famous boxer & sportsman, was born with a 6th. House Capricorn SUN, to emphasize his dedication to physical training, exercise & health issues, supported by a retrograde SATURN in another Earth sign, Taurus, 10th. House of Profession.  He demonstrated great powers of endurance, not only in the boxing ring but throughout his more than 20 years suffering from Parkinson’s illness.

Another master, this time the writer of The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R TOLKIEN, had a 4th. House SUN with SATURN in the 1st. degree of Libra conjunct his 30-degree Virgo Ascendant. His love of past historical times culminated through his epic portrayal of the struggle between the Forces of Light & Dark in Middle Earth.

And one more Master, this time the world famous American golfer TIGER WOODS, with a 4th. House Capricorn SUN and SATURN in 11th. House sign Leo, thus making what astrologers refer to as “Mutual Reception” – ambitious to succeed and learn from past experiences.

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The sign of AQUARIUS is the third & final Air sign, and the theme of Communication & sharing of ideas and information with others is now extended to the larger society. Aquarian are social reformers, they want to bring change to society through the medium of new ideas & vision, to do things different, and to see alternative solutions. They often have an internal struggle between the two planetary Rulers, conservative SATURN and more radical URANUS.

Examples: MOZART was a creative musical genius, so his 5th. House SUN in Aquarius is conjunct the traditional ruler SATURN, to emphasize his hard-working creative disciplines, imposed upon the young boy Mozart by his authoritarian father, while the modern planetary Ruler URANUS finds itself in the sign Pisces occupying the 7th. House and opposing his Virgo Ascendant.

Actress MIA FARROW has an Aquarian SUN in 10th. House of Career with SATURN retrograde in the sign Cancer, 3rd. House,  and URANUS retrograde, rising in 1st. House of Identity sign of Gemini. Her energies to help children through adoption is undoubtedly an issue from her own personal upbringing and the deep problems about security play out through her professional life as an actress.

Writer VIRGINIA WOOLF is generally regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th. Century as she pioneered the technique of writing known as “Stream of Consciousness”. A 12th. House SUN with SATURN in Taurus 4th. House & URANUS singleton, alone in one hemisphere in the sign Virgo.

The sign of PISCES is the last sign of the Zodiac and is therefore connected with turning inwards, experiencing endings and finishing-up old emotional business or wounds. As the third & final Water sign, there is cleansing and purification process as Pisces dissolves the past. This sign of the 2 Fishes pulling in opposite directions has often been called the most misunderstood sign of the Zodiac. To work with endings, to let-go, to sacrifice one’s own needs for the sake of others is the experience of the planet NEPTUNE. Our degree of faith and trust in the future is the experience of the traditional planetary Ruler JUPITER.

Examples:  GEORGE WASHINGTON, born with 11th. House SUN, with the traditional ruler of Pisces, JUPITER positioned in 6th. House Libra and in opposition with Saturn, while the modern ruler NEPTUNE was rising in 1st. House sign of Gemini and in dynamic opposition to revolutionary Uranus.  Keying out this man’s destiny is to follow the route taken by these planetary factors.

RUDOLF STEINER, 4th. House SUN with JUPITER in 9th. House sign of Leo, conjunct his highest point or Midheaven, revealing his exceptional teaching abilities, and transcendental NEPTUNE in its own sign of Pisces conjunct the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury.


10 Steps to train your Heart

During the past six months I have witnessed many clients & friends experiencing heart conditions – have you also noticed this dramatic rise in heart complaints? This collective development demands our attention regarding the quality of life.

We teach our children algebra, physics, how to race & compete together, how to exploit each other – but we don’t teach the virtues of the heart.  Here are 10 Steps that we can take to train our Heart.

  1. FEELING FOR OTHERS – If you don’t have feeling for others and you think you are advancing, you are deceiving yourself. If you don’t have feeling for others, you are already separated from God

  2. COMPASSION – What are we teaching our children? Are we making them criminals instead of teaching them to save this world and make people their brothers & sisters? You can never improve if you do not have compassion. Compassion means deep love for the sake of the loved one. If I love you for myself, that’s love – but if I love you for yourself, that’s compassion.

  3. HUMILITY – This means a recognition of where you are and what you are. Stand outside and look at the sky & the beautiful stars & galaxies and know what you are. think about infinity and you will see how small you are. What are you so proud of? If you deepen this concept in your mind, you will see that humility is unity with God. Pride or self-importance is separatism.

4. PATIENCE – Is a great quality of the heart.  Does that surprise you? If you watch our lives, we will see that from early morning until night, we are not patient. And because we don’t exercise patience, we always do things imperfectly. Patience leads our steps towards perfection. Patience leads us towards improvement. In everything you do, try to be patient and you will see how much you will improve.

5. TOLERENCE – This means not to keep yourself occupied with the stupid things that people do. Give space to others, so that they can improve, through their own failures & successes.

6. WISDOM – We need to teach wisdom in our schools. At this point in time, there are no classes that teach wisdom.

There are no classes that teach Right Human relations and Goodwill. When we learn the teaching and do not apply it in our lives, we become hypocrites. A hypocrite is a person who is divided within themselves. Try to bring light into your life and try to live that light – even if you fail, it doesn’t matter. As long as you make efforts to see where you can improve, that willingness to improve will save you from hypocrisy.

7. SACRIFICE – The heart must be cultivated through sacrifice. Everyday, at least one time or two, you need to do a sacrificial deed – to your wife/husband, children or your friends. Children need to be taught to do sacrificial deeds. When you do, you open the heart and when the heart opens, you are on the Path towards Wholeness. This is very important – unless your heart is open, you cannot enter the path of perfection. All rivers of life come from the heart, say the Scriptures. From the heart issues all virtues

8. GRATITUDE – Try to realize how much God gave you, how much people helped you, how many beautiful things you have in life. Try to condense them and do something beautiful for someone else.

This is gratitude. Gratitude is giving & taking. If there is only taking, collecting, eating, consuming, focus upon me & ME, your actions will lead to sickness, no circulating of energy and ultimately war and collective disasters.

9. INCLUSIVENESS – Great teachers came thousands of years ago to teach these things – but we never heard them. When you lack inclusiveness, you become sick. Unless we understand each other and include each other, humanity’s future goes nowhere.

10. COURAGE -  And finally we reach the tenth stage which is really one of the most fundamental qualities of the heart. If you do not have courage, you can never improve. It takes courage to stand on your feet and say that my heart says that I will not hate. You must have the courage to stand against crystallized ideas and social attitudes that belong in the past.

The Path towards Wholeness involves the Heart and not our brain. Everything we build without the heart eventually is going to fall on your head. The true foundation is the Heart.


The Dark Moon phase before your Birthday

The month before our birthday is the Dark Moon phase of our yearly age cycle. Have you noticed those strange feelings during this period? First there is the experience of endings before we can enter the new beginnings promised by the Sun. 

All cycles have a dark phase, a transitional phase leading to renewal. This dark Moon leads us to the Underworld. Often people feel lonely and overcome with despair during this time. Yet it is through descent into our unconscious that we can find the secrets of renewal. The dark Moon phase is when the life impulse goes underground, to cleanse and revitalize, so it contains the power either to destroy, or to heal & regenerate, all depending upon our capacity to understand its meaning and flow with the rhythm. 

In our societies not everyone who is aging looks forward to another birthday. Generally speaking, aging is more difficult for women than for men due to the fact that as men age, society sees them as coming into their power & wisdom. As women age, however, society sees them as less attractive, less desirable and less employable.


Solar Return Horoscope


The Heart-Beat for the coming 12-months

When the transit Sun returns to the exact same degree & minute of the zodiacal sign it occupied at birth, astrologers draw up a map called a Solar Return. This horoscope is a “freeze frame” of the heavens at the moment the Sun returns to its natal position and is an ancient technique used for forecasting the conditions in the life of an individual, as well as revealing trends in Mundane Astrology and horoscopes for Nations.

 I have always prepared such a map for my client work, alongside the normal progressions & transits, and I refer to this as the Heart-Beat for the coming 12 months, your annual Birthday map that offers wonderful predictive knowledge.

We can interpret this as a horoscope on its own – and we can make a Synastry chart with our original birth chart to compare how the Solar Return chart will activate natal placements. 

For example, here on the 22nd. August I shall celebrate my birthday and the Solar Ascendant will be at the end of Libra, which will activate my natal 9th. House. 

The most significant events within a 12-month period will be focussed upon the activities of that “House” or Department of Life where this Solar ASCendant falls. 

On a very simplistic level this indicates that the coming year for me revolves around an important journey or journeys.  This will inform me that cooperation (Libra symbolism) with like-minded individuals who are focussed upon an artistic, spiritual & philosophical world view that seeks to both educate and inspire, will be a dominating factor in the coming 12 months. 

The first illustration of this will be the approaching 2-Day Magic Festival at The Magic Garden at the start of September to honour Stanislav Grof’s 90 year birthday & his amazing contribution to the evolution of consciousness. This event will include some wonderful contributions from several international teachers. (More details at end of this Newsletter).

There is also the obvious theme of internationalism with my 9th. House focus and after Covid lockdown, I look forward to reconnect with my international network, especially in the USA. 

The 9th. House also deals with teaching & publication and within this Solar Return period my latest book, Part 1 of a Trilogy, “Astrology, Tarot, Tree of Life & YOU” will get published.

So with these directions you can begin to get a feeling for how the Solar Return horoscope can provide invaluable focus for your next 12-months.

And as this is a Solar Return chart then the importance of the House position and aspects of the Sun on this horoscope cannot be underestimated.  


On my Solar Return chart for August 22nd. 2021 through to August 2022, the Sun will occupy the 10th. House of Career, promoting a more high-profile presentation of myself & my work to the world. Such a placement is frequently seen in the years where one’s reputation tends to spread and one can find increased patronage. 

In the previous Solar Return the Sun occupied the 12th. House position which has intensified the theme of turning inward for inspiration amidst a 12 month period of isolation. So in true Leo style, I naturally welcome this 10th. House placement for the next 12 months that will effectively end my working isolation and produce many opportunities to shine and perform as the dramatic center.


Yet what makes this current Solar Return so powerful is that on the day the transit Sun returns to it’s birth position, there is also a Moon-Jupiter conjunction in the opposite sign of Aquarius, thus forming a culminating Full Moon aspect to the Sun that will have a major influence upon the entire next 12 months. This can become a most decisive year of both expansion and achievement.

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The Midheaven or MC is the highest point on the horoscope & shows the goals you are aiming for and what is to be developed in this coming year. 

On my current Solar return this will be 11-degrees Leo, which will be in close conjunction to Mercury on my birth chart, so writing & creative communications is clearly being emphasized. This is one of my conscious goals to complete the book Triology I am currently writing and then write some new books after that! And true to the generosity of the Leo vibration, my monthly Newsletters just keep expanding…OMG!
For all of us having a Full Moon on your birthday is special, and this will repeat 19 years later, so that means 19 years earlier there was a Full Moon on your Solar Return. This is because the Moon has a 19-year cycle with the Sun so that every 19 years it goes back to approximately the same place. 

As a consulting Astrologer I would look back to what happened 19 years earlier and make comparisons with the current Solar Return. In my case that would looking at the important events in my life from 2002-03. That’s a big personal story, but outside of this Newsletter!

And as this current Full Moon axis will cut through my 10th & 4th. Houses, the focus will be upon the balance between the personal family life and the outer professional world. There will be the inevitable movement to travel out of Denmark for teaching purposes. 

Already one month after my birthday in late September I shall start a new 1-year Astro-Psychology School at Jupiter Center, just outside of Oslo, Norway, which necessitates that I am in Norway once a month for many months to come.

As I am a Sun-sign Leo, so it makes obvious sense that working with Solar Return horoscopes comes quite natural. The principle behind the Solar Return technique has long been recognised throughout time, yet even today modern astrologers tend to neglect using this wonderful technique. So let me just add some additional features of how we can use the Solar Return horoscope.

Reflect upon the significance that if you are born with a difficult aspect between Venus and Saturn at birth, but that in your Solar Return chart these two planets are connected through a harmonious aspect, then that will inform you that there is an opportunity to upgrade your energy relationship between these two planetary principles during the next 12 months. The same basic principle would apply to any natal situation and how it is being potentially integrated in the new energy dynamics of the Solar Return horoscope. 

This is why I refer to this method as your evolving new Solar Heart-Beat for the coming year, birthday to birthday. The interpretation of the Solar Return must always emphasize the relations between the annual and the natal Houses.

Experience shows that the progression of the Solar Ascendant, which makes a complete circle of the Zodiac in one year, has the same importance as the Sun. This annual movement of the Ascendant is especially valuable for verifying the nature of events during a 1-3 day period of time. This is our biological and astrological clock throughout the coming year. 

For example, in last year’s Solar Return from my birthday in August 2020, the revolving Ascendant reached the planet Uranus in the 9th. House during the month of May this year – a combination of new friendships and unexpected international events - and that was when the USA publisher accepted my new book (s) for future printing.   

And as always with astrology, the biggest problem in the interpretation of any prognostic system, is in determining the events which are happening on the physical plane, the astral/emotional plane, the mental/intellectual or spiritual dimensions. However, after long personal practice, the counselling astrologer will develop a “feel” or intuition that will enable them to establish what area, plane or dimension will those planetary influences most exert their energies.

There is also the phenomena in the Solar Return that every 2-3 years the Moon will change Element and move into a new Element, as for example, from a 3 year period in the Earth signs (Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn) and then the Solar Moon for the coming 2-3 years enters the three Fire signs (Aries-Leo-Sagittarius). Such a change can prove quite dramatic, from routine predictable Earth into fiery, expressive and risk taking Fire. 

So if we were born lacking a specific Element in our psychic constitution, can you see the great significance of a Solar Return horoscope indicating attunement to this “missing” psychological function? Yes indeed! 

So when looking at your own Solar Return chart, first establish the Moon’s element, how you will nourish yourself and then determine how many years it will stay in this element. Note the strength or weakness of this element in your natal chart, Is it familiar or unfamiliar? 

During the last 2-3 years I have experienced the Moon on these Solar charts placed in Air signs and from 2022 onward it shall move into Water signs, from the “Thinking” function into the “Feeling” function. The significance of this knowledge assists clients in making the harmonious transition.

Astrologers work with cycles and patterns so this repeating Moon in the same element from one year to the next and then shifting into a new element and remaining there for the next 2-3 years is no coincidence.

There is also the method of finding out where, which city and indeed which country you should be located at the time of your Sun’s return to it’s natal placement in order to greatly enhance your prospects for the coming year and neutrailize potential problems before they arise. All of this opens out the amazing world of astrology, both for new begineers and seasoned professionals.

I have taken some time & space in this Newsletter to provide my readers with some knowledge about the value of these Solar Return horoscopes and I would encourage you to get a reading where your current Solar Return and the next one to come can be explored in some detail. This is a great birthday gift to yourself! Don’t you deserve it?




Part 2: Future Events


The Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology

1-Year Training – 6 Weekend Workshops


Derek R. Seagrief

Starts: 18-19 September

Place: Jupiter Center, Son, Norway


Workshop 1:

“Exploring Your Inner Landscape”

Working with the Zodiac Wheel of Psychology

& Subpersonalities

The Jupiter School of Divination


1-Year Training – 6 Weekend Workshops


Derek R. Seagrief

Starts: 2-3 October

Place: Jupiter Center, Son, Norway

Note: REGISTRATION by 1st. September 2021

Workshop 1:

Developing Your Intuitional Sensitivity

Jupiter Center is Residential providing students the 

opportunity for accommodation in beautiful surroundings.

The Training & Education is both physical, face-to-face 

and Live-stream distant education for international students

 who want to participate from their own location.

Please enquire for more details. 

Future Dates in September to Book

The Magic Garden

Fredensborg, Denmark


Magic Festival 4-5 September

Music, Art & Ritual 

to honour renowned consciousness researcher 

Stanislav Grof’s 90-year Birthday


Here we will celebrate both his 90th. birthday & his pioneering lifework, which has inspired & formed the foundations for The Magic Garden

 Panel Discussion:

“The Modern Eleusis”

“The Search for a New Planetary Myth”

International Guest speakers:

Chris Bache Professor Emeritus USA, Jørge Ferrer Psychologist & Professor & Susan Hess, Director of “The Way of the Psychonaut”


Jacob Moth & The Magic Garden team, assisted by Derek Seagrief


The Magic Garden

Fredensborg, Denmark

proudly presents:

The Magic Garden Academy

New 4-Year Education 

(2 x 2-Years)

Starting Thursday 30th. Sept. 2021

Skærmbillede 2021-07-26 kl. 21.25.51.png

The education is primarily based upon Stanislav Grof’s pioneering consciousness research & will include theory & practice from Ken Wilber, Carl Jung, Freud & Reich and various spiritual systems.

Transpersonal Psychology, Body-Therapy, Astro-Therapy, 

working with Archetypes using Dreams, Astrology & Tarot, 

Inner Journeys, Vison Quest & Ceremony.

Full information including structure & prices etc. on website.

Max. 12 participants

Please Note: Applications in writing followed by personal interview

Deadline for Registration: 22 August 2021

Leader: Jacob Moth

Guest Teacher: Derek R. Seagrief

All enquiries via email:

Link:  www.the  then “Academy”



Copenhagen Man’s Group


Start of New Group: 


Weds. 25 August 2021 kl. 18-22.30

Monthly Meetings Wednesday in Rødovre


Interested? Then Register NOW to secure your place.

Contact Derek

Mobile: 23 81 76 18



Derek’s Virgo Newsletter– August/September 2021


Derek’s Newsletter – July 2021